

  “From the time I was little, I wanted to be a writer,” says author Elaine Jesmer.“Then I wrote a best-selling novel.I hated it, and even worse, I wasn’t comfortable with the process of writing.So I stopped.”

  Elaine Jesmer later moved into publishing.Then she got cancer.It was advanced, requiring two rounds of chemo, surgery and radiation."For all intents and purposes, the cancer was gone.And all of a sudden, I wanted to write again."

  "I'M HOT! AND I'M BALD!" CHEMOTHERAPY FOR WINNERS was written to help people going through chemo manage the side effects, and to address the fear.

  Because of her knowledge of the publishing world, she chose to publish the book herself."It's available on Amazon and Kindle, but I wanted people in treatment to get it free.The goal is to be able to pick up the book when they check in for treatment.Nobody on chemo wants to shop for information." she explains.

  "I wanted to create an absorbing, informative book that people could stuff into their purses or briefcases, and refer to if they wanted to know, say, where to go if they need free.transportation to see another doctor in another part of the country.There are a lot of small, but really helpful organizations like that, but they're off the beaten path."

  "I also wanted patients being treated with chemo for any reason, to add their voices, with suggestions about how to deal with the side effects and the fear.You always hear the horror stories, but there's very little about people who sail through treatment.New patients can use that kind of information."

  In addition to publishing and selling the book, Jesmer publishes a monthly newsletter called Chemotalk and has begun to speak publicly on topics ranging from handling specific side effects to "I'm finished with chemo…now what?"


Why did Elaine Jesmer write the book?

[  ]


To make a profit.


To make suggestions.


To describe her experience.


To offer helpful information.


From Paragraph 4 we can know that _________.

[  ]


Elaine Jesmer knows the reader's well


nobody wants to sell this kind of book


everyone can get the book free


the book is really difficult to buy


What does the underlined phrase "the beaten path" refer to?

[  ]


The short cut.


The common practice.


The narrow road.


The same direction.


What is the most difficult for people suffering from cancer?

[  ]


To handle side effects and fears.


To find useful instructions.


To voice their opinions.


To hear terrible stories.


The text suggests that Elaine Jesmer ________

[  ]


is expert in marketing


has never fully recovered


likes challenging herself


is a great writing talent



  The Channel Islands are a group of British - owned islands lying in the English Channel (海峡) , 10 to 30 miles off the French coast, and 70 to 90 miles from the English coast. There are ten islands with a total land area of 75 square miles and a total population of 123, 000. The three largest islands, Jersey, Guernsey, and Alderney, have long been known for the fine breeds (品种) of cattle that are raised on them and named after them.

  In earliest known history the islands were considered part of Normandy, which was part of France, but the ruler of Normandy became king of England in 1066, and from then on the islands were looked upon as British land. English control was unbroken until World War Ⅱ, when the Germans held the islands for five years.

  Although people on the islands speak both languages and they are considered English, their customs are more French than English.


1.Which of the following maps gives the right position of the Channel Islands? Br = Britain Fr = France Ch = Channel Islands

[  ]





2.Jersey, Guernsey, and. Alderney breeds of cattle are ________.

[  ]

A.considered best in England

B.named after their birthplaces

C.brought to the islands by the Germans

D.raised on well - known farms by the French

3.The Channel Islands have been continuously under British rule since ________.

[  ]

A.earliest known history



D.the end of World War Ⅱ

4.Why do people on the Channel Islands follow French way of living?

[  ]

A.Their islands used to be part of France.

B.Their islands are often visited by the French.

C.They came from France .

D.They speak French.


  The Channel Islands are a group of British - owned islands lying in the English Channel (海峡) , 10 to 30 miles off the French coast, and 70 to 90 miles from the English coast. There are ten islands with a total land area of 75 square miles and a total population of 123, 000. The three largest islands, Jersey, Guernsey, and Alderney, have long been known for the fine breeds (品种) of cattle that are raised on them and named after them.

  In earliest known history the islands were considered part of Normandy, which was part of France, but the ruler of Normandy became king of England in 1066, and from then on the islands were looked upon as British land. English control was unbroken until World War Ⅱ, when the Germans held the islands for five years.

  Although people on the islands speak both languages and they are considered English, their customs are more French than English.


1.Which of the following maps gives the right position of the Channel Islands? Br = Britain Fr = France Ch = Channel Islands

[  ]





2.Jersey, Guernsey, and. Alderney breeds of cattle are ________.

[  ]

A.considered best in England

B.named after their birthplaces

C.brought to the islands by the Germans

D.raised on well - known farms by the French

3.The Channel Islands have been continuously under British rule since ________.

[  ]

A.earliest known history



D.the end of World War Ⅱ

4.Why do people on the Channel Islands follow French way of living?

[  ]

A.Their islands used to be part of France.

B.Their islands are often visited by the French.

C.They came from France .

D.They speak French.

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