

For more than twenty years scientists have been seeking to understand the mystery of the ‘‘sixth sense" of direction.By trying out ideas and solving problems one by one,they are now getting closer to one answer.

One funny idea is that animals might have a built-in compass(指南针).

Our earth itself is a big magnet(磁体).So a little magnetic needle that swings freely lines

itself with the big earth magnet to point north When people discovered that idea about a thousand years ago and invented the compass,it allowed sailors to navigate (航海)on ocean voyages, even under cloudy skies.

 Actually the idea of the living compass came just from observing animals in nature.

 Many birds migrate twice a year between their summer homes and winter homes.Some of them fly for thousands of kilometers and mostly at night.Experiments have shown that some birds can recognize star patterns.But they can keep on course even under cloudy skies.How can they do that?

A common bird that does not migrate but is great at finding its way home is the homing pigeon.Not all pigeons can find their way home.Those that can are very good at it,and they have been widely studied.

One interesting experiment was to attach little magnets to the birds’ heads to block their magnetic sense—just as a loud radio can keep you from hearing a call to dinner.On sunny days, that did not fool the pigeons.Evidently they can use the sun to tell which way they are going.But on cloudy days,the pigeons with magnets could not find their way.It was as if the magnets had blocked their magnetic sense.

Similar experiments with the same kind of results were done with honeybees.These insects also seem to have a special sense of direction.

In spite of the experiments,the idea of an animal compass seemed pretty extraordinary.How

would an animal get the magnetic stuff for a compass.

An answer came from an unexpected source.A scientist was studying bacteria that live in the

mud of ponds and marshes.He found accidentally little rod-like bacteria that all swam together inone direction—north.

Further study showed that each little bacterium had a chain of dense particles inside,which

proved magnetic.The bacteria had made themselves into little magnets that could line up with the

earth’s magnet.

The big news was that a living thing,even a simple bacterium,can make magnetite.That led

to a search to see whether animals might have it.. By using a special instrument called magnetometer,scientists were able to find magnetite in bees and birds,and even in fish.In each  animal,except for the bee.the magnetic stuff was always in or closer to the brain.Thus.the idea of a built—in animal compass began to seem reasonable.


The Magnetic Sense — The Living Compass

Passage outline

Supporting details

The existence of the earth magnet and the invention of the navigating compass

◇Our earth is a big magnet and a little freely (56)     

  magnetic needle lines itself with the earth magnet to point north and south.

◇(57)       on the idea above, the navigating compass was invented.

The possibility of birds’ built-in compasses

◇ One piece of evidence is the (58)        of many birds between their summer homes and winter homes.

◇ Birds can recognize star patterns on clear nights and keep on course (59)         under cloudy skies 

The  (60)         on pigeons’ and bees’ built-in compasses


◇Little magnets were tied to the pigeons’ heads to (61)         their magnetic sense.

◇The pigeons’ magnetic sense seemed to be affected on (62)        days.

◇Similar things with the same results were done with bees.

The  (63)         of the magnetic stuff for the animal compass

◇Little rod-like bacteria were found by chance to swim together in the direction of (64)        .

◇Some animals had a chain of dense magnetic particles in or close to the (65)         inside their bodies.
















 swinging   词性转换。根据第三段a little magnetic needle that swings freely lines把定语从句转换成现在分词短语修饰名词needle。

 Based   同义转换。根据第三段When people discovered that idea about a thousand years ago and invented the compass说明人们是根据这个原理发明了指南针。Be based on…以…为基础。

 migration  词性转换。根据第六段Many birds migrate twice a year中的动词migrate转换成名词。

 even  原词再现。   根据第三段最后一句it allowed sailors to navigate (航海)on ocean voyages, even under cloudy skies. 中的even. experiments/tests/study/research    根据文章第7,8段One interesting experiment可知是对鸽子和蜜蜂身上做的实验。

 block     原词再现  根据It was as if the magnets had blocked their magnetic sense.

 cloudy    原词再现 根据第六段But on cloudy days,the pigeons with magnets could not。

 discovery   推理题。根据文章倒数第四段How would an animal get the magnetic stuff for a compass.


 north    原词再现。根据倒数第三段最后一行that all swam together inone direction—north.

 .brain(s) 根据文章倒数第二行the magnetic stuff was always in or closer to the brain.





第II卷 非选择题  (共35分)
第一节 任务型读写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
In a research, it was found that only four out of every five employees were happy at work. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the salary or the love for the work that made people happy. In stead friendly, supportive colleagues and a good manager have been found to be the primary causes of happiness at work. So how do you keep your spirits up and develop a sense of joy on the job? Here is some advice.
Happiness is a state of mind, and though not many people realize it, staying happy at work is totally based on a positive attitude towards your job. Concentrating(集中注意力) on the bright side of the work rather than keeping talking about what makes you unhappy is the basic key to happiness.
Challenge yourself and take charge of your own growth professionally. Boredom is one of the primary reasons that cause people to change jobs. To avoid feeling bored, you can find new challenges and it’s a great feeling to take control over what you do and see a task through.
Complete our tasks, however disagreeable or tough they might be. This gives you an individual(单个的,特别的) sense of achievement and encourages you to work towards your goals in future. Also keep learning and gaining new insights while at work.
Sitting and staring at your screen all day long isn’t going to help you. Instead take breaks and go outside for some time. They don’t necessarily have to be long breaks but staying out for a few minutes to feel the gentle wind can keep you happy. Eat your lunch out side or walk for a few minutes during that hour, which helps you stay happy at work.

How to be Happy at Work
Factors that make people happy at work
·Friendship and (76)       from colleagues.
·A good manager.
Some (77)   
Have  a
·Concentrate on the bright side of the work.
·Avoid talking about what brings you (79)    .
Challenge yourself
·Find new challenges to avoid feeling(80)    .
·(81)    what you do and complete it.
(82)    your tasks
·Do your best to finish your tasks.
·Keep learning and gaining new(83) _____ at work.
Have  a
(84)   and go
·Stay out for a few minutes to feel the gentle wind.
·Eat outside or walk for a few minutes at your(85)___ time.

A. Social background for the Development of Adult Education
B. What is the present situation?
C. The purposes in Adult Education
D. Ways of Adult Education
E. The history of Adult Education
F. What is Adult Education?
Voluntary learning in organized courses by mature men and women is called adult education. Such education is offered to make people able to enlarge and interpret their experience as adults. Adults may want to study something which they missed in earlier schooling, get new skills or job training, find out about new technologicaldevelopment,seekbetter self-understanding, or develop new talents and skills.
This kind of education may be in the form of self-study with proper guidance through the use of libraries, correspondence(函授)courses,or broadcasting.It may also be acquired collectively in schools and colleges, study groups, workshops, clubs, and professional associations.
Modern adult education for large numbers of people started in the 18th and 19th centuries with the rise of the Industrial Revolution. Great economic and social changes were taking place: people were moving from rural areas to cities: new types of work were being created in an expanding factory system. These and other factors produced a need for further education and reeducation of adults.
The earliest program of organized adult education arose in Great Britain in the 1790s, with the founding of an adult school at Nottingham and a mechanics’institute at Glasgow. The earliest adult education institution in the United States was founded by Benjamin Franklin and some friends in Philadelphia in 1727.
People recognize that continued learning is necessary for most forms of employment today. For example, parts of the adult population in many countries find it necessary to take part in retraining programs at work or even to learn completely new jobs. Adult education programs are springing up constantly to meet these and other needs.


As we get older and walk throughout lives we have to deal with change. Change is something that some people love and others are scared of and try to avoid.

However, if you want your life to move forward and to be happy and successful, you have to realize that change is necessary.

Welcome change with open arms, telling the world that you are not afraid.

Although you will part with your present teachers and classmates, you will always be able to remember the things you used to do and the fun you used to have. When you feel sad, or when you are alone, you can close your eyes and imagine that you are black with your friends and teachers. Remember that your memories are your forever.

Enjoy the time before you leave your school. If possible, you could take photographs of your friends and teachers to help you recall(回忆起)the past.

Before you leave, you could also buy a notebook and ask your friends and teachers to write notes in it for you. They can write about the things they like about you, the things that they will remember about you, or they could just write their wishes for your success in the future.

Perhaps you could buy a good hardback(精装本)book and combine the photographs and the notes together. You could also include your thoughts at the time of leaving the school. You could write lists of your favorite teachers, classes and sports activities. This is something you can treasure for the rest of your life.


Welcome and deal with1.____

Different 2.___towards change.

Some people love it, while others may be scared of it and try to3._____it

Ways to remember your 4.__forever.

◆To help you to recall the 5., you can take photographs of your friends and teachers.

◆Ask your friends and teachers to write notes in a 6._____for you to remember7.__moments at school.

Keep the photographs and8.____well.

◆Use a good hardback book to9.______them together.

◆Lists of your favorite teachers, classes and10.___activities may be added to the notes. You will treasure this for the rest of your life.





Directions : Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A---E for each paragraph. 

A. The artistic and technical features of the torch

B. The key facts about the torch

C. The burning system 

D. The long story behind the torch

E. The design timeline

F. The fuel for the torch

The Beijing Olympic Torch boasts strong Chinese characteristics, and showcases Chinese design and technical capabilities. it embodies the concepts of a Green Olympics. a High-tech Olympics and the people’s Olympics.


The torch is 72 centimetres high, weighs 985 grams and is made of alumninium. The torch is of a curved surface form, with etching and anodizing being used during its production. A torch can usually keep burning for approximately15 minutes in conditions where the flame is 25 to30 centimetres high in a windless environment . The torch has been produced to withstand winds of up to 65 centimetres per hour and to stay aright in rain up to 50mm an hour. The flame can be identified and photographed in sunshine and areas of extreme brightness. The fuel is propane(丙烷) which is in accordance with environmental guidelines. The material of its form is recyclable.


The torch of the Beijing Olympic Games has a very strong Chinese flavor. It demonstrates the artistic and technical level of China. It also conveys the message of a Green Olympics, a High-tech Olympics and the people’s Olympics. The shape of the paper scroll and the lucky clouds graphic, express the idea of harmony. Its stable burning technique and adaptability to the environment have reached a new technical level. The torch of the Beijing Olympic Games is designed, researched and produced in China. BOCOG owns all intellectual property rights.


Under the concept of a Green Olympics, environmental protection was a key element listed in me in the invitation documents to the design companies by BOCOG. . The fuel of the torch is propane, which is a common fuel which also comes with a low price. It is composed of carbon and hydrogen. No material, expect carbon dioxide and water will remain after the burning, eliminating any risk of pollution.  


Its stable burning technique and adaptability to the environment have reached a new technical level. It can stay alight in severe weather conditions such as strong wind, rain, snow, hail etc. It can also be identified in sunshine and areas of extreme brightness so as to satisfy the requirements of capturing photographic images and video footage.


2005 August      BOCOG developed the design concepts and requirements the torch.

2005 December   BOCOG recruited potential torch designs from the design society. In total, BOCOG received 388 pieces of works.

2006 June--August BOCOG selected the structural designer and the burning

system designer.

2007 January     Beijing Olympic Torch was approved by IOC.



Of all the emotions(情感)that flow through your head when you go back to college, shyness to be one of the biggest emotions present.Shyness and fear can stop you from becoming the active lcarner that you wish to be.You may be too shy to volunteer to lead a group or too filled with fear to raise your hand when you know the answer to a question.Here are some things you should pay attention to.

Don’t let your mind go elsewhere.You cannot be an active learner if you don’t know what’s going on in your class.There will always be a student or two that can disturb your focus because they are talking while a lesson is going on or their phone is going off constanty.Don’t let this trouble you.

Your voice matters.During class discussions it’s important to become active in the group conversations.Ask questions when proper, but not if they are unnecessary.For example, don’t ask a question that you know the answer to or can find the answer to easily just to become involved (参与)in a group discussion.Answer questions if you can.Try not to guess at the answers.if you get it wrong.you will feel embarrassed.If you feel embarrassed, you will be less likely to keep contributing.Stay involved with the discussion and voice your opinion on a debate.

Don’t just do the least.Check your curriculum and see what’s on it for your next class.Do some extra research that is not required to prepare yourself for possible discussions.Having extra input(输入)that was not in the text book will impress your tutor and your classmates.

Remember that if you are a shy person.it is going to be harder for you to become an active learner in class, but you determine your own level of involvement of involvement.in your education.You are in charge of how much you learn and when you learn it.


I Iow to be an active1.              


If you are 2.       and fearful, you can’t be an active learner.


◆Pay4.       while a lesson is going on.

◆Take part in group discussions5.               .

Don’t ask too easy questions or 6.      answers to questions.

7.       your opinions when neccssary and proper.

◆Prepare yourself for possible discussions 8.     of time.


Whether you can be an active learner10.        on yourself, not others.



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