1. ÄǸö¼¤¶¯µÄÅ®º¢ºÜ¿ì¾Íƽ¾²ÏÂÀ´ÁË¡£
    The excited girl quickly _______ _______.
2. Ҫʹ×ãÇòÃÔÃÇƽ¾²ÏÂÀ´ÊǺÜÀ§Äѵġ£
    It was difficult _______ _______ _______ the football fans.
3. ËäÈ»Ëýº¦Å£¬µ«»¹ÊÇÓÃƽ¾²µÄÉùÒô»Ø´ð¡£
    Although she was frightened, she answered _______ _______ _______ _______.
4. Î÷ºþÃÀµÃÄÑÒÔÃèÊö¡£
    The West Lake was beautiful _______ _______.
5. ËûÃèÊöËý´©×ÅÄǼþÒ·þµÄÑù×Ó¡£
    He _______ _______ she looked in the dress.
6. Ï´Ò»ú³öÁ˹ÊÕÏ¡£
    An accident _______ _______ the washer.
7. ÄãÄÜÏëÏó³öÒªÊÇûÓе磬Éú»î»áÊÇʲôÑù×ÓÂð£¿
    Can you _______ _______ it would be _______ to live _______ electricity.
8. ½»Í¨Ê¹ʼõÉÙÁË¡£ 
    _______ _______ _______ a decrease in traffic accidents.
9. ±¨¸æÒ»Í꣬ÎÒÃǾͽøÐÐÌÖÂÛ¡£
    We'll _______ _______ _______ right after the talk.
10. ÎÒ½«Á¢¿Ì³ö·¢¡£ 
     1 will set off _______ _______.
1. calmed down  2. to calm down  3. in a calm voice  4. beyond description  5. described how
6. happened to  7. imagine what, like, without  8. There has been  9. have a discussion  10. right away

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
