
Twenty years ago, the following news item probably wouldn’t have made much sense to most Americans.

Muslims in Iran went to the streets today to support an ayatollah①’s call for a revolution. Meanwhile, in Israel, Palestinian leaders urged support for the intifada②, ①leader ②struggle

These words come from Arabic, a language with which few Americans are familiar. Yet by 1990 these words were routinely used in both broadcast and print news. How did these words find their way into English?

Like all existing languages, English is continually changing. The adoption of foreign words into English vocabulary, called borrowing, is anything but a new phenomenon. In fact, it’s been going on from the time the language first began to take shape around A. D. 450. English has been borrowing words from the conquered(被征服者), trading partners, immigrants, and a variety of other sources.

So when the events in the Middle East commanded the world’s attention during the latter part of the twentieth century. English simply borrowed the words it needed to describe what was happening in that area. The more often such words were used, the less “foreign” they sounded. Eventually, these borrowed words came to be used routinely in speech and writing.

Borrowed vocabulary from foreign language is not the only source of new words in English. As fresh ideas evolve and innovative technology are developed, new English words are created to describe them. These words may be words borrowed(WB) from other languages, existing words taking on new meanings(EWNM), acronyms, blends, compounds, or newly coined words, as the following examples and the chart show.


borrowed from Swahili: seven-day African-American cultural festival


old word, meaning to knock quickly, taking on a new meaning; a form of music


acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome


blend of existing words: exercise + bicycle


compound of existing words


new word for fatty deposits on the hips and legs, coined in 1971

In the next four lessons, you’ll be introduced to some of the history and mechanisms(体系)that have shaped and continued to influence the language we use. Whether the words we speak are borrowed or created, they show a vital feature of English---adaptability. English is alive.

1.What does the word “commanded” in the fourth paragraph probably mean?

A. Ordered B. Instructed

C. Controlled D. Drew

2.The word “mouse” may belong to an example of __________.


C. Acronyms D. Blends

3.Where does this text probably come from?

A. A cultural section of a newspaper

B. A language book review

C. A language course advertisement

D. A language lesson book

4.Which of the following can best cover the main idea of the passage?

A. The language in the media is changing

B. English has been borrowing words

C. English is a living language

D. A new phenomenon appears in English


One day, I was teaching my daughter how to paint. I saw that a lot of her energy went into______her brush into the paint, and then into a bowl of water. But then most of the paint that was on the______would just disappear in the water. As an______ mother, I was thinking, “I am trying to teach you how to paint on paper and what are you doing? This is not what you are ______to do. You have to do this way.”

But she is three years old so she is probably not going to______doing it the right way. She had so much______dipping the brush in the paint and in the water bowl. Pretty much within an hour, most of the paint was all over the room and I just sat there with my hands______my head thinking, “Oh my god, this girl is hopeless.” Soon after, however, she shouted, “Mama, when I______pink and blue, it turns purple!”

I was surprised.______I was thinking that she was wasting perfectly good paint and paper, she______learned something. What would have been a very theoretical(理论的) experiment turned into a very______experiment.

I am a designer and work with software like Photoshop and Illustrator. When my daughter sees me work on the______, she is always very curious and she wants to work with me on the same thing that I do. She starts to______with buttons, and in that process, sometimes lands up______me things! There will be many times when she will find______new. I will ask her______, and she will tell me, “I pressed this, and I pressed this, and then this happened.”

One of the things I realized from this is that everyone has a(n)______way of learning things. When I was growing up, I______to literature very well, so everything that was turned into a story became my way of learning and______ different concepts. Some kids understand through art, some understand through math and games, and it’s the job of a parent or a teacher to watch and______how children learn and try their best to make these experiences educational.

1.A. dipping B. throwing C. breaking D. sweeping

2.A. plate B. brush C. paper D. bowl

3.A. optimistic B. impatient C. energetic D. independent

4.A. supposed B. allowed C. intended D. tricked

5.A. keep B. consider C. bother D. remember

6.A. regret B. fun C. disappointment D. trouble

7.A. beside B. over C. below D. on

8.A. add B. combine C. mix D. take

9.A. While B. Because C. If D. Before

10.A. accidentally B. immediately C. fortunately D. actually

11.A. interesting B. practical C. beneficial D. novel

12.A. phone B. desk C. computer D. calculator

13.A. mess B. cooperate C. go D. live

14.A. telling B. awarding C. teaching D. giving

15.A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

16.A. when B. why C. where D. how

17.A. different B. effective C. quick D. strange

18.A. stuck B. referred C. related D. turned

19.A. accepting B. using C. appreciating D. understanding

20.A. disturb B. teach C. respect D. discover

Three Simple Ways to Make Exercise a Habit

A lot of people want to build an exercise habit that sticks. Of course, wanting to make exercise a habit and actually doing it are two different things. Changing your behavior is difficult. Living a new type of lifestyle is hard. This is especially true when you throw in very personal feelings about body image and self-worth. 1. Here are three simple ways to make exercise a habit.

Develop a ritual to make starting easier.

Habits are behaviors that you repeat over and over again, which means they are also behaviors that you start over and over again. 2. In many ways, building new habits is simply an exercise in getting started time after time.


The best way to make exercise a habit is to start with an exercise that is so easy that you can do it even when you are running low on willpower and motivation. In the words of an expert, start with something that is so easy you can't say no.

Focus on the habit first and the results later.

4. Most people start with some type of goal. This is the wrong approach. It's better to focus on the system rather than the goal. What matters most in the beginning is establishing a new normal and building you will stick to; not the results that you get. In other words, in the first 6 months it is more important to not miss workouts than it is to make progress. 5.

A. Exercise even when you're “too tired”.

B. Start with an exercise that is ridiculously small.

C. The typical approach to diet and exercise is to focus on results first.

D. It is more important not to miss taking exercise than to make progress.

E. In other words, if you don't consistently get started, then you won't have a habit.

F. Both there are some strategies that can make it easier to stick with an exercise habit.

G. Once you become the type of person who doesn’t miss workouts, then you can worry about making progress and improving.

It was a cold night.As I was walking past a____shop,a homeless guy came up to me and asked me for some ____.I have always been____of giving out money to____people for a couple of reasons.First,I don't know____they will do with it.There is the possibility(可能性)that they will use it to____themselves or do something good.____, there is the possibility that they will use it for alcohol(酒精).If I____hand them money,I will never____.Second,I believe that giving money—this type of act keeps them m a state of____.I don't want to____them to always ask for money without trying to____it in a different way that brings happiness.There are people out there who do need a helping hand,but you never know what they use the money for____you ask.

I decided to ask him what he needed money for.He said he just wanted some coffee.I did smell alcohol coming out of him,so I was a little____.If all he wanted was coffee and we were in front of a coffee shop,I thought,just ____ the intermediary(中间媒介)—money.So I bought a cup of coffee for him.He walked away happily and was____to me.

I continue this____every time I meet with homeless people.____giving money away and____for the best, getting them what they____will have a good effect(影响)for a long time.

1.A. food B. toy C. book D. coffee

2.A. clothes B. money C. drinks D. medicine

3.A. unsure B. supportive C. proud D. fond

4.A. careless B. different C. homeless D. worried

5.A. why B. when C. how D. what

6.A. congratulate B. better C. devote D. appreciate

7.A. Therefore B. Above all C. However D. For sure

8.A. still B. already C. just D. ever

9.A. judge B. realize C. see D. know

10.A. laziness B. uselessness C. glory D. calmness

11.A. persuade B. encourage C. request D. command

12.A. earn B. use C. find D. pay

13.A. though B. unless C. because D. once

14.A. careful B. sad C. patient D. excited

15.A. doubt B. save C. skip D. serve

16.A. grateful B. kind C. polite D. generous

17.A. custom B. practice C. training D. tradition

18.A. Less than B. More than C. Rather than D. Other than

19.A. looking B. asking C. waiting D. hoping

20.A. want B. think C. value D. insist

America’s Best National Parks

Pacific: Yosemite National Park, California

Closest city: Oakland, Calif. (3.5-hour drive)

This Golden State treasure has thick forests and rock formations like the Half Dome—a naturalist’s dream in winter, spring, summer or fall. “Anytime of year, it’s such an important park,” says Patricia Schultz, author of 1000 Places to See Before you Die. She recommends taking a tour with a naturalist guide to learn about the reintroduction of wolves into the park.

Pacific: Denali National Park, Alaska

Closest city: Fairbanks, Alaska (two-hour drive)

Denali National Park includes the towering Mt. McKinley. At 20,320 feet, it’s America’s tallest peak. “But the park’s real glory is the wildlife viewing in a setting that is vast, terrific and pristine(原始的),” says Schultz.

West: Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.

Closest city: Jackson, Wyo. (45-minute drive)

Home to ski paradise Jackson Hole, the Grand Tetons offer a charming Wild West view in any season. Schultz especially likes the park for its cross-country skiing and wildlife sighting opportunities.

East: Acadia National Park, Maine

Closest city: Bangor, Maine (45-minute drive)

A former haunt(消磨时光的去处) of an older generation of America’s wealthiest, this stretch of coastline once played host to Rockefeller, Astor and Vanderbilt. Easy hiking trails(小道) lead through forests dotted with small lakes.

1.Half Dome is probably the name of _________.

A. a city B. a forest

C. a national park D. a rock formation

2.According to Schultz, the best thing to do in Denali National Park is ________.

A. watching wild animals B. walking in the forests

C. climbing the mountains D. enjoying pristine scenery

3.What’s special about Acadia National Park?

A. It is very close to the city. B. It has a wide variety of forests.

C. It is in the east of the U.S. D. It attracted many famous rich people.

Mrs. Williams has been in a small street in London for ten years, and now she had a new neighbour from Manchester. Her name was Mrs. Briggs, and she talked a lot about her expensive Italian furniture, her beautiful Persian carpets and her new kitchen.

“Do you know,” she said to Mrs. Williams one day, “I’ve got a new dishwasher. It washes the plates and glasses and knives and forks beautifully.”

“Oh?” Mrs. Williams answered. “And does it dry them and put them in the cupboard, too?”

Mrs. Briggs was surprised. “Well,” she answered, “the things in the machine are dry after an hour, but it doesn’t put them away, of course.”

“I’ve had a dishwasher for twelve years,” Mrs. Williams said.

“Oh?” Mrs. Briggs answered, “And does yours put the things in the cupboard when it has washed them?”

She burst into laughter. “Yes, he does,” Mrs. Williams answered. “He dries the dishes and puts them away.”

1.We can know that _______.

A. Mrs. Williams wants to buy something from Mrs. Briggs

B. Mrs. Williams works together with Mrs. Briggs

C. Mrs. Williams is the mother of Mrs. Briggs

D. Mrs. Williams lives next to Mrs. Briggs

2.Why was Mrs. Briggs surprised?

A. Because her dishwasher can do its work so beautifully.

B. Because her dishwasher can’t put dishes in the cupboard.

C. Because she has never heard of such a dishwasher before.

D. Because she has the same dishwasher as one of Mrs. Williams’.

3.Mrs. Briggs used to live _______.

A. London B. Manchester

C. Italy D. Persia

4.We can infer(推断) that Mrs. Williams has been married for ______.

A. 10 years B. 12 years

C. 1 hour D. No mentioned

5.Mrs. Williams’ dishwasher is _______ in fact.

A. herself B. a new-designed machine

C. Mr. Williams D. an old- style dishwasher

It's true that “A small change can make a big difference” in our life. A better technical term that can well ______ this idea is the “Butterfly Effect”. A butterfly's ______ wings can make changes in the path of a tornado; it may ______ create or prevent a tornado at a certain location.

The “Butterfly Effect” plays a role in our ______ to a great extent. Small ______ could make a huge difference in our relationships. Most of the time we take things for granted in our ______ relations. We don't even think of saying “Thank You” to our parents as we ______ they are supposed to do things for us. Understanding some of the subtle(细腻的)feelings of our loved ones and ______ them the way they need would ______ change the relationship into a stronger one. I've come across people who feel ______ in their relationships as they ______ to address these small needs.

The “Butterfly Effect” also plays a role in our work. Looking ______ into the smallest details while starting a ______ is critical. A subtle mistake while taking care of our customer's ______ could end up creating big trouble at the end of the process. This would mean a huge expense to ______ at the final delivery stage.

Every morning, the time it takes me to ______ to my office depends on what time I start from my home. It usually takes 30 minutes if I start at 7:20 am. It takes more than a(n) ______ if I start at 7:30 am. At first I was ______ how just a 10-minute difference initially could add more than 30 minutes to the journey. ______ , the number of vehicles that come out on the road increases more than twice due to that 10-minute ______ and it looks like butterflies crowding on the road. Yes, this is nothing but the “Butterfly Effect”.

1.A. develop B. absorb C. explain D. shape

2.A. white B. tiny C. long D. flat

3.A. even B. yet C. only D. ever

4.A. education B. experience C. needs D. relationships

5.A. excuses B. conditions C. gestures D. promises

6.A. normal B. close C. public D. cultural

7.A. believe B. expect C. doubt D. declare

8.A. entertaining B. educating C. analyzing D. supporting

9.A. possibly B. frequently C. definitely D. suddenly

10.A. satisfaction B. pressure C. sympathy D. anger

11.A. forgot B. pretended C. failed D. refused

12.A. carefully B. differently C. proudly D. calmly

13.A. journey B. race C. discussion D. project

14.A. tasks B. requirements C. decisions D. adventures

15.A. correct B. discover C. collect D. express

16.A. walk B. drive C. ride D. move

17.A. week B. month C. day D. hour

18.A. pleased B. confident C. confused D. patient

19.A. In fact B. Above all C. In general D. At once

20.A. detour B. deed C. delight D. delay

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