
【题目】When Iain Douglas-Hamilton first started studying elephants in Africa,he had to invent ways of tracking the big animals. Over the course of 40 years in the field, the zoologist learned how to fly airplanes and use some high-tech means to follow their movements. He also learned how to get out of the way fast. "I learned how to climb trees very quickly," says Dr. Douglas-Hamilton, winner of the 2010 Indianapolis Prize.

As co-founder of Save the Elephants, he has also learned to be an activist, author, and politician. When Douglas-Hamilton left Tanzania, in East Africa, in 1970 to study at Oxford University in Britain, he left behind "an elephants' paradise (乐园)."But when he returned in 1972, the country's national parks looked more like a war zone. Douglas-Hamilton often found more dead elephants than living ones.

Dr. Douglas-Hamilton now lives in Kenya with his wife, Oria, who co-founded Save the Elephants. Together they have written two books, "Battle for the Elephants" and " Among the Elephants".

During the height of the ivory poaching (偷猎),Douglas-Hamilton flew in small planes, helping bring back elephants in Uganda from the edge of extinction. He's been repeatedly shot at and has survived plane crashes, floods and diseases. He fought for years for a worldwide ban on ivory sales, which finally took effect in 1989.

Douglas-Hamilton pioneered the scientific study of elephant social behavior. Among his discoveries: Elephants have a society controlled by female elephants and travel in families. In 2009, he worked to save a rare group of desert elephants in Mali from the worst dry weather in Mali's history. There have been other successes, particularly in East and Southern Africa. Douglas—Hamilton has proposed (提议) the idea of a mobile national park, where the protected land would follow elephants as they travel. No country has yet accepted it.

Even after decades of research, Douglas-Hamilton still enjoys the company of elephants. "I love to sit with them and be with them, "he says. "I have the greatest joy just to be with elephants at peace."

【1】What is the passage mainly about?

A. Douglas-Hamilton's winning the Indianapolis Prize.

B. Douglas-Hamilton's devotion to protecting elephants.

C. Douglas-Hamilton's research into African animals.

D. Douglas-Hamilton's fight for a mobile national park.

【2】Before Iain Douglas-Hamilton left Tanzania for Oxford University ,________.

A. ivory poaching was common

B. elephants were well protected

C. elephants often died strangely

D. the ban on ivory sales had been introduced

【3】Douglas-Hamilton did the following to protect elephants EXCEPT________.

A. building mobile national parks

B. saving desert elephants in Mali

C. founding Save the Elephants

D. demanding a ban on ivory sales

【4】The underlined word "it" in Para. 5 refers to the________.

A. national park B. protected land

C. idea D. elephant







【1】主旨大意题。本文讲述了 Douglas-Hamilton 在保护非洲大象方面所作出的巨大贡献。故选B。

【2】推理判断题。根据文章第二段可知,在Iain Douglas-Hamilton 去Oxford University之前,那儿是大象的乐园, 这说明大象获得了很好的保护,狩猎并不严重。故选B。

【3】细节理解题。根据文章第五段的Douglas-Hamilton has proposed (提议)the idea of a mobile national park... No country has yet accepted it.可知他只是提出建设流动国家公园的建议,故A项描述错误。




The baby is just one day old and has not yet left hospital. She is quiet but alert (警觉). Twenty centimeters from her face researchers have placed a white card with two black spots on it. She stares at it carefully. A researcher removes the card and replaces it by another, this time with the spots differently spaced. As the cards change from one to the other, her gaze(凝视) starts to lose its focus until a third, with three black spots, is presented. Her gaze returns: she looks at it for twice as long as she did at the previous card. Can she tell that the number two is different from three, just 24 hours after coming into the world?

Or do newborns simply prefer more to fewer? The same experiment, but with three spots shown before two, shows the same return of interest when the number of spots changes. Perhaps it is just the newness? When slightly older babies were shown cards with pictures of objects (a comb, a key, an orange and so on), changing the number of objects had an effect separate from changing the objects themselves. Could it be the pattern that two things make, as opposed to three? No again. Babies paid more attention to squares moving randomly on a screen when their number changed from two to three, or three to two. The effect even crosses between senses. Babies who were repeatedly shown two spots became more excited when they then heard three drumbeats than when they heard just two; likewise (同样地)when the researchers started with drumbeats and moved to spots.

1Babies are sensitive to the change in______.

A. the size of cards

B. the colour of pictures

C. the shape of patterns

D. the number of objects

2Why did the researchers test the babies with drumbeats?

A. To reduce the difficulty of the experiment.

B. To see how babies recognize sounds.

C. To carry their experiment further.

D. To keep the babies’ interest.

3Where does this text probably come from?

A. Science fiction.

B. Children’s literature.

C. An advertisement.

D. A science report.

【题目】 When my friend put out the idea of homeschooling to her parents, the first reaction they gave was, “You are cutting the child off the world.” Did the child really get cut off or did the child socialize better?

The moment we hear of homeschooling, we think the child will have no opportunities to interact with peers. However, in my friend’s opinion, we forget that when attending a regular school, the child is not into socializing all the while. The child is confined to so many other activities. Studies take a major role in a child’s life. The child hardly has the time to interact at school.

The child might be meeting and studying along with many peers; however, how many kids interact with all the kids in a class? But in homeschooling system, as my friend mentioned, the kid has all the time and can plan his day accordingly. During the day the child studies just like other school-going kids but with no burden of homework and project work, the child has so much free time in the evening as to effectively interact and play with peers. The quality time the child spends in education is really impressive.

Homeschooled kids have the opportunity to socialize more often as they have a lot of time in their hands. They can also make socializing a regular habit. Just as my friend said, her child goes to a neighboring park almost every day and has a set of friends who go there daily. Other children get back home to finish off homework and project work whereas her child who is already through with studies gets the opportunity to spend time with family members.

When I heard this, I really felt how lucky the child was. Definitely the child had a better opportunity to socialize when compares with my kids. However, I might not consider homeschooling for my kid, as I am so used to the traditional schooling system and feel regular schooling the safest bet.

1What is the author’s attitude towards his friend’s idea of homeschooling?

A. Surprised. B. Interested.

C. Negative. D. Confident.

2The author’s purpose in writing the passage is to _________.

A. explain what homeschooling is.

B. express his views on homeschooling.

C. share his ways of teaching his children.

D. promote homeschooling

3The underlined word “confined” in the Para.2 can be replaced by _______.

A. free B. restricted

C. devoted D. accustomed

4According to the author what is the biggest advantage of homeschooling children?

A. They can be better at socializing.

B. They can be more popular.

C. They will become braver.

D. They can study better.

5How does the passage mainly develop?

A. By following the order of importance.

B. By following the order of time

C. By presenting facts.

D. By making comparison.

【题目】Volunteer Day schedule:

7:30 a.m.: Meet at the Community Center for breakfast.

8-8:30 a.m.: Visit with people from the many participating organizations. Choose which activity you’d like to help with for the day.

8:30-9 a.m.: Board the bus for your chosen activity, and ride with other volunteers to your activity site.

9-12:00 a.m.: Work as a volunteer.

12:00 a.m.-1 p.m.: Share lunch with your volunteer group. Don’t forget to bring food for lunch from home!

1-3:30 p.m.: Continue your volunteer work.

3:30 p.m.: Board the bus that will take you back to the Community Center, where you will be able to talk with other volunteers and share your experiences.

See below for a list of volunteer opportunities for Volunteer Day so you can begin thinking about which activity you might want to join.

Happy Homes: it provides home repairs for needy people in the form of painting. It also provides painters to create beautiful paintings inside schools of community centers.

Elder Care: Elder Care sends volunteers into nursing homes to spend time with them, play board games with them, and talk with them.

City Parks Association: you can help plant flowers and bushes in city parks or pick up trash around the river banks. These activities are very active, so remember to be prepared with plenty of drinking water!

Love and Learning: it provides volunteers to help children with learning disabilities. Read books out loud to groups of children aged four to six, or read one-on-one with struggling readers aged seven to eight.

【1】 According to the schedule, how long will a volunteer work a day?

A. 3 hours B. 5.5 hours

C. 7.5 hours. D. 8 hours.

【2】To join Happy Homes, one should _____.

A. be very good at art.

B. enjoying talking with people.

C. be able to play board games.

D. like working with young children.

【3】 For volunteers who enjoy being outside in nature, they can join _____.

A. Elder Care B. Happy Homes

C. Love and Learning D. City parks Association

【题目】Our plan was to drive into Cambridge, catch the 7:34 train to Liverpool Street Station, then to separate and meet again for lunch.We should have arrived at Liverpool at 9:19, but due to a typical London fog, the train had to move along so slowly that it was not until 10:30 that it got there.In spite of our late arrival, Joan, my wife’s sister, decided that she would go to see the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London while we went shopping.It was only after her sister had disappeared into the fog that my wife realized that we hadn’t decided where we should meet for lunch.Since I had our three tickets for the concert in my pocket, this was indeed a problem.There seemed to be nothing we could do except taking a taxi to the Tower of London, and try to find her there.Needless to say, we didn’t find her.

It was now one o’clock, and the concert began at 2:30.“Perhaps she will think of waiting outside the concert hall,” suggested my wife hopefully.By this time the fog was so thick that road traffic had to stop, and the only way to get there was by underground railway.Hand in hand we felt our way along the road to where we thought the nearest station should be.An hour later we were still trying to find it.Just as I was about to lose my temper completely when we met a blind man tapping his way confidently through the fog.With his help we found Tower Hill tube station just fifty yards down the road

By now it was far too late even to try to get to the concert hall before the performance began at 2:30, so we decided to return to Cambridge.It took seven long hours instead of the usual two to make that journey.Nor were we able to get any food and drink on the train.Tired and hungry we finally reached home at ten, opening the door to the sound of the telephone bell.It was Joan; she had seen the Crown Jewels, had managed to get another ticket for concert, and had had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant near the hotel where she decided to stay for the night.Now she was ringing to discover whether we had had an equally successful day.

【1】Why was Joan separated from her sister and her brother-in-law?

A. they could not see each other because of the fog.

B. Joan had not seen Crown Jewels.

C. They planned to do different things until lunch time.

D. The writer didn’t want to go to the concert.

【2】What did the writer plan to do in the afternoon?

A. Go to the concert.

B. See the Crown Jewels.

C. Return to Cambridge.

D. Go shopping.

【3】The reason why they didn’t all meet for lunch was that _______.

A. They lost their way in the fog

B. they forgot to make necessary arrangement

C. they waited at different places and didn’t meet each other

D. the couple couldn’t find the underground station

【4】It’s quite clear that for Joan the trip to London had been ________.

A. spilt by the fog

B. quite tiring

C. rather disappointing

D. very enjoyable

【题目】For the first time, researchers have discovered that some plants can kill insects in order to get additional nutrients. New research shows that they catch and kill small insects with their own sticky hairs near the roots and then absorb nutrients through their roots when the insects are killed and fall to the ground.

Professor Mark Chase, of Kew and Queen Mary, University of London, said: “The cultivated (改良的) tomatoes and potatoes still have the hairs. Tomatoes in particular are covered with these sticky hairs. They do trap small insects on a regular basis. They do kill insects.”

The number of these carnivorous plants is thought to have came up to 50 percent and many of them have until now been wrongly regarded as among the most harmless plants. Among them are species of petunia(矮牵牛), some special tobacco plants and cabbages, some varieties of potatoes and tomatoes, etc. Researchers at Royal Botanical Gardens Kew, which carried out the study, now believe there are hundreds more killer plants than previously realized.

It is thought that the technique was developed in the wild to get necessary nutrients in poor quality soil and even various plants grown in your vegetable garden still have the ability.

The researchers, publishing their finding in the Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, said: “We may be surrounded by many more murderous plants than we think.” “We are accustomed to thinking of plants as being immobile and harmless, and there is something deeply frightening about the thought of meat-eating plants," they added.

1Tomatoes and potatoes kill insects to _____.

A. get more sticky hairs

B. make themselves grow better

C. make their roots stronger

D. avoid falling down to the ground

2The word “carnivorous” in Paragraph 3 most probably means _____.

A. fast-growing

B. harmless

C. insect-killing

D. nutritious

3The insect-killing technique of vegetables is developed most probably through _____.

A. evolution of species

B. helps from other garden plants

C. artificial cultivation

D. nutrients preserved in rich soil

4The text is probably taken from _____.

A. a student book

B. a science fiction

C. a scientific repot

D. a bulletin board

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