
1.All plants need water to grow.Watering plants seems like a simple task but it actually requires many considerations.For example,plants growing in areas with low rainfall or areas (33)exposed(expose) to dry wind require more water.On the other hand,plants which have a good adaptation to dry conditions or have the ability to store water in their cells require(34)less frequent(frequent) watering.The watering of plants should not be viewed as a minor process in gardening (35)as/for/because/since this task plays an extremely important role in ensuring healthy plant growth.
Let's first take a closer look at plants growing in gardens.Since watering is a critical gardening task,(36)an accessible water supply is vital.A garden tap with a hose of sufficient length to reach the furthest part of the garden (37)is preferred(prefer).This tends to make watering much easier and ensures adequate water is provided for the plants.Most inexperienced gardeners water little (38)butvery frequently.This is undesirable as it encourages shallow root growth.In addition,watering in full sun causes leaves to lose water quickly from the surface of the soil.Therefore,some experts recommend(39)installing(install) an automatic watering system.
As for plants growing in pots or containers,they tend to lose water rapidly.One way to reduce such a risk is (40)to grow(group) the plants close together to keep moisture.Try to move them to a shady place if you are away from home for a few days.Otherwise,you will return home to see your plants dead.

分析 本文属于说明文类的短文阅读.主要介绍了植物的成长过程,着重讲解了植物与水之间的密切关系,并以一些耐旱植物为例进行了说明.

解答 33.exposed 34.less frequent 35.as/for/because/since 36.an 37.is preferred 38.but 39.installing 40.to grow
34.less frequent.考查形容词的比较级.根据句意"那些能很好的适应干旱的环境或者能在细胞中储存水分的植物不需要经常浇水",可知填frequent反义的比较级less frequent.
37.is preferred.考查被动语态."A garden tap with a hose of sufficient length to reach the furthest part of the garden"整个为主语,"with a hose of sufficient length"修饰"a garden tap,to reach the furthest part of the garden"不定式表目的,根据句意,填入prefer的被动语态形式,表示"被更加喜爱".
39.installing.考查动名词作宾语.建议、推荐做某事recommend doing sth.故填installing.
40.to grow.考查不定式作表语.不定式作表语,表示尚未做,可以去做的事情,故填to grow.

点评 语法填空题主要是考查对文章句子结构和词汇搭配的用法.题型涵盖了连词、非谓语、冠词、比较级、不定式、被动语态等板块.本文整体难度不大而且本次语法题中,难词、偏词、怪词几乎没有.所以,扎实的语法基本功以及理解力是考生确保语法选择题拿满分的前提.这篇文章除了要求学生的语法功底外,更不能忘了有不少题目是需要通过全文的语义来进行填空的.

6.Around the Word by Wheelchair
Rick Hansen was always an active kid and loved to fish.When returning in a pickup truck one day from a fishing trip,the truck hit a tree and he was thrown from the back of it.Hansen received a spinal(脊柱的) injury and lost the use of his legs.However,he didn't give up.Many months later he began to compete in wheelchair sports.Hansen won national championships on wheelchair volleyball and wheelchair basketball teams.
At the age of 27,Hansen started his Man in Motion World Tur to raise awareness and money for spinal research.Though public attention was low at the beginning of the tour,he soon attracted international media attention.His tour took him through 34 countries between1985 and 1987.He wheeled 24,900.miles,which is equal to the distance around the earth.Bad weather and difficult rocky roads often provided Challenges,but he continued to push himself to complete the trip.Even mountains did not stop Hansen.He wheeled himself up the Rocky Mountains and several other major mountains in the world.He even wheeled himself along the Great wall of China!Hansen completed his world tour raising 26 million dollars.
"Never give up on your dreams"is his motto and he hasn't given up yet.Hansen is most famous for his Man in Motion World Tour and was officially introduced into the Canada's Sports Hall of fame in 2006.He was one of the final torchbearers(火炬手) in the 2010 Winter Olympics.In addition,with Hansen as CEO,the Ricky Hansen Foundation has run programs supporting treatment and quality of life programs for people with spinal injuries as well as related disabilities.During 2011 and 2012,the Foundation was also part of a cross-Canada tour called the Rick Hansen 25th  Anniversary Relay that followed the same way as Hansen's original Man in Motion Tour about 25 years after it began.

54.What happened to Rick Hansen after the accident?C
A.He lost the ability of living.
B.He couldn't do sports anymore.
C.He couldn't walk anymore.
D.He had to spend his life in hospital.
55.Why did Rick Hansen take his tour around the world in his wheelchair?C
A.To travel to different countries for fun.
B.To take photos of beautiful mountains.
C.To make contributions to spinal research.
D.To learn about the people of other countries.
56.From the passage we can see Rick Hansen is aD person.

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