
6.It was with great excitement one morning in July ____ the young man read a classified advertisement.(  )

分析 在七月的一个早晨,这位年轻人怀着无比激动的心情看了一则分类广告.

解答 答案:B 题干中it was后接with短语,无法构成有意义的句子,可以知道the young man read a classified advertisement不是修饰前面的名词,而是一个强调句型,即对the young man read a classified advertisement with great excitement one morning in July中的伴随状语with进行强调.故选B.

点评 强调句型是特殊句式之一.构成方式是:it is+被强调部分+that/who+剩下部分.可以对主语,宾语,状语进行强调,强调时,只需把被强调部分放到it is后即可,其它部分不变.这也是判断强调句型的一种有效方法.

12.Situated at the gate to the Tianjin Children's Welfare Institute,a government-run orphanage,the baby hatch---also known as a babies'safety island---allows desperate parents to leave unwanted newborns,press an alarm button,and depart anonymously.After a delay of about five minutes,someone from the institute will arrive to get the child.
But facilities(设施) such as this have been under fire recently.While some people have approved of the idea,saying it protects the lives of unwanted children; critics argue that it encourages the immoral to abandon such babies,which is illegal in China.
It's difficult to obtain statistics about the number of abandoned children in China,but the 2010 China Child Welfare Policy Report,released by the China Philanthropy Research Institute,estimated that 100,000 babies are abandoned every year,most of them with disabilities and illnesses.In July,2013,when the Ministry of Civil Affairs launched a pilot project to set up baby hatches across China,Tianjin was one of the first cities to launch a facility and there were 24 baby hatches in 10 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions(地区).A further 18 regions are preparing to open facilities by the end of this year,according to the China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption.
"The baby hatch guards an unwanted baby from harm and increases its chances of survival,"said Xu Shuming,who is in charge of the reception of unwanted children and their following adoption at the Tianjin Children's Welfare Institute,is also in favor of the project."Before the baby hatch came into use,the babies we took in were usually brought by the police.They had been found at bus stations,public rest rooms,or parks; it could be anywhere.One baby we received last year was almost frozen to death,"she said."For our part,we hope parents will leave more information with their unwanted babies,such as medical records so that we can understand the real situation,avoid repeated medical checkups,and save time,"Xu said.
36.A baby hatch is a place whereB.
A.parents can leave their baby for some time               
B.unwanted newborns can be left.
C.unhealthy babies can be treated free of charge
D.the chances of babies'survival can be increased
37.The underlined phrase"under fire"in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning toB.
A.ignored       B.attacked           C.supported     D.discussed
38.Why some people are against the baby hatch?A
A.Because it encourages parents to abandon the unwanted babies.
B.Because it is illegal to abandon a baby in China.
C.Because it wastes an amount of money.
D.Because it protects unwanted babies.
39.According to passage,we knowC
A.All the people approve of the baby hatch.
B.It's easy to figure out exactly the number of abandoned children in China
C.Most of the unwanted babies are in poor condition
D.There will be 42 baby hatches in China at the end of this year
40.We can infer from the passageD.
A.Parents usually leave little information in case that they are found out.
B.Less and less unwanted babies are abandoned in China
C.The police used to take charge of attending abandoned babies
D.The information left by parents may be of great help to protect unwanted babies.

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