
17.The other day Jack was in _________ people call a moral dilemma as to whether to help the old man who fell off his bike.(  )

分析 句意:那天杰克处在一个人们叫作道德两难的出境关于是否要帮助那个从自行车上摔下的老人.

解答 答案:D 此处是一个兼词,既引导表语从句,又在从句中做宾语,只有what由此功能.故选D项.

点评 考查表语从句的连接词.做此类题目,要根据句意判断连接词,再看看是否在从句中做成分.

7.The behaviour of a building's users may be at least as important as its design when it comes to energy use,according to new research from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC).The UK promises to reduce its carbon emissions (排放)by 80percent by 2050,part of which will be achieved by all new homes being zero-carbon by 2016.But this report shows that sustainable building design on its own-though extremely important-is not enough to achieve such reductions:the behaviour of the people using the building has to change too.
The study suggests that the ways that people use and live in their homes have been largely ignored by existing efforts to improve energy efficiency (效率),which  instead focus on architectural and technological developments.
‘Technology is going to assist but it is not going to do everything,'explains Katy Janda,a UKERC senior researcher,‘consumption patterns of building users can defeat the most careful design.'In other words,old habits die hard,even in the best-designed eco-home.
Another part of the problem is information.Households and bill-payers don't have the knowledge they need to change their energy-use habits.Without specific information,it's hard to estimate the costs and benefits of making different choices.Feedback (反馈) facilities,like smart meters and energy monitors,could help bridge this information gap by helping people see how changing their behaviour directly affects their energy use; some studies have shown that households can achieve up to 15percent energy savings using smart meters.
Social science research has added a further dimension (方面),suggesting that individuals'behaviour in the home can be personal and cannot be predicted 一 whether people throw open their windows rather than turn down the thermostat (恒温器),for example.
Janda argues that education is the key.She calls for a focused programme to teach people about buildings and their own behaviour in them.

66.As to energy use,the new research from UKERC stresses the importance ofB.
A.zero-carbon homes       
B.the behaviour of building users
C.sustainable building design
D.the reduction of carbon emissions
67.The underlined word"which"in Paragraph 2refers to"D."
A.the ways
B.their homes
D.existing efforts
68.What are Katy Janda's words mainly aboutA?
A.The importance of changing building users,habits.
B.The necessity of making a careful building design.
C.The variety of consumption patterns of building users.
D.The role of technology in improving energy efficiency.
69.The information gap in energy useA.
A.can be bridged by feedback facilities
B.affects the study on energy monitors
C.brings about problems for smart meters
D.will be caused by building users'old habits
70.What does the dimension added by social science research suggestC?
A.The social science research is to be furthered.
B.The education programme is under discussion.
C.The behaviour of building users is unpredictable.
D.The behaviour preference of building users is similar.
5.Kino,Juana,and Coyotito begin their long march north.They walk all night and make camp in a roadside shelter at sunrise.Along the way,Juana begins to doubt whether the pearl is worth far more than the dealers offered,but Kino points out that his attackers would not have tried to steal the pearl were it worth nothing.
The family hurries farther into the shade for another rest.As Juana plays with Coyotito,Kino wakes from a dream and demands that they keep quiet.Moving forward,he spots three trackers following them.He decides to lose them up in the mountains.
As their climbing grows steeper,Kino varies and doubles back on their way to mislead the trackers.As the sun begins to set,Kino and Juana reach a nearby opening and refill their water supply at a pool and stream,where Juana washes Coyotito.From the lookout,Kino spies the trackers at a distance below,hurrying up the slope(山坡).Kino misleads the trackers by creating a false track up the cliff(悬崖)and going down again to take shelter with Juana and Coyotito in a nearby cave.
By evening,the trackers arrive at the pool,where they make camp and eat.In the cave,Coyotito grows restless,and Juana quiets him.Kino notices that two of the men have settled into sleep,while the third keeps watch.
Kino takes off his clothes to avoid being seen by the watchman,hiding behind a palm tree waiting for a move before the moon rises.Just as he is ready to spring,the moon appears,and he realizes that his opportunity has been lost.
Suddenly,Coyotito lets out a cry.The watchman shoots in the direction of the cry.As the watchman shoots,Kino springs upon the trackers,killing the watchman and seizing the gun.Knocking one of the other men out with a fierce blow,he watches as the last man attempts to flee up the cliff.The man makes little progress before Kino stops him with a first shot,and then murders him with another shot between the eyes.In the moment that follows,Kino hears the blood-curdling cry issuing from his wife,mourning the death of Coyotito.
Later the next day,Kino and Juana walk side by side into La Paz,with Juana carrying Coyotito's body in a sack over her shoulder.They walked,with unmoving eyes.all the way to the sea.At the edge of the water,Kino stops and pulls the pearl from his pocket.He stares into it carefully,and a flood of evil(邪恶的)memories washes over him.Kino holds the pearl out in front of him,and then throws it out into the ocean.

68.What can be inferred from the passage?B
A.The attackers are caught stealing the pearl.
B.The dealers might have bid low on the pearl.
C.The couple are being tracked for their baby.
D.The family make camp in a roadside shelter at daybreak.
69.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.Juana keeps watch in the cave.
B.Kino is waiting for a move at moonrise.
C.Coyotito is shot dead by the watchman.
D.The last man manages to flee up the cliff.
70.Which words can best describe Kino?A
A.Caring and brave.
B.Merciful and strong-willed.
C.Clever but nervous.
D.Determined but slow-minded.
71.What does the author intend to tell us?A
A.Greed is the root of all evil.
B.True love stands the test of hardship.
C.It is not easy to live a life on the run.
D.Wisdom cannot be purchased with the pearl.
2.Using too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can put our water supply in danger,but we also affect our water supply in less obvious ways.You may wonder how paving(铺砌) a road can lead to less useable fresh water.A major part of the water we use every day is groundwater.Groundwater does not come from lakes or rivers.It come from underground.The more roads and parking lots we pave,the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater.
Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages(短缺).Driver climates are of course more likely to have droughts(干旱) than areas with more rainfall,but in any case,good management can help to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs.
Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference,too.In the United States,a family of four can use 1.5tons of water a day!This shows how much we depend on water to live,but there's a lot we can do to lower the number.
You can take steps to save water in your home.To start with,use the same glass for your drinking water all day.Wash it only once a day.Run your dishwasher (洗碗机)only when it is full.Help your parents fix any leaks in your home.You can even help to keep our water supply clean by recycling batteries instead of throwing them away.

60.Which of the following is most likely to lead to less groundwater?C
A.Using river water.
B.Throwing batteries away.
C.paving parking lots.
D.Throwing rubbish into lakes.
61.What can be inferred from the text?B
A.All water shortages are due to human behavior.
B.It takes a lot of effort to meet our water needs.
C.There is much we can do to reduce family size.
D.The average family in America makes proper use of water.
62.The last paragraph is intended toD.
A.show us how to fix leaks at home 
B.tell us how to run a dishwasher
C.prove what drinking glass is best for us 
D.suggest what we do to save water at home
63.The text is mainly aboutD.
A.Why paving roads reduces our water 
B.how much we depend on water to live
C.why droughts occur more in dry climates
D.how human activity affects our water supply.
18.The sun is setting like a huge orange ball.It's the cool evening on a stretch of beach.The water is paring the shore,the breeze is blowing slightly.There are one or two joggers and a couple of fishermen.Most people have gone home for the day.
An old man,with rounded shoulders,bushy eyebrows,and bony features,carries the bucket up to the dock(码头)that goes out into the water.He stands on the dock and all of a sudden there come a mass of dancing dots-seagulls!The man takes out of his bucket handfuls of shrimps(虾)and begins to throw them on the dock.Some seagulls land on his shoulders,some land on his hat,and they eat the shrimps.Long after the shrimps are gone his feathered friends remain.
Why is this man feeding seagulls?What could push him to do this as he does week after week?
The man in that scene is Eddie Rickenbacher,a famous World WarⅡpilot.His plane.The Flying Fortress,went down in 1942.No one could imagine that he and his eight passengers should escape death by climbing into two boats for thirty days.They fought thirst,the sun,and sharks.But what nearly killed them was starvation.Their foods were gone within eight days and they didn't have anything left.
Every day Rickenbacher and the passengers would have a daily afternoon devotional and prayer time.One day after the devotional,Rickenbacher put his hat over his eyes and tried to get some sleep.Within a few moments he felt something on his head.He knew in an instant it was a seagull.All the others on the two boats noticed the seagull.No one spoke,no one moved.Rickenbacher quickly grabbed the seagull and with thanksgiving,they ate the flesh of the bird.They used the remains for fish bait(鱼饵)and survived.

56.When evening falls,the beach isB.
A.noisy and crowded
B.quiet and peaceful 
C.a place for viewing seagulls
D.a popular fishing place
57.The old man comes to the dock to feed seagulls because heB.
A.wants to make friends with them           
B.owes his survival in 1942 to the seagull
C.takes it as a hobby after retirement as a pilot  
D.enjoys foe scene of seagulls eating the shrimps
58.Which of the following is the correct order of the events?C
a.Eddie began to feed seagulls at a dock.
b.Eddie's plane crashed.
c.Eddie and his passengers survived.
d.Eddie and his passengers killed a seagull for food.
59.What would be the best title for the passage?D
A.A Narrow Escape  
B.A Lucky Pilot    
C.Feeding Seagulls 
D.The Seagull.

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