时间 | 昨天 |
地点 | 中心大街第二拐角处 |
事故经过 | 卡车司机开车前饮酒过多,开车时头晕造成卡车失控,撞翻一辆小汽车, 导致包括卡车司机在内的4人死亡,部分人受伤 |
影响 | 市区交通中断一小时 |
经济损失 | 100万元 |
巿政府态度 | 告诫其他司机要从事故中吸取教训 |
2. 内容要连贯,不能逐句翻译;
3. 适当表达自己的见解、感受(写一两句话).
A Serious Traffic Accident
Yesterday,a serious accident happened at the second turning of Central Street. It is said that the driver drank too much before driving. As a result,he began to feel d izzy and gradually he lost control of the truck. Unfor?tunately ,the truck crashed into a small car,which killed four people, including the truck driver and hurt some people.
The accident had a bad influence on the city. The downtown area traffic had to be cut off for an hour. To make matters worse, the economic losses caused by this horrible accident reached a miWion yuan. The government told all the drivers to learn a lesson from the accident.
In my view, it should be forbidden to drive after drinking and I feel sorry for the people who were killed.