
【题目】 Drawing For Fun

You will learn some basic techniques using soft pencils. These and different types of paper are provided. Just bring yourself and a willingness to 'have a go'. This is a start-up day so people who have already attended courses should not apply.

Time: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM

Focus On Landscapes

This course is designed for students who are familiar with painting in watercolours, but are having difficulty with some techniques. We will discuss choice of materials, colour mixing and other areas that may be raised.

The day will start with a demonstration, followed by a chance to paint outdoors. After a light lunch cooked in the studio, there will be a further practice session.

Time: 9:30 AM-3:00 PM

Find Your Voice

You may feel you can’t sing or you may be a good singer who wants to develop singing skills. You will be shown how to sing correctly and how to project your voice. You may atend this course more than once and each time you will have a wonderful experience. Everyone can sing and it's great fun.

Time: 2:00 PM-5:00 PM

The Music Takeaway

Get some friends, family or coworkers together for your own music course in a place of your choice, which could be your front room, basement or workplace. We send two guitar teachers to lead a one-day course for you in the sty le of music you prefer, such as rock, country, funk or blues.

Time: 2:30 PM-9:00 PM

1Those who atend Drawing For Fun are required to_____________.

A.bring their own works

B.be a newcomer to the course

C.be good at watercolour painting

D.bring their own pencils and paper

2What's the purpose of Focus On Landscapes?

A.Paint outdoors.

B.Discuss the painting materials.

C.Improve the students painting techniques.

D.Teach how to start watercolour-painting.

3Which course you can attend repeatedly?

A.Find Your Voice.

B.Drawing For Fun.

C.Focus On Landscapes.

D.The Music Takeaway.

4Which allows you to decide where the course is held?

A.Find your Voice.B.Drawing For Fun.

C.The Music Takeaway.D.Focus On Landscapes.

5What do the four courses have in common?

A.All last a whole day.B.All offer free lunch.

C.All are related to the arts.D.All are open to all levels.










细节理解题。根据Drawing For Fun部分的so people who have already attended courses should not apply.(已经上过课的人不应该申请)可知,来上Drawing For Fun的学生应该是新到这里的学员。B. be a newcomer to the course(是课程的新人)符合以上说法,故选B项。


推理判断题。根据Focus On Landscapes部分的This course is designed for students who are familiar with painting in watercolours, but are having difficulty with some techniques. (本课程是为那些熟悉水彩画,但在技巧方面还要问题的学生设计的。可知,这门课程是为熟悉水彩画的学生开设的。由此推测,课程的目的是为了提高学生的绘画技巧。C. Improve the students painting techniques.(提高学生的绘画技巧)符合以上说法,故选C项。


细节理解题。根据Find Your Voice部分的You may attend this course more than once and each time you will have a wonderful experience. (你可以多次上该课程,并且每一次你都会有一个美妙的体验)可知,学员可以重复上Find Your Voice这门课程。A. Find Your Voice.符合以上说法,故选A项。


细节理解题。根据The Music Takeaway部分的Get some friends, family or coworkers together for your own music course in a place of your choice, which could be your front room, basement or workplace.(找一些朋友、家人或同事一起去你们自己选择的地方上课,可以是你的前厅,地下室或工作场所)可知,The Music Takeaway这项课程可以让学员自己选择上课的地点。 C. The Music Takeaway.符合以上说法,故选C项。


细节理解题。根据每部分的小标题Drawing For FunFocus On LandscapesFind Your Voice,和The Music Takeaway可知,所有的课程都和艺术有关。C. All are related to the arts.(所有课程都和艺术有关)符合以上说法,故选C项。


【题目】 An international group of coffee experts has considered Ethiopia’s coffee as the best in the world.Coffee is a top export (出口物) of the country. But at home, it is seen as national pride. Ethiopians feel good about their coffee, and enjoying a drink with friends is a long tradition.

Some people say the climate produces quality beans. Morton Wennersgarrd is a coffee importer. He said, “Ethiopia has different ancient types of coffee. They are planted in places with perfect soil, perfect altitude (海拔), and climates that are really suitable for coffee processing.”

Finding the best quality beans is often an issue of taste. The process is known as cupping — tasting and comparing coffee from different roasted beans, grading and then pricing them. But before international experts come to taste, coffee beans are studied in small coffee laboratories. Helen Assefa, a lab technician, describes the process, “When the coffee comes to the lab, we assess (评价) its quality first by recording the details.Then we weigh the moisture (水分) level and we examine the beans for analysis. After that we grind (磨碎) the coffee beans and taste the samples. In the end, we check for defective (有瑕疵的) beans.” Mubarik Abaoli is a lab worker.He says that testing is a very difficult and long process. “We select out the defects by hand. And we select out the defect according to the defect types.”

Ethiopia has got a lot of money by exporting coffee to more than 120 countries. The country has an export revenue (税收) of more than 840 million a year. But not all the best coffee leaves Ethiopia. Forty percent of the coffee grown in the country stays there. It remains an important part of everyday life at work, at home and at ceremonies.

1Ethiopians’ attitude towards coffee may best be described as .



2The third paragraph is mainly about_______.

A.the ways of making coffee

B.the process of assessing the coffee

C.the tips on planting the best coffee

D.the influence of the coffee

3What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.More than 120 countries export coffee to Ethiopia.

B.Coffee plays an important role in Ethiopians’ life.

C.40% of the coffee grown in Ethiopia is exported.

D.Ethiopians earn their living by exporting coffee.

4What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To advertise the coffee in Ethiopia.

B.To comment on coffee experts’ work.

C.To introduce the best coffee in the world.

D.To recommend tourists activities in Ethiopia.

【题目】Istanbul & Faces

Titled "Timeless City: Istanbul & Faces", the Turkey photography exhibition celebrates the 30th anniversary of Istanbul and Shanghai's sistership. The 42-year-old photographer focuses on the distinctive(独特的)historical quarters and the atmosphere that spreads in Istanbul. His work also pays respects to its people as well, with well-defined portraits.

Date: Till Jan. 18, 10am-4pm. Venue: Shanghai Art Collection Museum.

Knitted Works

The knitted(编织的)show is aimed at raising awareness of post natal depression. The works were created by more than 20 mothers from different cities. All the knitted dolls and other works will be sold with the profits(利益)going to charity when the exhibition ends. If you are interested in the knitted works, you can order a special piece.

Date: Till Jan. 1, 7am-9pm. Venue: B1 Jinxiu Fun.

Old Shanghai Teahouse

The newly-opened zone at Shanghai Dungeon features nostalgic sets and experiences for visitors to have "scary fun". Visitors can wear traditional Chinese costumes and take photos with the performers.

Date: Daily, 11am-8pm. Venue: Mosaic Shanghai Mail.

Musical Titanic

The Tony Awards winning musical "Titanic" is in Shanghai with more than 100 characters cast. The impressive stage effects promise to take the audience to the bottom of the ocean.

Date: Till Jan 22, 2 pm-7:30 pm. Venue; SAIC Shanghai Culture Square.

1Where should you go if you want to learn more about Turkey's history?

A.B1 Jinxiu Fun.B.Mosaic Shanghai Mail.

C.Shanghai Art Collection Museum.D.SAIC Shanghai Culture Square.

2What can we know about knitted works?

A.People can have a talk with the creators.

B.All the works can be sold when the show begins.

C.They were made by people from different places.

D.The show offers people chances to learn how to make one.

3What makes the Musical Titanic special?

A.Its opening time is the longest.

B.It raises money for a special purpose.

C.It allows interacting with performers.

D.It offers a lifelike experience under water.

【题目】 In 2009, Dr. Kathleen Wermke and her colleagues made headlines with a study showing that French and German newborns produce distinctly different “cry melodies,” reflecting the languages they heard in womb (子宫). Today, Dr. Wermke’s lab houses a collection of around a half-million recordings of babies from as far a field as Cameroon and China.

The analysis of these recordings has produced further insights into the factors that shape a baby’s first sounds. Newborns whose mothers speak tonal languages, such as Mandarin, tend to produce more complex cry melodies. Swedish newborns, whose native language has what linguists call a “pitch accent,” produce more sing-songy cries.

Hearing and imitating are fundamental to language development. By the third trimester, a fetus (胎儿) can hear the rhythm and melody of its mother’s voice — known as “prosody”. It is the defining characteristic of language for the fetus. After they are born, young babies mimic many different sounds. But they are especially shaped by the prosody they heard in the womb, which becomes a handy guide to the strange sounds coming from the people around them. Through stress, pauses and other clues, prosody cuts up the stream of sound into words and phrases – that is, into speech.

“These studies redouble the lab’s broader effort to map the typical development of a baby’s cries, as well as vocalizations like cooing and babbling.” Dr. Kathleen Wermke said. “Knowing what typical development looks like and what factors can influence it helps doctors address potential problems early on.”

1The underlined word “mimic” in Paragraph 3 refers to ______.



2What is Dr. Kathleen Wermke’s attitude towards the studies



3What would be the best title for the text?

A.Mandarin is the most complex tonal language

B.Swedish newborns produce more simple cry sounds.

C.Newborn babies cry in different languages

D.Hearing is fundamental to language development

【题目】 My name is Amber and I want to share my story with you because what you’ve shared about life and positive energy has changed my life.

This past year has been one of the hardest for me. I felt I was stuck in a position that had nothing to do with what I wanted to do with my life. In January, after two years of being together, my boyfriend left me.

I read your blog every morning as I drink my coffee at work, but it wasn’t until this March that I told myself “no more negativity (消极性)” as you taught readers in your blog.

Since then I’ve got into new habits at work to keep my energy positive. When people walk in the front door, I’m the first face they see, so I smile big when I say “good morning” to them, especially on Monday. Instead of waiting for someone to ask me for help, I offer it with an open mind. The CEO noticed my change and offered me the executive (行政的) assistant position that I wanted.

One of the biggest things I’ve taken to heart from your blog is changing my opinions on my job. Yes, it was not an important position, but when I was passionate (热情的) about it, I could make my life fulfilling.

All in all, I have to thank you somehow for having the passion to help others because it truly is inspiring to me. So thank you so much, John. My life has changed because your words pointed me in the right direction, Take care!



1Amber wrote the letter mainly to __________.

A.introduce herself to JohnB.ask for some advice

C.express her thanksD.talk about her bad year

2We can infer from the passage that Amber __________.

A.received very good educationB.spent a lot of time playing computer games

C.didn’t like her boyfriendD.wasn’t satisfied with her job

3What is implied about John in the letter?

A.He used to live a very negative life.

B.He likes helping others through writing positive blogs.

C.He doesn’t like sharing his life stories.

D.He is a very famous novelist.

4What does Amber’s change tell us?

A.A positive attitude is rewarding.B.Bad luck doesn’t exist long.

C.Practice makes perfect.D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

【题目】 When you’re a writer, finishing your book and publishing it is your biggest dream. You’re curious as to how people will react to it, and whether it could sell or not.1There are either things you want to change about it, or fear about people’s reaction. Still, you shouldn’t let these things stop you from going after your dream. Below are some of the most common fears that new writers face, and how to beat them.


For many new writers, originality is an issue. Considering there are so many writers out there, it’s hard to know if someone thought of an idea before you did.2And it’s not really pleasant being seen as a thief. The thing is that it’s hard to come out with something that’s entirely original as well. As long as you put the idea into practice in a different way, it shouldn’t be an issue. As long as you are able to cover a topic deeply, as well as provide a new and unique perspective, that should work.

People’s Opinion

It’s hard not to think about what people will think about your book, as they are the ones who have the final word. One of the biggest fears many writers deal with is how their book will be perceived by readers, and it's human nature to think about the bad stuff first. Not only you’re afraid you won’t get Instagram followers that are fans of the book, but you also fear the book won’t sell.3So why let this thought kill your mood? A book’s goal is to reframe old information or make new claims, so what people say shouldn’t stop you.

No Time to Write

People get busy, it’s normal. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t stop you from doing what you love.4You can take that time and use it to write instead. Nobody says that you have to write endless pages in a day – writing a book is a whole process, and nobody is rushing you. Make sure you schedule your time, so you have time to write at least one hour daily.


You want fans to connect with you and it can be disheartening when things like your social following grows slowly. Try using tools such as the best tools for Instagram as a means to get followers.

A.Therefore, you’re at risk of being accused of stealing from someone’s work.

B.Growing your fan base.

C.However, there will always be people disagreeing with you or not liking what you do.

D.Don’t let the details stop you from sharing your story.

E.But sometimes it’s hard hitting that post button, because things are holding you back.

F.You most likely have some spare time that you use doing something else.

G.Communicate with your fans.

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