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A few days ago , I watched a interesting TV program. It was 76. __________
about the problem of traffic in our cities. It seems that 77 .___________
a great deal of damages is done by traffic. All our cities 78.___________
are suffered from this. There are too many cars 79. __________
in the streets. Sometimes, it is fast to walk than to go by 80.___________
cars. The problem has been getting worse for a long 81.___________
time. All sorts of terrible things were happening to our 82.___________
cities. The problem is, ¡°how can we do about it¡±? 83.___________
Our roads were never designing for such a heavy traffic. 84. __________
It take longer and longer to get from one place to another. 85. __________
76.a---an 77.right 78.damages---damage 79.suffered---suffering
80. fast---faster 81.cars---car 82. were---are 83. how---what
84. designing---designed 85.take---takes