

Attractions in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Historical Museum

  30 N.Carroll Street on Madison's Capitol Square

  Discover Wisconsin's history and culture on four floors of exhibits.Open for public program.

  Admission is free.Open the second day of a week through Saturday, 9∶00 a. m.-4∶00 p. m.

  (608)2646555 www.wisconsinhistory.org/museum

Swiss Historical Village

  612 Seventh Ave., New Glares

  The Swiss Historical Village offers a delightful look at pioneer life in America's heartland.14 buildings in the village give a full picture of everyday life in the nineteenth century Midwest.

Tue.Fri., May 1st October 31st, 10∶00 a. m.-4∶00 p. m.Admission is $20.

  (608)527-2317 www.swisshistoricalvillage.com

Artisan Gallery & Creamery Café

  6858 Paoli Rd., Paoli, WI

  One of the largest collections of fine arts and crafts in Wisconsin.Over 5000 sq.ft.of exhibition space in a historic creamery.While visiting, enjoy a wonderfully prepared lunch at our café overlooking the Sugar River.Just minutes from Madison!

  Gallery open Tue.Sun., 10∶00 a. m.-5∶00 p. m.

  Café open Wed.Sat., 11∶00 a. m.-3∶00 p. m.

  Sun.brunch with wine, 10∶00 a. m.-3∶00 p. m.

  (608)845-6600 www.artisangal.com

Christopher Columbus Museum

  239 Whitney St., Columbus

  World class exhibit-2000 quality souvenirs marking Chicago's 1893 World Columbian Exhibition.Tour buses are always welcome.

  Open daily, 8∶15 a. m.-4∶00 p. m.

  (920)623-1992 www.columbusantiquemall.com


Which of the following is on Capitol Square?

[  ]


Wisconsin Historical Museum.


Swiss Historical Village.


Artisan Gallery & Creamery Café.


Christopher Columbus Museum.


Where can you go for a visit on Monday?

[  ]


Wisconsin Historical Museum.


Swiss Historical Village.


Artisan Gallery & Creamery Café.


Christopher Columbus Museum.


Where can visitors have lunch?

[  ]


At Wisconsin Historical Museum.


At Swiss Historical Village.


At Artisan Gallery & Creamery Café.


At Christopher Columbus Museum.



  How do you meet new people, make new friends, or find out about the latest bands?Here in the UK young people have traditionally done their socializing(社交)in bars and clubs.

  However, there is a new generation growing up that finds it easier to manage their social lives on the net, using free websites like MySpace, Bebo or MSN Spaces.

  The most successful social networking website in the UK is MySpace.com.As of May 2007, MySpace is the world's fourth most popular English-language website, attracting almost 3 million visitors per month.MySpace claims to have 95 million members with 500, 000 new members joining the community each week.

  So how has it become so successful?Perhaps its secret is in its simplicity.Each new member can build their own page simply-uploading photos, videos and MP3 files.Then they describe themselves, listing their likes, dislikes, favorite bands, etc..It's an easy way to hook up with people who share your interests.

  While socializing is the key to MySpace's success, love of music is at the heart of the community.Indeed, most aspiring musicians in the UK upload their songs to the site, and with good reason:unsigned artists, Arctic Monkeys and Lilly Allen created such an attraction on the site that they were offered recording contracts and scored number one hits.

  Here at learning English we feel that social network sites could be a great place to practice your English.Why not give it a try?You can tell us about your experience by filling in the new comments form at the top of the screen.


Visitors to MySpace can do all EXCEPT ________ on the site.

[  ]


doing socializing


building personal pages


getting musicians' signature


learning English


What does the underlined phrase“hook up”in the 4th paragraph mean?

[  ]










Which is the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Best Personal Page


Ways of Communication


Sites for English Learning


The Rise of MySpace

  Chinese cigarette packs will have skulls(骷髅),blackened teeth or diseased lungs printed on them in the latest effort to deal with smoking,but one expert said the images may actually attract younger people to take up the habit.
  The images would have to take up at least 30 percent of the pack's surface area under rrules that would come into force from January 2009.It was part of a plan that would also see tobacco advertising banned in China by 2011.Similar images are already printed on packs in countries including Singapore,Thailand and Canada.
  Chinese are the world's most enthusiastic smokers,with a growing market of more than 300 million making it a magnet for cigarette companies and a focus of international health concern.China has banned smoking on public transport,but it is still allwed in many public places such as restaurants,and it is not uncommon to see people smoking in hospitals.
  The average age people take up smoking in some parts of the country had hallen to as low as just over 10.And the new measures could make the problem worse,according to Zhao Cuiping,a youth expert."In analysis over the past decade(十年) on what young people like,they far prefer skulls and other scary images to cats or dogs,"she said.
  Chinese cigarettes are also among the cheapest in the world and a packet can cost as little as eight US. cents.
  The country needs to take effective measures to cut down smoking or the habit could end up killing 2.2 million Chinese a year by 2020,the World Health Organization said in May.
  56.The new designs will be adopted on cigarette packs ______.
   A.to attract young people     B.increase tobacco sales
   C.as trade mardks           D.as health warnings
  57.We can infer from the article that nobody is allowed to smoke while _____ in China now.
   A.staying in a hospital B.taking a bus ride C.eating outsede D.walking in the street
  58.Zhao Cuiping seemed to think that teenagers would ______.
   A.enjoy the new cigarette packs
   B.dislike the new measures
   C.be the last to give up their smoking habit
   D.prefer to have pet animals on the packs
  59.All the paragraphs support the idea that China's smoking problem is serious except ____.
   A.Paragraph 1 B.Paragraphs 1 and 2 C.Paragraphs 1and 5 D.Paragraphs 2,5 and 6

It was close to dusk.We came to a large,bowl-shaped nest in which we saw the gray head of a very small sea turtle popping out about half an inch out of the sand.Then we heard a rustling in the bushes behind us.A flesh-eating bird came near.
Our young guide wanted us to be quiet and watch the bird moving towards the young turtle’s
The bird got closer and closer to the opening and began pecking at the young turtle’s head, trying to pull it out of the sands.
The young life was in danger.We were worried about it.One of us asked the guide,“Aren’t
you going to do something?”
He put his finger to his lips and said,“This is the way nature works.”
But we didn’t agree with him and spoke with one voice asking him to do something.So he had to go and pull the young turtle out of his hole and put it on its way towards the sea.
What happened next,however,caught everyone by surprise Soon after the young turtle was set free,lots of baby turtles—having received a wrong signal that it was safe—went out of the nest and began moving towards the sea.
Our foolishness became clear.Not only had the baby turtles come out under the mistaken impression that it was safe to do so,but their mad dash was taking place too early.The still-clear
light of dusk allowed no hiding from meat—eating birds.Within a short period of time,dozens of
baby turtles had been eaten by those birds.Our young guide quickly took a baseball cap and filled it with baby turtles.Walking into the water.he set them free.Then he wildly waved his hat to frighten off those birds.
When it was over,the joyful cries of dozens of well—fed birds rifled the air.Two of the birds stood silently on the beach hoping to catch a final,struggling baby turtle.All that could be heard was the sound of the waves beating against the sands.
Heads down,we walked slowly along the beach in the dusk.
56.At first, the guide would not help the young turtle out of the nest because____.
A.he wouldn’t mind others’business
B.he thought the young turtle liked to dash into the sea
C.he wanted the young turtles to take their own course
D.he thought the young turtle should have come out earlier
57.In fact,the first baby turtle worked as_______.
A.a clever spy to attract the birds outside B.one to get information outside the nest
C.a leader to come out first                        D.a brave guard to fight against the birds
58.From the last sentence of the passage, we know that _______.
A.they were sad because the young turtles were foolish
B.they felt very tired with the still—clear light shining
C.they came to know that their rush to help did more harm than good
D.they regretted not killing the meat—eating birds
59.According to the passage,which of the following statements may be true?
A.The young turtles were doomed (注定) to be eaten by those birds.
B.All the young turtles are eaten by dozens of birds.
C.The young turtles shouldn’t come out of their nest before it was dark.
D.The young turtles gathered to frighten off the birds.


第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

         When you think of snowy winter festivals, Sapporo in Japan probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind.In Japan, there are winter festivals every year that draw great crowds and offer lots of attractions to everybody.

         The biggest one is the Sapporo Snow Festival which is held every year in February on Japan's snow covered northern island, Hokkaido(北海道).The Sapporo Snow Festival was the first of its kind held in Japan, and it is still the biggest.Every year, 2 million snow lovers rush to Sapporo, the biggest city in Hokkaido, to enjoy the Snow Festival in the first two weeks of February.At the Festival, you can see hundreds of snow sculptures made by artists from all over the world.Some are a couple of building stories high and weigh tons.There are ice sculptures too, and ice bars where you can go inside and have a beer.

         The Sapporo Snow Festival was started in the 1950's by a group of high school kids.Feeling very bored in winter, they started a snow sculptures competition.Every year, more kids took part in the competition and now the festival draws snow artists from 15 different countries.There are also musical performances, light shows, and snowball fights.

         Every major area has its own snow festival.One of the most popular is the Iwate Snow Festival.It's held in the small town of Shizukuishi in early or mid-February.Iwate is also famous for its yearly fireworks displays, where festival-goers can watch the colors reflected off the snow.In Iwate, you can see traditional Japanese musicians and dancers perform on floats.

         If you want a truly unique winter festival experience, northern Japan is a great place to go.Just make sure you dress warmly.

1.Why is the Sapporo Snow Festival famous in Japan?

         A.The snow in Hokkaido is very thick.

         B.it is the first and the biggest in Japan

         C.There are lots of snow sculptures there.

         D.its snow sculptures are the highest.

2.When is the Sapporo Snow Festival held in Japan?

         A.In late February.

         B.From January to February.

         C.In the first two weeks of February.

         D.Two weeks before February.

3.Who started the Sapporo Snow Festival at first?

         A.The government of Sapporo.

         B.Artists from all over the world.

         C.Kids who liked outside activities..

         D.A group of high school students.

4.The author wrote the passage to _______.

         A.introduce Japan’s Sapporo Snow Festival

         B.attract people to take part in northern Japan’s winter festival

         C.introduce Japan’s winter festival activities

         D.tell us the history of Japan’s winter festivals




In the summer of 1978 an English farmer was driving his tractor through a field of wheat when he discovered that some of his wheat was lying flat on the ground. The flattened(变平的) wheat formed a circle about six meters across. Around this circle were four smaller circles of flattened wheat. The five circles were in a formation(构造) like five dots (点). During the following years, farmers in England found the strange circles in their fields more and more often.

The circles are called “crop circles” because they appear in the fields of grain—usually wheat or corn. The grain in the circles lies flat on the ground but is never broken; it continues to grow, and farmers can later harvest it .Farmers always discover the crop circles in the morning, so the circles probably form at night. They appear only in the months from May to September.

At first, people thought that the circles were a hoax. Probably young people were making them as a joke ,or farmers were making them to attract tourists .To prove that the circles were a hoax, people tried to make circles exactly like the ones that farmers had found. They couldn’t do it .They couldn’t enter a field of grain without leaving tracks, and they couldn’t flatten the grain without breaking it.

Many people believe that beings from outer space are making the circles to communicate(交流)with us from far away and that the crop circles are messages from them.

Scientists who have studied the crop circles suggested several possibilities. Some scientists say that a downward rush of wind leads to the formation of the circles—the same downward rush of air that sometimes causes an airplane to crash(坠毁).Other scientists say that forces within the earth cause the circles to appear. There is one problem with all these scientific explanations: crop circles often appear in formations, like the five-dot formation. It is hard to believe that any natural force could form those.

61. In the summer of 1978 , an English farmer discovered in his field that______.      

A.some of his wheat had been damaged

B.his grain was growing up in circles

C.his grain was moved into several circles

D.some of his wheat had fallen onto the ground

62. According to the text, the underlined part “hoax” (line 1, para.3 ) probably means       .

A.an action made to fool people

B.a special way to plant crops

C.a research on the force of winds

D.an experiment for the protection of crops

63. Which of the following may prove that the crop circles are not made by man?

A.The farmers couldn’t step out of the field.

B.The farmers couldn’t make the circles round.

C.The farmers couldn’t leave without footprints.

D.The farmers couldn’t keep the wheat straight up.

64. That the crop circles are made by       is probably true.

A.air movement                               B.airplane crashes

C.new farming techniques                 D.unknown flying objects


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