
Janice Fialka showed a new documentary (纪录片) about her cognitively (认知地) disabled son at schools and seminars across the country.Everyone seemed to enjoy itbut one comment from a teacher proved her family’s investment to Fialka was a success.

“In Baltimore an early childhood teacher came up and said‘I have to apologize to the family of a 4?year old with Down Syndrome (先天愚型)’”Fialka said.“She said‘I told them to be more realistic about their dreams for him.Now I have to tell them I’m sorry.’”

The story of Micah Fialka?Feldmana 22?year?old Oakland University studentis meant to show parentseducators and the disabled anything is possible.

Fialka?Feldman wrote in an essay titled “I wanted to go to college and my dream came true”A lot of people didn’t think he could go to collegebut because family and friends believed in him he learned how to take public transportation to campus and found teachers who helped him pick the best classes.

The title of the film Through the Same Door came from a day when Fialka?Feldmanwho was enrolled in a first grade special education programtold his parents he wanted to walk through the same door as the rest of the kids at his school.It led him to becoming the first student with cognitive disabilities in mainstream classrooms in Berkley.

Though he can’t read or write on his ownFialka?Feldman reached amazing heights with the help of voice recognition computer softwaretutorsand the embrace (接受) of his community.

At Berkley High SchoolFialka?Feldman won the Social Studies Department Award for civic (公民的) involvement.In 2004 he received the Michigan “YesI Can” award for self?advocacy (自强)

He finished high school in 2003 with a certificate of attendancetook a 10?day trip through Israel with friends last yearand enrolled at Oakland University through the Transitions Programwhich is geared (使适合于) to help the disabled go from high school to college.

Fialka said he’s the happiest kid in the world.Everyone should be so happy.

1.What would be the best title for the passage?

ADisabled Man Living His Dream

BNothing Is Impossible

CDon’t Look Down Upon the Disabled

DThrough the Same Door

2.What the early childhood teacher said suggests that________.

Adisabled people should be realistic about their dreams

Bshe used to believe we should not expect much from disabled people

Cshe hadn’t given the 4?year old with Down Syndrome enough attention

Dthe documentary about Fialka?Feldman encouraged the disabled

3.Which of the following is NOT true about Fialka?Feldman?

AHe was the first cognitively disabled student in mainstream classrooms in Berkley.

BHe went to school by public transportation and was helped to pick up classes.

CHe benefited from computer software and other people.

DHe received the “YesI Can” award for civic involvement and self?advocacy

4.Which of the following shows the correct order of events of Fialka?Feldman?

aHe received the Michigan “YesI Can” award.

bHis documentary was shown and welcomed.

cHe was enrolled in a first grade special education program.

dHe finished high school with a certificate of attendance.

eHe enrolled at Oakland University through the Transitions Program.

Aa?c?d?e?b? Bb?a?c?d?e

Cc?d?e?a?b? Dc?d?b?e?a









解析 主旨大意题。文章介绍智障青年Fialka?Feldman自强不息,实现自己的大学梦的故事,因此A项恰如其分地反映了文章的主题。

2.2】 B

解析 推理判断题。这位老师告诉智障儿童的父母要实事求是地对待孩子的梦想,不要对他期望太高。但看了纪录片以后,她认识到自己错了,这说明她原来认为不应该对智障儿童抱太大期望。

3.3】 D

解析 细节理解题。由文章倒数第三段内容可知,D项与文章信息不符,civic involvement是他获得另一个奖项的原因。


解析 细节理解题。根据文章的叙述可知,Fialka?Feldman上一年级应该排在第一个,纪录片上映应该排在最后。故C项正确。



Forever Young?

  It's Girls Night Out:Mom Edition, and I'm a player in a whole new game. It occurs to me that I really don't know these 36 women. We've been circling 37  for about three years, ever since our kids started 38 .We'd bump into each other in the parking 39 ,at Valentine's Day parties, and later as one or the other shyly 40 we all sign our kids up for softball, gymnastics or dance. Who knows 41 the five of us clumped together more than 42 of us clumped with other mothers. I suppose it happens 43 ,friendship circles spiraling in and around and about and anew.?

This is the 44 time we've gathered without the kids, and I am having a 45 time saying “Janice”, as opposed to “Zoe's mom” or “Susan”, 46  “Kaitlin's mom”, and so I have decided, for tonight, not to 47 any names at all.?

The 48 has already taken our drink order. I can't believe nobody 49 beer.Nope, this is a Diet Coke and iced tea crowd. In the back of my mind I'm 50 if I'm going to be the naughty 51 who corrupts this group.?

There is so much 52 to take care of when you are just getting to 53 people as people. One of the things we are doing is 54 dates, the years that each of us 55 from this or that. I see where this is going.?

36. A. five      B. three   C. Four   D. two?

37. A. each other    B. one another       C. all of us     D. some of us?

38. A. primary school    B. university   C. high school D. preschool?

39. A. lot       B. Station       C. line     D. square?

40. A. said      B. suggested   C. informed    D. found?

41.A. what     B. that     C. how    D. why?

42. A. some    B. none   C. any     D. all?

43. A. all the time  B. all of a sudden   C. at the same time D. once and for all?

44. A. last      B. first    C. Usual  D. only?

45. A. spare    B. good   C. difficult     D. pleasant?

46. A. instead of    B. as well as   C. in case of   D. in the name of?

47. A. call      B. use     C. forget D. tell?

48. A. kid              B. mother       C. Friend D. waitress?

49. A. brought       B. liked   C. ordered      D. drank?

50. A. wondering   B. fearing       C. Speaking    D. asking?

51. A. girl      B. mother       C. One    D. kid?

52. A. trouble B. business     C. time    D. food?

53. A. regard  B. name  C. Find   D. know?

54. A. comparing   B. making      C. Deciding    D. discussing?

55. A. came    B. changed     C. graduated   D. got??

When Chato’s barking didn’t stir Jerrica Seals, the recently adopted dog tried nibbling on the teenager’s leg to get the girl out of the burning house.?
“No one was hurt.” Fort Myers firefighters responded at about 7:00 a.m.
Five people lived in the Garcia’s home. That was neighbor Janice Hamilton’s main concern when she looked out of her window Friday and saw the flames. “I just threw my pants on to run outside and make sure they knew how many people lived there,” Hamilton said. “It was scary.”
“Seals called me screamingly,” said Leticia Vega, 36, the sister of Seals’ boyfriend, Javier Garcia, 23, who owns the house. “She said the dog woke her up barking, jumped on the bed and bit her on the leg.”?
It is said that Garcia’s brother brought Chato home several weeks ago after the animal wandered onto a Lehigh Acres construction site. Since then, Vega said, Chato had been mostly quiet until it mattered. “He doesn’t usually bark.” Vega said. “He’s really friendly.”?
According to deputy fire chief Steve Clyatt, possibly the fire started because of an improper extension cord(电缆) used on a window air conditioner. More than half of the house was burned down. There was extensive smoke and water damage in the remainder of the structure. Estimates (估计)for repair costs were unavailable. “I’d say it’s unlikely they will recover this, but I’ve been surprised before.” Clyatt said.?
【小题1】Which of the following would be the best title for the passage??

A.Janice Hamilton Helps Save Neighbors?
B.Firefighters Put out House Fire?
C.A Dog Saves the Whole Family from House Fire?
D.Family Needs Help Due to House Fire
【小题2】The underlined word “they” in the third paragraph most probably refers to _______.
A.other neighbors?B.Hamilton’s family members?
C.Vega and her brother Garcia?D.the firefighters
【小题3】By saying “I’d say it’s unlikely they will recover this, but I’ve been surprised before.” in the
last paragraph, Clyatt means _______.?
A.it’s a wonder that Seals survived the fire?B.the house was badly damaged?
C.such a big fire was seldom seen?D.Chato is a very clever dog
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned??
A.The person who called the firefighters.?
B.The possible cause of the accident.?
C.The relationship between Seals and Garcia.?
D.The owner of the house.

Book 1: Iggy peck, Architect

——By Andrea Beaty

32 pages, US $ 15.95

This book is the classic oddball (古怪的人) story about a kid whose head teacher does not recognize his great talent ( he makes buildings out of anything at hand, including table cloths, fruit and chalk) until it saves her life.

Book 2: The Chicken—Chasing Queen of Lamar County

——By Janice N. Harrington

40 pages, US $ 16.00

Our character here loves to run after chickens, particularly Miss Hen, who’s very fat. But, as all farming folk know, this is not a good way to produce happy, productive chickens. What will make her change her ways? The author is a professional storyteller and this book is full of fun, and has great illustrations (插图) .

Book 3: Diary of a Fly

——By Doreen Cronin

40 pages, US $ 15.99

This is the diary of a fly. A fly who, when she’s not landing on your head or swimming in your soup, is trying to escape her 327 brothers and sisters who are driving her crazy. Even though she’s little—just like her best friends, Worm and Spider—she wants to be a superhero. This is the story of a little fly who’s not afraid to dream really big.

Book 4:Cherry and Olive

——By Benjamin Lacombe

32 pages, US $ 16.95

Children’s books can quickly take little readers into new worlds, such as the big city, 1930s Georgia, or outer space. This book takes us on a little trip to some European capitals. Cherry is fat and likes books, and she has few friends until she meets a stray Shar—Pei puppy (迷途的沙皮犬) . She names it Olive. Through it she finds confidence and friendship. But what will happen when its owner returns?

1.In book 2, the character__________.

A. can make buildings out of anything      

B. is a kid who likes to play tricks on teachers

C. keeps lots of chickens

D. likes to run after chickens

2.Which of the following can best describe the fly in Book 3?

A. Lazy and proud.           B. Stupid and funny.

C. Brave and courageous.              D. Loyal and honest.

3.Which of the following is TRUE, according to the text?

A. Strange students are mentioned in Book 1 and Book 3.

B. Book 4 introduces lots of farm animals.

C. A fly is a superhero on outer space in Book 2.

D. Book 1 is the cheapest of the four books.

4.If you are interested in European cities, you may want to read the book by__________.

A. Benjamin Lacombe              

B. Janice N. Harrington

C. Andrea Beaty                   

D. Doreen Cronin



When Chato's barking didn't stir Jerrica Seals, the recently adopted dog triednibbling on the teenager's leg, to get the girl out of her burning house.

No one was hurt. Fort Myers firefighters responded at about 7 a.m.

Five people lived in the Garcia home. That was neighbor Janice Hamilton's main concern when she looked out of her window Friday and saw the flames. "I just threw my pants on to run outside and make sure  they knew how many people lived there," Hamilton said. "It was scary."

"Seals called me screaming," said Leticia Vega, 36, the sister of Seal's boyfriend, Javier Garcia, 23, who owns the home. "She said the dog woke her up barking, jumped on the bed and bit her on the leg."

It is said that Garcia's brother brought Chato home several weeks ago after the animal wandered onto a Lehigh Acres construction site. Since then, Vega said, Chato had been mostly quiet-until it mattered. "He doesn't usually bark." Vega said. "He's real friendly."

According to deputy fire chief Steve Clyatt, possibly the fire started because of an inadequate extension cord used on a window air conditioner. More than half of the home was burned down. There was extensive smoke and water damage in the remainder of the structure. Estimates for repair costs were unavailable. "I'd say it's unlikely they will recover this, but I've been surprised before," Clyatt said.

61.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Janice Hamilton Helps Save Neighbors

B. Firefighters Put Out House Fire

C. Dogs Saves Teen Girl From House Fire

D. Family Needs Help Due To House Fire

62.The underlined word "they" in the third paragraph most probably refers to________.

A. other neighbors         B. Hamilton family members

C. Vega and her brother Garcia     D. the firefighters

63.By saying "I'd say it's unlikely they will recover this, but I've been surprised before." in the last paragraph, Clyatt means________.

A. it's a wonder that Seals survived the fire  B. the house was badly damaged

C. such a bad fire was seldom seen      D. Chato is a very clever dog

64.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned?

A. The person who called the firefighters.    B. The possible cause of the accident.

C. The relationship between Seals and Garcia.     D. The owner of the house.


When Chato’s barking didn’t stir Jerrica Seals, the recently adopted dog tried nibbling on the teenager’s leg to get the girl out of the burning house.?

    “No one was hurt.” Fort Myers firefighters responded at about 7:00 a.m.

    Five people lived in the Garcia’s home. That was neighbor Janice Hamilton’s main concern when she looked out of her window Friday and saw the flames. “I just threw my pants on to run outside and make sure they knew how many people lived there,” Hamilton said. “It was scary.”

    “Seals called me screamingly,” said Leticia Vega, 36, the sister of Seals’ boyfriend, Javier Garcia, 23, who owns the house. “She said the dog woke her up barking, jumped on the bed and bit her on the leg.”?

    It is said that Garcia’s brother brought Chato home several weeks ago after the animal wandered onto a Lehigh Acres construction site. Since then, Vega said, Chato had been mostly quiet until it mattered. “He doesn’t usually bark.” Vega said. “He’s really friendly.”?

    According to deputy fire chief Steve Clyatt, possibly the fire started because of an improper extension cord(电缆) used on a window air conditioner. More than half of the house was burned down. There was extensive smoke and water damage in the remainder of the structure. Estimates (估计)for repair costs were unavailable. “I’d say it’s unlikely they will recover this, but I’ve been surprised before.” Clyatt said.?

1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage??

    A. Janice Hamilton Helps Save Neighbors?

    B. Firefighters Put out House Fire?

    C. A Dog Saves the Whole Family from House Fire?

    D. Family Needs Help Due to House Fire

2. The underlined word “they” in the third paragraph most probably refers to _______.

    A. other neighbors?                              B. Hamilton’s family members?

    C. Vega and her brother Garcia?             D. the firefighters

3. By saying “I’d say it’s unlikely they will recover this, but I’ve been surprised before.” in the

   last paragraph, Clyatt means _______.?

    A. it’s a wonder that Seals survived the fire?    B. the house was badly damaged?

    C. such a big fire was seldom seen?            D. Chato is a very clever dog

4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned??

    A. The person who called the firefighters.?

    B. The possible cause of the accident.?

    C. The relationship between Seals and Garcia.?

    D. The owner of the house.


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