
Lower Risk with the Potential for High Returns—NOW
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To reduce the risk of exposing your money to the ups and downs of direct investment into shares,your money will be spread across a wide range of investments from all over the world with the aim of achieving steady long term growth.This has always been the aim of our long established and highly successful Investment Portfolio Fund,made up of a balanced selection of different investments as explained by the chart below.

To manage these investments,we rely on no less than five leading fund managers with proven expert skill as specialist in their chosen investment fields. With their different approaches to investment, these five fund managers have been specially selected by Marks and Spencer Financial Services as we believe they will exchange their opinion with each other perfectly in meeting our overall aim for the fund of consistent growth. This balanced management approach, not only gives the potential to achieve better results than market averages in individual industry but also allows quick reactions to protect your interests in the event of market downturns.  
So who are the fund managers selected to look after your Investment Portfolio Investment and what exactly will they be doing on your behalf?
BGI have been chosen to track the FTSE A1l Share Index (指数).For this,they have put together a portfolio of shares which closely resembles the UK equity market as a whole.
EBG will be looking for companies that can offer excellent growth chances.
Their expert skill is in finding companies which they believe are valued at less than they are worth.In this,they have developed advanced research methods to identify under-valued companies.
By looking at global political and economic trends as well as individual companies,Clay Finlay can identify international market opportunities and especially select companies with strong growth chances.
Rothschild aims to add stability and income to the Fund by investing in government bonds(公债)and other fixed interest securities.
And with Marks&Spencer Financial Services, you'll also have the reassurance that your interests will be looked after by a name you know you can really trust for quality,honesty and value every step of the way.
It all adds up to a tremendous opportunity for savers looking for a lower risk way to make more of their money with the extra boost to their profit potential of saving tax free through an ISA,so what are you waiting for?
1.The text is most likely to be found in   .
A.a scientific research report         B.a travel magazine
C.a weekly newspaper                  D.a geography textbook
2.Who will be most interested in reading the advertisement?
A.Accountants.                        B.Students.
C.Investors.                                 D.Professors.
3.What is the function of Investment Portfolio Fund?
A.Exposing your money to the ups and downs of the direct investment into shares.
B.Helping lower risk with the potential for higher returns.
C.Hiring no less than five leading fund managers.
D.Giving a detailed description of balanced management requirement.
4.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?
A.The five fund managers with different approaches to investment can cooperate with each other perfectly.
B.Marks&Spencer Financial Services reassure the investors that their interests will be well    1ooked after.
C.Clay Finlay can identify international market opportunities and especially select companies    with strong growth chances.
D.Gmo Woolley will be looking for companies that can offer excellent growth chances.


Sweet potatoes are fat-free, high in fiber and full of the vitamins that research suggests reduce your risk of life-shortening diseases. To stay healthy, we must eat more fruits and vegetables, and sweet potatoes are a great source of beta carotene(胡萝卜素) and other carotenoids(which the body turns into vitamin A). According to a study of the diets of almost 90,000 nurses, eating about one cup a day of fruits and vegetables rich in carotenoids can cut your risk of stroke in half and reduce your risk of heart disease by 22 percent. Other research suggests beta carotene protects against breast, lung and stomach cancers.
Beta carotene is the most famous member of the carotenoids family. In face, a medium-sized sweet potato contains nearly 12mg of beta carotene(anti-aging experts usually suggest 6 to 11 mg per day). Sweet potatoes are also a low-fat source of vitamin E. Research has linked high E diets with a lower risk of heart disease. This vitamin pill in an orange jacket also packs a vitamin C punchit which has more C than apricots (a kind of fruit). Research suggests that vitamin C protects against ailments (小疾) ranging from cataracts(an eye disease) to cancer. In addition, a UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) study linked high vitamin C diets with a longer life. Recent studies have showed that antioxidant Vitamins C, E and beta carotene fight a fierce battle against free radicals (自由基),which cause cell damage and lead to various illness. Therefore, to keep fit, eat more sweet potatoes.
72. According to the text, there exists a lot of ______in sweet potatoes.
A. fiber, beta carotene, other carotenoids, Vitamin E and C
B. beta carotene, other carotenoids, fiber, Vitamin A and E
C. Vitamin A, beta carotene, fiber, Vitamin E and C
D. beta carotene, other carotenoids, Vitamin A and E
73. This text as a whole suggests that eating sweet potatoes can help______.
A. cut your risk of stroke and heart disease
B. protect against breast, lung and stomach cancers
C. protect against ailments ranging from cataracts to cancers
D. you stay healthy and reduce your risk of life-shortening diseases
74. “ This vitamin pill in an orange jacket” in the passage refers to______.
A. sweet potato     B. vitamin C pill
C. vitamin E pill    D. beta carotene
75. The best title of this passage might be______.
A. On sweet potatoes             B. The vitamin superstar
C. Beta carotene and vitamins      D. Diet and disease

Below is some advice on how to prevent cancer:
8 Ways to Avoid Cancer in Your Life
1. Eat Blueberries
Aside from being a healthy and delicious snack, blueberries contain pterostilbene, which has important colon(结肠) cancer-fighting prosperities. But wait, it gets better. Blueberries also offer a large dose of vitamins C (14 milligrams per cup). So at breakfast, try to take in a cup and a half of blueberries in your cereal or yogurt, or mixed with other berries.
2. Drink Pomegranate(石榴)Juice
The deep red juice of the pomegranate contains polyphenols, isoflavones and ellagic acid, which together create a powerful anticancer mixture. Most recently, researchers from the University of Wisconsin at Madison has discovered that 16 ounces of pomegranate juice per day also may inhibit the growth of lung cancer.
3. Relax
Feeling stressed or worried? Find ways to relax and you may reduce your chances of developing cancer. Purdue University researchers tracked 1,600 men over 12 years and found that half of those with high levels of worry died during the study period. Only 20 percent of the optimists died before the study were completed, while 34 percent of the extremely anxious men died of some type of cancer. Instead of stressing about the past or future, focus on the present and relax!
4. Take Selenium(硒)
Selenium is well known for its cancer-fighting properties. In a study of almost 1,000 men, researchers from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that when men with the lowest initial levels of selenium in their bodies received a daily supplement over a 4 year period, they cut their prostate(前列腺) cancer risk by a remarkable 92 percent. However, it is possible to get too much of a good thing, so monitor your intake of selenium-containing supplements, Brazil nuts, tuna, meats and grains carefully.
5. Eat Sushi(寿司)
Seaweed may not be your idea of a great snack, but it is high in fiber, calcium and iron, and dry, roasted seaweed sheets used in sushi provide the additional benefits of vitamins A and C. Sushi rolls are also high in protein— a typical spicy tuna roll has only 290 calories but packs 24 grams of protein. So don’t skimp(节省)on the Sushi!
6. Enjoy the Outdoors
Vitamin D causes early death of cancer cells. A study published in the American Journey of Clinical Nutrition reported that women who supplemented their diets with 1,000 international. Units of vitamin D every day had a 60 percent to 77 percent lower incidence of cancer ever a four-year period that did women taking a placebo(无效对照剂). Experts recommend supplementing your fun in the sun with 1,100 to 2,000IU of vitamin D each day.
7. Breathe Clean Air
There’s no question that secondhand smoke kills. A recent American Journal of Public Health study showed that nonsmokers working in smoky places had three times the amount of carcinogen(致癌物质) in their urine(尿) than nonsmokers working in smoke-free locations. What’s worse, their levels of the carcinogen rose 6 percent for every hour worked. Nine states have banned smoking in all workplaces, bars and restaurants. The message is clear: Do whatever you can to avoid the cloud of smoke.
8. Break a Sweat
Even a small amount of exercise can offer major cancer-fighting benefits. In a study of 29,110 men published in the International Journal of Cancer, men who exercised just once a week had a percent lower risk of metastasis(转移性) prostate cancer than men who didn’t work out at all. The better the frequency, duration and intensity of the exercise, the bigger the reduction in risk, according to the study.
【小题1】To prevent yourself from catching colon cancer, you should eat ____ as often as possible.

A.sushiB.blueberriesC.pomegranatesD.Vitamin D
【小题2】A person is very likely to catch some type of cancer if ______.
A.he is very fond of exercise every day.
B.he is addicted to smoking
C.he is always feeling extremely stressed or worried
D.he likes to have meals in restaurants
【小题3】_____ will remarkably reduce the risk of men’s prostate cancer.
A.Having a daily supplement of selenium
B.Drinking a cup of pomegranate juice every day
C.Breathing fresh air now and then
D.Taking exercise at least once a week
【小题4】If you want to keep cancer away, it is particularly important to ______.
A.have a daily supplement of vitamins B and C
B.try to ignore the secondhand smoking
C.take in as many selenium-containing supplements as possible
D.having exercise as often as possible

Eating a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression, research suggests. What's more, people who ate plenty of vegetables, fruit and fish actually had a lower risk of depression, the University College London team found.

Data on diet among 3,500 middle-aged civil servants were compared with their emotional state five years later, a British journal reported. They split the participants into two types of diet--those who ate a diet largely based on whole food,which includes lots of fruit, vegetables and fish,and those who ate a mainly processed food diet, such as sweetened desserts, fried food, processed meat,refined grains and high fat dairy products After accounting for factors such as gender, age, education, physical activity, smoking habits and chronic(慢性的) diseases, they found a significant difference in the future depression risk with the different diets.

Those who ate the most wholefood had a 26% lower risk of future depression than those who ate the least wholefood. By contrast, people with a diet high in processed food had a 58% higher risk of depression than those who ate a diet low in processed foods.

Study author Dr. Archana Singh Manoux pointed out there was a chance that the finding could be explained by lifestyle factor they had not accounted for. He also pointed in a paper that a Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower risk of depression, but the problem with that is if you live in Britain, the likelihood of you eating a Mediterranean diet is not very high.

Dr.Andrew McCulloeh, chief executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said, this study adds to an existing body of solid research that shows the strong links between what we eat and our mental health.

He added people's diets were becoming increasingly unhealthy. The UK population is consuming less nutritious, fresh produce and more saturated fats and sugars.

1.The text is mainly about         .

A.the increasingly unhealthy diet of the UK population

B.the link between processed food and depression

C.the relationship between physical and mental health

D.the emotional state of the British People

2.What do we know about the participants?

A.They are of different ages from young to old.

B.They are from different walks of life.

C.They chose the diet they preferred.

D.Their state are also affected by other factors.

3.What can we learn from what Dr. Archana Singh Manoux said?

A.It is difficult for most British people to have a Mediterranean diet.

B.The Mediterranean diet is the most healthy in the world.

C.Many studies have been done on the Mediterranean diet before.

D.The Mediterranean diet is not good for depression.

4.Dr. Andrew McCulloch agrees that         .

A.our diets are closely related to our mental health

B.the present study needs more facts and other information

C.the UK population will become ill in the near future

D.more saturated fats and sugars should be taken in

5.Why might the author have written this text?

A.To tell people what a healthy diet actually is.

B.To prove people’s diets are increasingly unhealthy.

C.To encourage people to cut down on processed food.

D.To introduce some experts on the research team.


A purple tomato genetically engineered to contain nutrients more commonly seen in dark berries helped cancer in mice, British researchers said on Sunday. The finding, published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, bolsters the idea that plants can be genetically modified(changed) to make people healthier.

Cancer-prone mice fed the modified fruit lived significantly longer than animals fed a standard diet with and without regular tomatoes, Cathie Martin and colleagues at

the government-funded John Innes Center in Britain reported. “The effect was much bigger than we had expected.” said Martin, a plant biologist.

The study focused on anthocyanins,a type of antioxidant found in berries such as blackberries and blackcurrants that have been shown to lower risk of cancer, heart diseases and some neurological diseases. While an easy way to improve health, many people don’t eat enough of these fruits, the researchers said. Using genes from the snapdragon flower, the researchers discovered they could get the tomatoes to make anthocyanins---- turning the tomato purple in the process.

Mice genetically engineered to develop cancer lived an average of 182 days when they were fed the purple tomatoes, compared to 142 days for animals on the standard diet. “It is greatly encouraging to believe that by changing diet, or specific components in the diet. You can improve health in animals and possibly humans.” Martin said in a telephone interview.

The researchers warned that trials in humans are a long way off and the next step is to investigate( look into) how the antioxidants actually affect the tumors to promote better health. But the findings do support the formal research suggesting that people can significantly improve their health by making simple changes to the daily diet, other researchers said.

“It’s exciting to see new techniques that could potentially make healthy foods even better for us.” said Doctor Lara Bennett, science information office at Cancer Research UK. “ But it is too early to say whether anthocyanins obtained through diet could help to reduce the risk of cancer.”

1.The text mainly tells us _________.

A.what can prevent people from having cancer.

B.Scientists have developed cancer- fighting tomato.

C.ways to live much longer have been found by scientists.

D.genetically engineered food is good for people’s health.

2.In the first paragraph the underlined word “ bolster” probably means _______





3.Which of the following was NOT the result found in the study?

A.Blackberries and blackcurrants can lower risk of cancer.

B.The anthocyanins can make the purple tomatoes grow stronger.

C.Genes from snapdragon flowers can be put into common tomatoes.

D.Mice fed the modified fruit lived longer than the common ones.

4.According to Dr. Lara Bennett, the effects of anthocyanins through diet on human being________

A.are not certain now.

B.have been proved

C.are very harmful

D.are hard to be tested




                               Sitting too much is now listed with smoking and junk food as a bad habit that increases your risk of heart disease.

New Australian research shows that half-an-hour in the gym will not make up for the waist-expanding damage caused by spending the rest of the day sitting.

But the good news is that doing chores (家务杂事) in the house or gently walking around the office while on the phone might be enough to keep you fit.

The study joins the growing body of evidence suggesting too much sitting might undo the benefits of exercise.

The study measured the intensity (强度) of physical activities in 168 subjects over seven days. It found that, regardless of how much exercise they did or their total sitting time, those who took more breaks from sitting had lower risk of thick waists and lower levels of blood lipids (脂质).

“Higher levels of blood lipids have been linked to a heightened risk of heart disease,” principal researcher Genevieve Healy of the University of Queensland said. “What the study shows is that there are benefits in just getting up regularly and interrupting your sitting time.”

Researchers behind the Stand Up Australia project have written to the Rudd Government requesting $3.5 million for a two-year study into how long sitting affects health and productivity of workers. The study would also develop and test strategies for reducing sitting time on the job.

The latest study builds on work that is shifting the health promotion focus from purposeful exercise, such as running, to lower intensity activities throughout the day.

The Australian research has been backed up by US studies.

“To hold a body that weighs 77 kilograms upright takes a fair amount of energy from muscles,” said Professor Marc Hamilton from the University of Missouri. “There is a large amount of energy associated with standing every day that cannot be easily replaced by 30 to 60 minutes in the gym.”

56.The study shows that            .

A. exercising for 30 minutes in the gym is good after sitting too long

B. walking is the best physical activity after sitting too long

C. sitting too long in the office causes the waist to expand

D. having breaks from sitting is good for your health

57.What’s the aim of the Stand Up Australia project?

A. To develop and test strategies for reducing working time.

B. To study the reasons for the longer sitting time in the office.

C. To develop and test strategies for reducing sitting time at work.

D. To study the factors influencing productivity of workers.

58.The purpose of the last paragraph is to        .

A. provide a scientific basis for the benefits of standing up

B. compare the effect of standing with exercising in the gym

C. report the new research findings of Professor Marc Hamilton

D. figure out the amount of energy associated with daily standing

59.The health promotion focus used to be on         .

A. purposeful exercise                        B. running

C. lower intensity activities              D. long sitting

60.What’s the best title for the text?

 A. Exercise in the Gym Is Out                  B. Your Office Chair Is Killing You

 C. A Cause of Heart Disease          D. Good News for Workers


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