
He threw away all the ______ cigarettes, _______ to give up smoking for the sake of his health

  1. A.
    remained; determining
  2. B.
    leaving; determined
  3. C.
    remaining; determined
  4. D.
    left; determining
考查非谓语动词。remaining 留下的,剩下的,作定语时要前置,left剩下的,要后置,所以剩下的香烟应表达为remaining cigarettes,短语:be determined to do ,决定做某事,在这里determined作状语。所以选C。

    Of all the men who ever liked fresh air, no one liked it more than James Wilson did. He _1__ slept with his window open even when snow was falling outside.

    One winter, he went to Finland on business. When he _2__ his room in the hotel, he found that the windows were closed to __3__ the icy air out. He did his best to open one but failed. The bed was really __4___, but Wilson couldn’t sleep. He __5__ forget the closed windows. No fresh air! It was __6___ to think of.

    At about one o’clock in the morning, he was __7__ awake. Worrying about the air in the room. He became very angry. Where was the __8__ ? He could see something that looked like __9___ over there. He threw a shoe at it through the darkness with all the force of his strong right arm. A terrible sound of breaking glass _10__ the room, but to Wilson’s sad heart, it seemed like the sound of __11___ music.

    When daylight came through the window, he __12___ and lay with his eyes close. There was __13__ to worry about. __14___ was it ? Oh, the broken window! Yes, indeed. He would have to pay __15__ that. He opened his eyes to look.

    Suddenly he sat up in __16__. The window was not broken at all. The __17__ was all in one piece, just as good as it had been the night before. __18__ fresh air was entering the room through the window!

    He then turned his eyes to the __19__ and saw a broken picture __20__ on the wall. There was a shoe on the floor below it, and a lot of broken glasses around the shoe.

1. A. seldom           B. often                 C. sometimes          D. always

    2. A. left             B. cleaned               C. entered            D. examined

    3. A. prevent          B. keep                  C. stop               D. send

    4. A. cold             B. comfortable           C. bad                D. terrible

    5. A. shouldn’t       B. wasn’t able to       C. couldn’t          D. wouldn’t

    6. A. unlucky          B. anxious               C. difficult          D. terrible

    7. A. already          B. nearly                C. hardly             D. still

    8. A. waiter           B. manager               C. window             D. light

    9. A. paper            B. glass                 C. a picture          D. a man

    10. A. destroyed       B. covered               C. filled             D. entered

    11. A. funny           B. strange               C. beautiful          D. famous

    12. A. got up          B. woke up               C. went in            D. came down

    13. A. a lot           B. little                C. something          D. someone

    14. A. What            B. How                   C. Where              D. Who

    15. A. to              B. with                  C. from               D. for

    16. A. silence         B. surprise              C. trouble            D. pain

    17. A. window          B. picture               C. glass              D. shoe

    18. A. Much            B. No                    C. Still              D. Yet

    19. A. outside         B. top                   C. side               D. bottom

    20. A. lying           B. hanging               C. falling            D. put    

Amy returned to her small apartment at midnight, exhausted. Pushing the key into the lock, she quietly opened the door so as not to wake her younger brothers. She stepped into the front room and froze. The apartment was a mess: plates of half-eaten food were scattered in front of the TV; toys littered the floor; clothes, shoes and homework were strewn everywhere. Amy’s eyes welled with tears. This is just way too much for me, she thought. Her worst fears began to race through her mind. Would the court(法院)tell her she couldn’t care for her family anymore? Would the kids go through the bitterness once more of being split up and sent away? She was so young, almost a child herself, and yet Amy knew everything depended on her. At that moment, she wondered if she would ever find the strength to see it through
Amy had been born dead. Doctors fought and saved this smaller twin of a drug-taking mother, and she’d had to fight for everything in life ever since. From earliest childhood, Amy took care of her younger brothers. Jan, their mother, only added to the family disorder and confusion. Sometimes they lived in apartments, sometimes in shelters.
One afternoon Amy was called to the high school, where a social worker was waiting for her. “We know your mother has been staying with you,” the social worker said. “We’re going to have to put you guys in foster (收养))care.” “No! Don’t split us up!” the girl cried out. “Can’t you just leave it the way it is?” The social worker shook his head. Amy’s voice then rose like the howl of a lioness protecting her babies: “Why can’t I take them? I take care of them all the time anyway.” The social worker hesitated, and then said, “Maybe. Once you’re 18, you could apply to become their relative caretaker. Then you’d be their foster mother until we find a home where all of you can be together.” “I’ll do it,” Amy said.
One month later, Amy was named guardian(监护人)of her brothers for a six-month trial period. It was a remarkable victory for an 18-year-old girl. Her brothers didn’t make her task any easier in the months ahead. However,Amy’s efforts were rewarded when the court allowed her to continue as guardian. Amy’s relief at remaining the kids’ guardian was at risk of being taken away by the pressure she always felt to measure up. Social workers still looked regularly over her shoulder and asked the boys shameful questions: “Does she feed you? Does she ever try to harm you?” Then one day a visiting social worker came over. “We’d like to get the boys out of foster care and adopted into homes,” she said. Sensing that the family was about to be split apart yet again, Amy replied, “Fine, then. Call it adoption if you want, but they’re not going anywhere.” To her surprise, the social worker took her remark seriously. She explained that if Amy were to adopt the boys, they would become like any other family.
That night at dinner Amy told the boys about the idea. “Cool!” Joey said. He threw a piece of corn at Adam. His brother flicked it back, and pretty soon corn was flying. Amy rolled her eyes. They didn’t have far to go to be like any other family. As the proceedings(程序)ended, Amy thanked everyone. “No,” the judge responded, “thank you. You saved three kids. Not many family members would do what you’re doing, especially for this many children. I’m very proud of you.” 
On a lazy spring day, in a modest suburban neighborhood, Amy stood in front of a neatly kept one-story house. She watched her brothers playing basketball, and heard the playful bark of their dog, Tahoe. The young lady had made good on her promise: they had rented a home, a real home, and the boys had gotten their dog. Amy continues to raise her family alone, but has begun taking courses in business management at a nearby community college. Eventually, she hopes to become a child psychologist.
【小题1】Which of the following best describes Amy?

A.Crazy and tough.B.Firm and stubborn.
C.Enthusiastic and generous. D.Abnormal and aggressive.
【小题2】What was bothering Amy most in the passage?
A.The mess in her apartment.
B.Her family being split up again.
C.Working hard to support the family.
D.Her young age to take care of her brothers.
【小题3】From the Paragraph 3, we can learn that __________.
A.The social worker gave in to Amy.
B.The social worker tried to adopt Amy’s brothers.
C.Amy tried to apply for the guardian of the brothers.
D.Amy had no idea how to face her family being split up.
【小题4】By saying “They didn’t have far to go to be like any other family”, the writer means________.
A.they will live in the same area as other families.
B.they made a deep impression on the neighborhood.
C.Amy is able to take good care of the family.
D.Amy and her brothers would be already just like a family.
【小题5】The best title for this text would be___________. 
A.Standing On Two FeetB.Growing Up Alone
C.A Lifelong FightD.A Teen Hero

Amy returned to her small apartment at midnight, tired. Her worst fears raced through her mind. Would the court tell her she couldn’t care for her family anymore? Would the kids go through the sadness once more of being split up and sent away? She was so young, almost a child herself, and yet Amy knew everything depended on her. At that moment, she wondered if she would ever find the strength to see it through.
From earliest childhood, Amy took care of her younger brothers. Jan, their mother, only added to the family disorder and confusion because of her drug addict. Sometimes they lived in apartments, sometimes in shelters.
One afternoon Amy was called to the high school, where a social worker was waiting for her. “We’re going to have to put you guys in foster(收养) care.” the social worker said. “No! Don’t spilt us up!” the girl cried out. “Can’t you just leave it the way it is?” The social worker shook his head. Amy’s voice then rose like the howl of a lion protecting her babies: “Why can’t I take them? I take care of them all the time anyway.” The social worker hesitated, and then said, “Maybe. Once you’re 18, you could apply to become their relative caretaker. Then you’d be their foster mother until we find a home where all of you can be together.” “I’ll do it,” Amy said.
One month later, Amy was named guardian of her brothers for a six-month trial period. It was a remarkable victory for an 18-year-old girl. Her brothers didn’t make her task any easier in the months ahead. However,Amy’s efforts were rewarded when the court allowed her to continue as guardian. Amy’s relief at remaining the kids’ guardian was at risk of being taken away by the pressure she always
felt to measure up. Social workers still looked regularly over her shoulder and asked the boys shameful
questions: “Does she feed you? Does she ever try to harm you?” Then one day a visiting social worker
came over. “We’d like to get the boys adopted into homes,” she said. Sensing that the family was about to be split apart yet again, Amy replied, “Fine, then. Call it adoption if you want, but they’re not going anywhere.” To her surprise, the social worker took her remark seriously. She explained that if Amy were to adopt the boys, they would become like any other family.
That night at dinner Amy told the boys about the idea. “Cool!” Joey said. He threw a piece of corn at Adam. His brother flicked it back, and pretty soon corn was flying. Amy rolled her eyes. They didn’t have far to go to be like any other family. As the proceedings(程序)ended, Amy thanked everyone. “No,” the judge responded, “Thank you. You saved three kids. Not many family members would do what you’re doing, especially for this many children. I’m very proud of you.” 
On a lazy spring day, in a modest suburban neighborhood, Amy stood in front of a neatly kept one-story house. She watched her brothers playing basketball, and heard the playful bark of their dog, Tahoe. The young lady had made good on her promise: they had rented a home, a real home, and the boys had gotten their dog. Amy continues to raise her family alone, but has begun taking courses in business management at a nearby community college. Eventually, she hopes to become a child psychologist.
【小题1】 Which of the following best describes Amy?

A.Crazy and toughB.Firm and stubborn
C.Enthusiastic and generous D.Abnormal and aggressive.
【小题2】From Paragraph 3, we can learn that __________.
A.The social worker gave in to Amy.
B.The social worker tried to adopt Amy’s brothers.
C.Amy tried to apply for the guardian of the brothers
D.Amy had no idea how to face her family being separated up.
【小题3】By saying “They didn’t have far to go to be like any other family”, the writer means________.
A.they will live in the same area as other families
B.they made a deep impression on the neighborhood
C.Amy is able to take good care of the family
D.Amy and her brothers would be already just like a family
【小题4】The best title for this text would be___________. 
A.Standing On Two FeetB.Growing Up Alone
C.A Lifelong FightD.A Teen Hero
【小题5】What does  the underlined word guardian in paragraph 4 mean?

There was once a man who met with a shipwreck(船只失事) and landed on a deserted island.Every day he prayed____ someone could pass and rescue himbut to his ____no one ever came.

Months went by and this man learned to ___ food and firewood from the island and stored them in a hut(棚屋)? that he constructedwhich helped him ____ on the deserted island.One day when he ____ his hut after hunting for food____he saw his hut was on firealong with everything else he had!

All of his ____ were going up in smokeThe only thing ____ was the clothes on his back.At first he was ___frozen there and then he was filled with ____He threw a fist into the air and began yelling, “How unfairHow could this ____ to meI’ve been praying every day for months but now everything that I have is on fire

Later the man grew so ____ that he fell on his hands and knees weeping heavily when he happened to look up and ____ a ship coming in his direction.The man was ____.As they were heading back to civilizationthe man asked the captain, “How were you able to ____ me” The captain ____“We were voyaging across the ocean when a cloud of ____ going up caught our attention.We ____ to go check it out and that’s when we found you

In life we will always be ___ with challengesproblemsand disasters.Always keep in mind that a disaster can sometimes be good ____ in disguise(掩盖)

1.A.realizing? Bimagining

Choping? Ddoubting

2.A.excitement? Bdisappointment

Camazement? Dembarrassment

3.A.collect? Breceive

Corder? Dshare

4.A.survive? Bsuffer

Cadapt Ddevelop

5.A.visited? Bput up

Creturned to? Dpassed

6.A.naturally? Bunexpectedly

Cinstead? Danyway

7.A.preparations? Bpreferences

Cfeelings? Dpossessions

8.A.left? Bvalued

Clost? Dmoved

9.A.touched? Bshocked

Cbored? Dconfused

10.A.anger Bpain

Cfear? Dshame

11.A.open Bobject

Chappen? Dappeal

12.A.unreasonable? Btired

Cweak? Ddesperate

13.A.spotted? Bsought

Ccaught? Dsearched

14.A.rescued? Bprotected

Crewarded? Dwelcomed

15.A.trust? Bkeep? Cseize? Dfind

16.A.declared? Bexplained

Canalysed? Dadded

17.A.light? Bsmoke? Cwater? Dsound

18.A.forgot? Bcontinued

Cpretended? Ddecided

19.A.supplied? Bsatisfied

Cfaced? Dequipped

20.A.experience? Bluck

Cinformation? Dprogress


Amy returned to her small apartment at midnight, tired. Her worst fears raced through her mind. Would the court tell her she couldn’t care for her family anymore? Would the kids go through the sadness once more of being split up and sent away? She was so young, almost a child herself, and yet Amy knew everything depended on her. At that moment, she wondered if she would ever find the strength to see it through.

From earliest childhood, Amy took care of her younger brothers. Jan, their mother, only added to the family disorder and confusion because of her drug addict. Sometimes they lived in apartments, sometimes in shelters.

One afternoon Amy was called to the high school, where a social worker was waiting for her. “We’re going to have to put you guys in foster(收养) care.” the social worker said. “No! Don’t spilt us up!” the girl cried out. “Can’t you just leave it the way it is?” The social worker shook his head. Amy’s voice then rose like the howl of a lion protecting her babies: “Why can’t I take them? I take care of them all the time anyway.” The social worker hesitated, and then said, “Maybe. Once you’re 18, you could apply to become their relative caretaker. Then you’d be their foster mother until we find a home where all of you can be together.” “I’ll do it,” Amy said.

One month later, Amy was named guardian of her brothers for a six-month trial period. It was a remarkable victory for an 18-year-old girl. Her brothers didn’t make her task any easier in the months ahead. However,Amy’s efforts were rewarded when the court allowed her to continue as guardian. Amy’s relief at remaining the kids’ guardian was at risk of being taken away by the pressure she always

felt to measure up. Social workers still looked regularly over her shoulder and asked the boys shameful

questions: “Does she feed you? Does she ever try to harm you?” Then one day a visiting social worker

came over. “We’d like to get the boys adopted into homes,” she said. Sensing that the family was about to be split apart yet again, Amy replied, “Fine, then. Call it adoption if you want, but they’re not going anywhere.” To her surprise, the social worker took her remark seriously. She explained that if Amy were to adopt the boys, they would become like any other family.

That night at dinner Amy told the boys about the idea. “Cool!” Joey said. He threw a piece of corn at Adam. His brother flicked it back, and pretty soon corn was flying. Amy rolled her eyes. They didn’t have far to go to be like any other family. As the proceedings(程序)ended, Amy thanked everyone. “No,” the judge responded, “Thank you. You saved three kids. Not many family members would do what you’re doing, especially for this many children. I’m very proud of you.” 

On a lazy spring day, in a modest suburban neighborhood, Amy stood in front of a neatly kept one-story house. She watched her brothers playing basketball, and heard the playful bark of their dog, Tahoe. The young lady had made good on her promise: they had rented a home, a real home, and the boys had gotten their dog. Amy continues to raise her family alone, but has begun taking courses in business management at a nearby community college. Eventually, she hopes to become a child psychologist.

1. Which of the following best describes Amy?

A.Crazy and tough                        B.Firm and stubborn

C.Enthusiastic and generous                 D.Abnormal and aggressive.

2.From Paragraph 3, we can learn that __________.

A.The social worker gave in to Amy.

B.The social worker tried to adopt Amy’s brothers.

C.Amy tried to apply for the guardian of the brothers

D.Amy had no idea how to face her family being separated up.

3.By saying “They didn’t have far to go to be like any other family”, the writer means________.

A.they will live in the same area as other families

B.they made a deep impression on the neighborhood

C.Amy is able to take good care of the family

D.Amy and her brothers would be already just like a family

4.The best title for this text would be___________. 

A.Standing On Two Feet                    B.Growing Up Alone

C.A Lifelong Fight                         D.A Teen Hero

5.What does  the underlined word guardian in paragraph 4 mean?

A.保护者           B.监护人           C.收养人           D.引导人


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