
He'd like to sleep with the window ________ at night.

  1. A.
    open wide
  2. B.
    open widely
  3. C.
    wide open
  4. D.
    opened wide
形容词、副词的正确含义和用法.wide和widely都可以用作副词,但含义不同.wide是指具体的幅度,而widely是指抽象意义上的“广泛地”,比如It is widely known“大家都知道”.本题中指窗户打开的幅度,当然用wide.类似的副词还有high/ highly, wide/ widely, deep/ deeply, close/ closely, late/ lately, most/ mostly等.

Fear plays no part in this latest problem. “ I’m not afraid I’ll lose my children. I won’t lose my children. We live together, and nothing, nothing, ” she repeats, her voice rising when speaking to John’s lawyer, “ will stop me from being with my children. A law? Yeah, right. Don’t disturb me when it comes to my children. You are never going to win. If John wants to see them, I cannot stop him. He’s their father ---- I want them to see him! However, his visit in his present condition will disturb the children’s stable(稳定的) life.”

John, who has spent much of his time in California recently, has only hired a house for himself in Pennsylvania, according to his lawyer. “ If he’d like to stick to a regular life, I’d be more than happy to do that, ” Jane says. “ The best thing for any child of a divorced (离婚的) parent is a stable life. I want nothing more than for him to set up a stable life for himself, so that he can be part of making our children’s lives more stable.”

While matters of money and care won’t be settled for weeks, Jane hardly puts her life on hold. Last week the ABC network announced that Jane would return with her own show, Twist of Jane, in which she gives advice to other moms. Jane and her eight children will also return to ABC in a series of Jane Plus 8 specials showing them on various adventures. It’s a rest for Jane, who insists that she needs her new, busy life to provide for her family. “ I have to lead such a life, and I’m thankful that I’ve built it to the top where now I can support my children, ” she says.

And whether a bellicose (好斗的) dance judge or a bellicose former wife, Jane plans to keep on facing attacks on her. “ Some people try to knock me down --- only to make me more fierce, more protective, more determined to do better, ” she says. “ Go ahead, take me on. This will just make me stronger. ”

According to Jane in the first paragraph, the law ______.

   A. can’t take her children away from her

   B. can’t do anything with the case

   C. will best settle the problem

   D. will disturb her children

What does “ to do that ” refer to in the second paragraph?

   A. To live with John.

   B. To hire a house for John.

   C. To allow John to see the children.

   D. To ask John to set up a regular life.

What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?

   A. Jane’s life is very difficult.

   B. Jane continues to live as usual.

   C. Jane almost can’t control her life.

   D. Jane works very hard to live a happy life.

Which word can best describe Jane?

   A. Proud.        B. Fierce.          C. Determined.        D. Independent.

Fear plays no part in this latest problem.“I’m not afraid I'll lose my children.I won't lose my children. We live together, and nothing, nothing,”she repeats, her voice rising when speaking to John's lawyer, “will stop me from being with my children. A law? Year, right. Don't disturb me when it comes to my children. You are never going to win. If John wants to see them, I cannot stop him. He's their father­­—I want them to see him! However, his visit in his present condition will disturb the children's stable (稳定的) life.”
John, who has spent much of his time in California recently, has only hired a house for himself in Pennsylvania, according to his lawyer. "If he'd like to stick to a regular life, I'd be more than happy to do that," Jane says. "The best thing for any child of a divorced (离婚的) parent is a stable life. I want nothing more than for him to set up a stable life for himself, so that he can be part of making our children's lives more stable. "
While matters of money and care won't be settled for weeks, Jane hardly puts her life on hold. Last week the ABC network announced that Jane would return with her own show, Twist of Jane, in which she gives advice to other moms.Jane and her eight children will also return to ABC in a series  of  Jane Plus 8 specials showing them on various adventures.It’s a rest for Jane.who insists that she needs her new,busy life to provide for her family.“I have to lead such a life.and I’m thankful that I’ve built it to the top where now I can support my children.”she says.
And  whether a bellicose(好斗的)dance judge or a bellicose former wife,Jane plans to keep  0n facing attacks on her.  “Some people try to knock me down—only to make me more fierce,more protective,more determined to do better,”she says.“Go ahead,take me on.This will just make me stronger.”
1  According to Jane in the first paragraph,the low____________
A. can’t take her children away from her        B. can’t do anything with the case
C. will best settle the problem                D.  will disturb her children
2 . What does “to do that” refer to in the second paragraph?
A. To live with John.                    B.To hire a house for John.
C.To allow John to see the children         D.To ask John to set up a regular life.
3. What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?
A.Jane’s life is very difficult.         B.Jane continues to live as usual.
C.Jane almost can’t control her lire      D.Jane works very hard to live a happy life.
4 . Which word can best describe Jane?
A. Proud.    B.Fierce.    C.Determined.     D.Independent

Tara、Claudia、Monica、Terry 和Tony正在挑选自己所需要的网站。第56至60题是他们的个人情况介绍。阅读下面六个网站的简介(A、B、C、D、E、F),选出符合各人需要的最佳选项,选项中有一项是多余选项。
56. Tara has got a new video camera and is crazy about it. Wherever she goes, she’d like to take it with her and record everything she finds interesting. She thinks it cool to share her life with others through the recordings.
57. As a newcomer to this city, Claudia wants to make new friends with people around her. She likes this city except for one thing, that is, she is not allowed to raise any pet due to the flat rules. That’s too much for an animal lover like her.
58. Monica is clever with her hands and likes making toys. She wants to find a way to show her work to others and share the pleasure with them. If possible, she’d like to make pocket money by selling the toys.
59. Terry worries about his phone bill every month. As he has lots of friends, making phone calls, sending and receiving messages are a necessary part of his life. Sometimes he has to say hello to each of his friends by mobile phone. It costs him lots of time and money.
60. In his spare time, Tony travels a lot. It’s hard for his friends to get in touch with him when he’s away. He’d like to find a way to share his travel experiences with his friends and let them know where he is.
A. www.ddff.com
The site enables users to keep track of where their friends are and get informed of who is visiting their hometown. Users put in their travel plan and link to their friends. It allows them to see where everyone is.
B. www.euke.com
A New York-based Internet businessman once said it was “your place to buy and sell all things handmade”. You can sell everything made by yourself from clothes and furniture to music on Euke.com. The site was founded in 2005 and now has more than half a million users and 60,000 sellers.
C. www.momo.com
Created by a London games firm, Momo combines computer pet games with social communication and questions. Players keep “pets”, and look after them by answering regular questions. “Pets” can play with each other online, providing “pet owners” with chances to socialize. With its funny pictures and attractive qualities, Momo wants to become the next craze for young people.
D. www.png.canwest.com
The site provides a platform for companies and individuals that try to satisfy every need of today’s customers. The practice has moved from the office to the customer’s kitchen and beyond. And the services provided include everything from dog walking to laundry. Founded this year, the site already has more than 5,000 users.
E. www.cosm.com
Instead of marketing videos, Cosm centers on online video diaries. The site has not gone public yet, but has had positive reviews from testers. The website’s founder was once an Internet advisor to an international company.
F. www.ttter.com
Ttter enables you to text messages to large groups of people at a time, and for free. Sign up and send it a message, from a phone or the Internet, and it will be sent to receivers. The message is limited to just 140 characters. Set up in March, 2006, Ttter.com has already attracted over 500,000 users.

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