
My wife wants a Mexican carpet, but she can’t afford to buy _______.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
    the one
本题考查代词的用法。one用来指代上文中出现的单数可数名词,表泛指意义,强调同类。it用来指代单数可数名词或不可数名词,但与被指代的名词为同一事物。them用来指代可数名词的复数,与被代替的名词为相同的事物。the one用来指可数名词的单数,但表特指意义。本题中的one指上文中的a Mexican carpet。

We all remember seeing hitchhikers(搭便车的人), standing by the side of the road, thumb sticking out, waiting for a lift. But it is getting rare nowadays. What killed hitchhiking? Safety is often mentioned as a reason. Movies about murderous hitchhikers and real-life crime have put many drivers off picking up hitchhikers. That no single women picked me up on my journey to Manchester no doubt reflects the safety fear: a large, strangely dressed man is seen as dangerous.
But the reason may be more complex: hitchhiking happens where people don’t have cars and transport services are poor. Plenty of people still hitchhike in Poland and Romania. Perhaps the rising level of car ownership in the UK means the few people lift hitchhiking are usually considered strange. Why can’t they afford cars? Why can’t they take the coach or the train?
Three-quarters of the UK population have access to a car; many of the remainder will be quite old. The potential hitchhiking population is therefore small. Yet my trip proves it’s still possible to hitchhike. The people who picked me up were very interesting-lawyer, retired surgeon, tank commander, carpenter, man who live in an isolated farmhouse and a couple living up in the mountains. My conclusion is that only really interesting people are mad enough to pick up fat blokes in red,
spotted scarves. Most just wanted to do someone a good turn; a few said they were so surprised to see a hitchhiker that they couldn’t help stopping.
The future of hitchhiking most likely lies with car-sharing organized over the Internet, via sites such as hitchhikers. org. But for now, you can still stick your thumb out(actually, I didn’t do much of that, preferring just to hold up my destination sign) and people-wonderful, caring, sharing, unafraid people-will stop.
In the UK, with its cheap coaches and reasonable rail service, I don’t think I’ll make a habit of it. But having enjoyed it so much, I’m ready now to do a big trip across Europe and beyond. In the 1970s a female friend of my wife’s hitchhiked to India. How wonderful it would be to have another go, though Afghanistan might be a challenge. I wish I’d got that tank commander’s mobile number.
【小题1】The author tried to hitchhike but was rejected by single women drivers because_____________ .

A.they were not heading towards Manchester
B.they thought most hitchhikers were dangerous
C.hitchhiking had been forbidden and they didn’t want to break the law
D.he was a strong man in strange clothes who seemed dangerousZxxk
【小题2】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.That some people refuse hitchhikers may reflect the safety fear.
B.Car ownership levels are lower in Romania than in the UK.
C.40% of UK people don’t have access to cars.
D.Increased car ownership has reduced the need for hitchhiking.
【小题3】The “fat blokes in red, spotted scarves” in Paragraph 3 most likely means         .
A.murderous hitchhikers
B.friendly and talkative hitchhikers
C.typical hitchhikers
D.strange hitchhikers like the author
【小题4】According to the author, future hitchhikers are more likely to                 .
A.visit websites and find people to share cars with
B.stand by roads with their thumbs sticking out
C.stick out signs with their destinations written on
D.wait for some kind people to pick them up
【小题5】From the last paragraph, we know that the author                    .
A.frequently hitchhikes in Britain
B.plans to hitchhike across Europe
C.thinks public transport is safer for travel
D.is going to contact the tank commander

We lived in a very quiet neighborhood. One evening I heard a loud crash in the street. Earlier that evening my wife had asked me to go to the store to get some soft drinks. It seemed like this would be a good time to let my teenager daughter Holly practice her driving.

??? At dinner my son talked about how much he liked my truck. I enjoyed having it, but I said, “Guy, my heart is not set on that truck. I like it but it is just metal and won’t last forever. Never set your heart on anything that won’t last.”

??? After hearing the loud noise, the whole family ran outside. My son shouted, “Dad! Dad, Holly crashed your truck.”

??? My heart sank and my mind was flooded with conflicting thoughts. Was anyone hurt? Who else was involved? As I ran to the door, I heard a voice in my heart say, “Here is a chance to show Holly what you really love. She’ll never forget it.”

??? The accident had occurred in my own driveway. Holly had crashed my truck into our other vehicle, the family van (搬运车). In her inexperience, she had confused the brakes and the gas pedal. Holly was unhurt physically, but when I reached her, she was crying and saying, “Oh, Dad, I’m sorry. I know how much you love this truck.” I held her in my arms as she cried.

??? Later that week a friend stopped by and asked what had happened to my truck. I told her the story. Her eyes moistened(湿润) and she said, “That happened to me when I was a girl. I borrowed my dad’s car and ran into a log that had fallen across the road. I ruined the car. When I got home my Dad knocked me to the ground and began to kick me.” Over 40 years later, she still felt the pain of that night. It was a deep wound on her soul.

I remember how sad Holly was the night and how I comforted her. One day, when Holly thinks back on her life, I want her to know that I love her a thousand times more than any piece of property. I repaired the van, but the dent (凹痕) in my truck is still there today. Every day it reminds me of what really matters in my life.

1.Why did the father permit his daughter to drive his truck? (No more than 5 words) (2 marks)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????


2.How did the accident happen????????????????????? (No more than 11 words) (3 marks)??????????????????????????????????????????????


3.What happened to the author’s friend after she ruined her dad’s car?

??????????????????????????????????????????????? (No more than 11 words) (2 marks)?


4.What does the writer try to tell us according to the passage? (No more than 10 words) (3 marks)

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Three boys and three girls boarded the bus to Fort Lauderdale, dreaming of golden beaches as the gray cold of New York disappeared behind them. They noticed an old man, who sat in front of them, dressed in a plain, ill-fitting suit, never? ? ? , and his dusty face? ? ? his age.?

He was ? ? in his seat like a stone, and the young people began to? ?? about him, trying to? ? his life and his age. Deep into the night, outside Washington, one of the girls went up to him and introduced herself. “Want some wine?” He took ?? the glass and drank.

Slowly and ? ? ? he told his story. His name was Vingo, he had been in? ? ? in New York for the past four years, and now he was going home. “When I was in prison I wrote to my wife,” he said. “I told her that I was going to be away for a long time, and that if she couldn't? ? ? it, if the kids kept asking questions, if it? ? ? too much, she could just forget me, I'd understand.”

“Last week, knowing I would be? ? ? , I wrote her again. We used to live in Brunswick and there's a big oak tree just as you come into town. I told her that if she would? ? ? me back, she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree, and I'd? ? ? and come home with her. If she didn't ? ? ? me, forget it, no handkerchief, and I'd go on through.”

  “Wow,” the girl exclaimed. She told the others, and soon all of them put their faces against the window, waiting for the ? ? ? of Brunswick.

Then Brunswick was ten miles, and then five. Then, suddenly, all of the young people were up out of their seats, screaming ? ? ? , all except Vingo. Vingo sat there? ? ? , looking at the oak tree. It was almost ? ? ? with yellow handkerchiefs, 20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a huge flag of ? ? , blowing in the wind. As the young people shouted, the old man rose and? ? ? his way to the front of the bus to go home.

1.A. moving??????? ????????????? B. leaning???????? ????????????? C. stopping???????? ????????????? D. heading

2.A. proved??????? ????????????? B. masked???????? ????????????? C. betrayed??????? ????????????? D. abandoned

3.A. rooted???????? ????????????? B. annoyed?????? ????????????? C. relaxed?????????? ????????????? D. alarmed?

4.A. hear???????? ????????????? B. care????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. wonder????????? ????????????? D. speak

5.A. bother???????? ????????????? B. describe???????? ????????????? C. imagine????????? ????????????? D. know

6.A. away????????? ????????????? B. in???????????? ????????????? C. out???????????? ????????????? D. over

7.A. terribly??????? ????????????? B. eagerly?????????? ????????????? C. painfully???????? ????????????? D. casually

8.A. hospital??????? ????????????? B. prison???????? ????????????? C. company???????? ????????????? D. work

9.A. support??????? ????????????? B. believe???????? ????????????? C. stand??????????? ????????????? D. ignore

10.A. lasted???????? ????????????? B. influenced???????? ????????????? C. cost??????????? ????????????? D. hurt

11.A. hopeless???? ? ????????????? B. convenient????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. successful?? ????????????? ????????????? D. free

12.A. take????????? ????????????? B. refuse??????????? ????????????? C. call??????????? ????????????? D. write

13.A. get out??????? ????????????? B. get off????????? ????????????? C. get on?????????? ????????????? D. get in

14.A. remember????? ????????????? B. believe?????? ????????????? ????????????? C. miss???????? ?? ????????????? D. accept

15.A. entrance?????? ????????????? B. beauty????????? ????????????? C. existence??????? ????????????? D. approach

16.A. amazingly????? ????????????? B. joyfully???????? ????????????? C. definitely????????? ????????????? D. desperately

17.A. shocked??????? ????????????? B. puzzled???????? ????????????? C. terrified???????? ????????????? D. depressed

18.A. covered??????? ????????????? B. surrounded????? ????????????? C. spotted????????? ????????????? D. dotted

19.A. wishes???????? ????????????? B. welcome??????? ????????????? C. victory?????? ????????????? ????????????? D. success

20.A. felt??????????? B. forced??????????? ????????????? C. made???????????? D. pushed


Please help! I live in Germany with my wife and three kids. My parents live in the UK. I want my kids to have as much contact with their grandparents as possible. The kids all use e-mail, Skype and SMS but my parents won’t. I’ve bought them a laptop, paid for broadband, given them both mobile phones and a digital camera, but they won’t use them. My parents say they hate computers and new technology. What can I do with these technophobes?

Daniel, Buremburg, Germany

Actually, the original technophobes were the Luddites, a group of cloth workers in 19th century Britain during the Industrial Revolution. The Luddite cloth workers, who traditionally made cloth by hand, were worried that machines were going to take away their jobs and way of life. These machines could make cloth much faster and cheaper than humans. In 1811 and 1812 the Luddites destroyed the machines that they hated so much, but the British government supported the factory owners. Many Luddites were arrested. Charlotte Bronte’s novel Shirley will tell your parents all about it.

Laura, Valencia, Spain

Laura makes some interesting points, I think. Technophobes has been a common theme in science fiction. Frankenstein, one of the first science fiction, is a warning of what could happen if humans began to experiment with human life.

Freda, Copenhagen, Denmark

One thing you could try is to find hardware that is designed for older people to use. An example is the mobiles made by the US company, Jitterbug. Instead of icons and menus the Jitterbug phones ask users simple “yes/no” questions and have larger keypads. The company realized that there are potentially 100 million older users in the US alone.

Graham, Patras, Greece

1.The underlined part “the technophobes” in the passage refers to ______.

A. those who are ready to try new technology 

B. those who are addicted to the Internet

C. those who refuse to use modern technology 

D. those who are devoted to inventing new things

2.Which of the following is TRUE of the Luddites?

A. They called themselves the technophobes.  

B. They got full support from their factory owners.

C. They preferred to keep their traditional working methods.

D. They were killed by the government.

3.Who has put forward a practical and useful suggestions?

A. Laura.             B. Freda.           C. Daniel.          D. Graham.

4.The passage is probably taken from _____.

A. a personal blog                        B. a letter between friends    

C. a personal diary                       D. a speech on new technology

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Daniel would buy her parents a novel written by Shirley.

B. Charlotte Bronte wrote about technophobes in her novel Shirley.

C. Daniel would buy her parents cell phones with icons and menus.

D. Daniel worried about her children using e-mails.


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