
2.I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends,_____ we enjoyed a lovely  view of the lake.(  )

分析 我和我的朋友走到了山顶,在那里我们欣赏到了湖泊的美丽风景.

解答 答案是B,考查定语从句.本句被修饰的先行词是the top of the hill 山顶,在定语从句 we enjoyed a lovely  view of the lake中做地点状语,所以用关系副词where来引导,故答案选B.

点评 定语从句又称为形容词性从句,综观历年高考试题,我们可以发现该语法项目是测试中的热点与难点,解定语从句的题目首先要知道哪一句是主句,哪一句是从句,被修饰的词是谁,从句中的句子成分缺失什么,根据缺失成分的不同从而选出相对应的关系代词或者关系副词,从而选出正确的答案,解题的关键是从句句子的成分分析.

17.Thousands of teenagers will be able to transfer to a new wave of"studio schools"at the age of 14 to improve their chances of finding a job in UK.A dozen new-style schools are designed to act as a bridge to the workplace and cut the number of NEETs--young people not in education,employment or training.
Under plans,schools will operate longer days and work outside standard academic terms.
Each pupil will be expected to spend between four hours and two days a week on work placements with businesses linked to the school and teenagers will be assigned a personal coach to act as an academic"line manager".
    The reforms are put forward due to the fears that too many teenagers are now finishing full-time education lacking the skills needed to succeed in the workplace.According to a recent report,more than two-thirds of employers believe school and college leavers lack important"employability skills"such as customer awareness,while 55 per cent say they are unable to manage their time or daily tasks.And the number of NEETs has hit a record high,with almost one-in-five young people being left without a job or training place.
The Department for Education will announce the establishment of 12 studio schools--meeting the need of around 3,600 teenagers--in areas such as Liverpool,Stevenage,Stoke-on-Trent and Fulham,west London.Each one,opening in 2012,will be linked to a series of local employers.Under plans,pupils will be able to transfer out of ordinary schools to attend them between the age of 14 and 19.
The Government said all subjects would be taught"through projects,often designed with employers"--with disciplines such as science being linked directly to local engineering firms or hospitals.Schools will operate a longer day to give pupils a better understanding of the demands of the workplace.Along with their studies,pupils will carry out work placements for four hours a week,rising to two days a week of paid work for those aged 16 to 19.They will also get the chance to take professional qualifications linked directly to the needs of local employers.
68.According to the passage,the NEETs are referred to those whoD.
A.often miss classes from school
B.refuse to take any kind of part-time jobs after school
C.depend on their parents to find jobs after they graduate
D.have no jobs without accepting education and work training
69.Compared to ordinary schools,studio schools will offer the young moreB.
A.interesting and lovely cartoons to make study easier
B.chances to get future jobs with expert job training
C.possibilities to make friends without going outside
D.lessons helping them to be admitted to universities
70.What makes the government decide to found studio schools?C
A.The determination to solve the problem of lacking workers.
B.The doubt about whether full-time education is perfect.
C.The worry about educated people lacking working skills.
D.The increasing number of teens who drop out early.
71.What may most probably attract senior high school students at studio school?A
A.They can find suitable jobs earlier with good qualification.
B.They will be admitted to top companies with received training.
C.They needn't go to university thanks to received training here.
D.They may have more free time to find part-time jobs after school.
14.BEIJING-China has the world's largest population of citizens over age 65and in the coming decades their numbers are expected to quickly grow.Already,officials are struggling to cope with the rising numbers of elderly at a time when there is a shortage of nursing home beds and certified caregivers.
Feng Jie is a trained nurse who decided a year and half ago to leave her job at a state-run hospital and work with a private nursing company.
She says that unlike her job at the hospital,she now gets to spend more quality time with patients and as an added bonus her pay is better.Still,few have followed in her footsteps."It was a risk[to come to work here].All of my classmates still work in hospitals.I thought that I'd give it a try because this industry,this type of job is still an emerging field,"she said.
China's population is aging at one of the fastest rates in the world.By the middle of the century,more than 450million people will be over 60years of age.
China lacks both the facilities and the staff to adequately care for the elderly,says Du Peng,director of the Institute of Gerontology(老年学) at Renmin University-the only program of its kind in China."We have four million beds available,one caretaker for every three elderly.We should have more than a million caretakers,if in the future we will have 30million elderly then we need 10million caretakers,"she explained."But at the moment in China every year only 6,000gerontology professionals are certified."
Right now most of China's nursing homes are state owned,but through incentives(激励) to private enterprises,caregivers and stipends(生活津贴) for the elderly,the government is looking to shake up the market.
Li Xinyue says such incentives helped her quickly find a job at a private nursing home after graduating."When I was still in school I thought about where I would work afterwards,and at the time the government was issuing some policies to assist private institutions…there were many privately run institutions available,so there were more to choose from,"Li Xinyue stated.
In addition to cutting red tape to allow more foreign and private investment in elderly care,the government is testing ways to encourage caregivers to seek more training and keep certified nurses in the field.
"It is a bit like the reform of China's economic system thirty years ago,when it was mostly state owned enterprises and there was a break with that and a promotion of economic development.Now we are seeing a similar thing with the break down of the bottleneck,"said Peng.
As more elderly Chinese turn to nursing homes for care,authorities hope investors see profit in the country's demographic challenges,and add to the 400,000nursing homes that now are mostly state run.
55.What's the main idea of the passage?D
A.China has the world's largest population of citizens over age 65.
B.In the coming decades the number of citizens over age 65is expected to quickly grow.
C.Officials are struggling to cope with the rising numbers of elderly in China.
D.There is a shortage of nursing home beds and certified caregivers in China.
56.Why did FengJie leave her job at a state-run hospital and work with a private nursing company?D
A.Because she was asked to work there by the institution.
B.Because she was not satisfied with the hospital she was working in.
C.Because she wanted to get a better pay.
D.Because it is a new industry and she wanted to have a try.
57.From the fifth paragraph,we can conclude thatD.
A.there is only one Institute of Gerontology in China
B.we have got enough beds available in China.
C.one caretaker for every three elderly is quite perfect
D.in China every year only 6,000gerontology professionals are certified
58.What's the government policy to cope with the problem of the rising numbers of elderly and a shortage of nursing home beds and certified caregivers?D
A.Encouraging the caretakers to work at state owned institutions.
B.Reducing the state owned institutions.
C.Encouraging more elderly Chinese to turn to nursing homes for care
D.Motivate more investors to run private nursing homes.
12.Black Box
You never see them,but they're with you every time you fly.They record where you're going,how fast you're traveling and whether everything on your airplane is functioning normally.Their ability to resist almost any disaster makes them seem like something out of a comic (漫画)  book.They're known as the black box.
When planes fall from the sky,as a Yemeni airliner did on its way to the Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean on June 30,2009,the black box is the best method for identifying what went wrong.So when a French submarine(潜水艇)  discovered its homing signal five days later,it marked a huge step toward determining the cause of the disaster in which 152passengers were killed.
In 1958.Australian scientist David Warren developed a flight-memory recorder that would track basic information like altitude and direction.That was the first model for a black box,which became a requirement on all US commercial flights by 1960.Early models often failed to resist crashes,however,so in 1965it was completely redesigned.That same year,the Federal Aviation Authority required that the boxes,which were never actually black,be painted orange or yellow to be easier to see.
Modem airplanes have two black boxes:a voice recorder,which tracks pilots'conversations,and a flight-data recorder,which monitors fuel levels,engine noises and other operating functions that help experts reconstruct the aircraft's final moments.The boxes can resist powerful force and temperatures up t0 2,OOOoF.They're also able to send out signals from depths of 20,000ft.Experts believe the boxes from Air France Flight 447,which crashed near Brazil on June 1,2009,are in water nearly that deep,but statistics say they're still likely to turn up.In the approximately 20deep-sea crashes over the past 30years,only one plane's black boxes were never recovered.

67.What can we leam about the black box from the passage?C
A.It helps an airplane function normally.
B.Its ability to avoid disasters is amazing.
C.It is necessary equipment on an airplane.
D.The idea for its design comes from a comic book.
68.From the black box on the Yemeni airliner we can get information aboutB.
A.the scene of the crash and the damage
B.data for analyzing the cause of the crash
C.the total number of passengers on board
D.homing signals sent by the pilot before the crash
69.The Federal Aviation Authority required the black boxes be painted orange or yellow toA
A.make them easily identified
B.meet the international standards
C.caution people to handle them with care
D.distinguish them from the color of the plane
70.What do we know about the black boxes from Air France Flight 447?D
A.They have stopped sending homing signals.
B.They were destroyed somewhere near Brazil.
C.There is an urgent need for them to be restructured.
D.There is still a good chance of their being recovered.

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