






Dear James,

How are you going? I miss you very much. I’m writing to you to talk about the uncivilized words used on Internet. ___________________________________________











Li Hua


Chinese Emoji (表情符号) Circles Globe

“Funny”, a made-in-China emoji, seems to have recently moved beyond China. Now, it is more than an emoji, but a cultural expansion.

Reaching Global Markets

A series of “funny” emoji-based bolsters (抱枕) have attracted the attention of Japanese customers. Even if one bolster is more than three times as expensive as in China, it doesn’t kill their desires to buy it. One Japanese customer Miki said, “They are just so cute and I bought three bolsters at one time for my family. And every time I see them, my mood just brightens suddenly.”

A Japanese netizen Kiro Kara said, “I think the emoji implies very complicated meanings. My dad will send it when he doesn’t agree with someone but he has to say something and behave politely.”

Addition to Domestic Social Media

Compared with Japanese impressions of the “funny” emoji, Chinese netizens prefer to use the emoji to tease one another on social media.

One commonly seen online comment is, “We strongly suggest stopping the usage of the emoji. Because every time other people send me the emoji, I feel very uncomfortable and consider myself as a fool.”

Regarded as the most popular emoji, the “funny” emoji has received much attention since its release in 2013. In fact, the “funny” emoji is the updated version of its original one; “funny” has a smiley mouth, two eyebrows and a naughty look. All these characteristics present users a sense of satire (讽刺).

In Everyday Use Abroad

It’s not the first time the Chinese emoji takes the world stage. Earlier this year, one emoji from the Chinese basketball celebrity Yao Ming has been spread through the Middle East region. In a city in southern Egypt, Yao’s smiling emoji has appeared frequently in local traffic signs to remind people the road ahead is one-way. Many locals do not know Yao Ming but are familiar with his emoji and nickname “Chinese Funny Face”.

As a new online language, emojis have become a necessary part of people’s daily life, helping people express their views in a more vivid and precise way. Also, it can help foreigners learn about Chinese culture. But how to properly use “the fifth innovation in China” without hurting others and turn them into commercial advantages still need answers.

1.Why do the bolsters attract Miki’s attention?

A. They are inexpensive.

B. They help reach an agreement.

C. They help brighten the mood.

D. They are helpful to express desire.

2.According to the passage, which of the following is the latest “funny” emoji?

3.Emojis are so popular worldwide mainly because people use them to ______.

A. express their views more vividly

B. present their sense of satire directly

C. imply very complicated meanings properly

D. tease one another on social media purposely

4.The main purpose of the text is to ______.

A. promote the emoji worldwide

B. teach us how to use the emoji

C. explain the meaning the emoji

D. show us the popularity of the emoji

In the United States and several other countries, 2.5 million children play baseball in an organization called Little League. They play on teams in their hometowns. Their parents and other adults in the community coach or instruct them and serve as umpires to make sure that everyone follows the rules. Local businesses give money for the ball fields and the uniforms. Local teams compete against each other and the winners get to play teams that are more distant. Eventually, the top teams go to the Little League World Series.

One hundred years after Abner Doubleday invented baseball in Cooperstown, New York, in 1839, Little League got started in Pennsylvania. Three men started the game for neighborhood boys with a smaller playing field and fewer innings than adult baseball. Little League became popular after World War Ⅱ when the game spread across the United States. By 1955 it was played throughout North America and within five years it had spread to Europe. Children's baseball really caught on in Japan and Taiwan of China and teams from those areas won the World Series seven out of eight years. After this, the organization tried banning foreign teams from the World Series, but the ban came to an end after one year.

At first, Little League was only for boys aged nine to twelve. However, in 1974, the parents of girl baseball players brought a law suit. The courts ruled that Little League had to include both boys and girls. Later Little League added on softball and other games for teenagers up to age eighteen. Occasionally, a Little Leaguer becomes a professional player. For example, Gary Carter went from Little League to play nineteen seasons in the Major Leagues, ten of them as an All-Star player. By and large, youngsters play baseball for fun, but their parents are proud of them.

1.The mothers and fathers of Little League players ________.

A.play in the World Series

B.travel with coaches

C.give the teams money

D.help run the games

2.In what year did baseball come into being?


3.Why do most players take part in Little League?

A.To play in the Major League.

B.To have fun.

C.They expect a profit from All-Star games.

D.They want to learn how to serve as umpires.

4.What is TRUE about players today?

A.Little League is only for neighborhood boys.

B.Girl players have to buy their suits.

C.Girls and boys can participate up to age eighteen.

D.Children can only play until age twelve.


How Not to Be Awkward

Not all of us are outgoing and ready to take the world by storm. 1. This usually happens when a person is still in his or her teen years and going through the socialization process. So, what can a person do to overcome this tendency to be awkward. Let’s try to find answers to the questions.

Stay in shape and dress up well

Sometimes, awkwardness could be due to being overweight. When you are large in size, you tend to get very self-conscious. So, in order to avoid this, get into the habit of exercising every day. 2. If you look as if you have just stepped out of a 1980’s film when actually it is 2011, there is no doubt that you are bound to feel awkward about yourself.

Be optimistic

Another effective tip on how not to feel awkward is to always keep a smile on your face. 3. On the other hand, a smiling, happy and positive think person is appreciated by everybody. So, smile when you meet acquaintances or even strangers, say a cheerful “Hi!” and automatically some of your awkwardness will disappear completely!

Participate in team activities

This one really helps. Awkwardness generally develops when a person remains isolated from others. So,in order to change this situation, join groups. 4. Joining people in book reading sessions as well as debates will help remove your awkwardness. Choose any activity of your choice, such as playing team sports or joining a dance class, and soon you will find your comfort level around people increasing day by day!

Develop your personality

Being a book-worm or an Internet addict will not get you anywhere. For self-improvement, take up a hobby that adds meaning to your life. Learn singing or try adventure sports. 5.

A. Learn how to end a conversation.

B. Secondly, have appropriate clothes on.

C. For instance, if you are a reading lover, join a book club.

D. If you look sad, nobody will actually like being with you.

E. Something as simple as listening to music will do wonders too.

F. Many among us are shy and may even feel kept apart from others.

G. Awkwardness could be because you do not have anything in common to talk about.

Off the coast of Hawaii’s Big Island swim masses of colorful tropical fish. Some of these fish will be caught and sold, ending up in aquariums around the world. Is the industry putting populations of the fish at risk?

Scientists who have studied the Big Island fishery say it is well managed. Rules put in place more than 15 years ago have helped to protect the fish. Along 35% of the coastline, for example, fish collecting is banned. Two years ago, the state cut the number of fish species for the aquarium trade from hundreds to just 40.

Conservationist Robert Wintner objects to the findings. Wintner, who owns snorkel shops across Hawaii, started the Snorkel Bob Foundation to protect the island’s coral reefs(珊瑚礁). He says he simply doesn’t see yellow tang(刺尾鱼) in the protected areas. “There should be millions of them,” he says. “Where are they?”

Wintner says people believe the numbers in reports. But few people have actually dived into the coral reefs to see for themselves how many fish can be found there. According to Wintner, the coral reefs along the coast should be filled with yellow tang, but they are “virtually empty”. Empty reefs are not good for tourism, Wintner points out, which brings out $800 million yearly. By contrast, the aquarium-fish trade brings out just $2 million yearly.

1.According to Robert Wintner, ________.

A. what the recent report says is wrong

B. there are millions of yellow tang off Hawaii’s Big Island

C. the yellow tang’s population off Hawaii coast is large

D. the yellow tang is sold merely for both food and the aquarium industry

2.Which of the following is caused by the empty reefs?

A. Worse tourism.

B. More fish death.

C. More hungry people.

D. Less swimming events.

3.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Who will Win the Debate?

B. Is the Tropical Fish Healthy?

C. How Should We Protect Tropical Fish?

D. Should the Sale of Tropical Fish be Banned?


Everyone knows that the Frenchmen are romantic, the Italians are fashionable and the Germans are serious. Are these just stereotypes(刻板印象) or is there really such a thing as national character? And if there is, can it affect how a nation succeed or fail?

At least one group of people is certain that it can. A recent survey of the top 500 entrepreneurs (企业家) in the UK found that 70% felt that their efforts were not appreciated by the British public. Britain is hostile (敌意的) to success, they said. It has a culture of jealousy(嫉妒).__1._ Jealousy is sometimes known as the “green-eyed monster” and the UK is its home.

Scientists at Warwich University in the UK recently tested this idea. They gathered a group of people together and gave each an imaginary amount of money. _ 2._ Those given a little were given the chance to destroy the large amount of money given to others— but at the cost of losing their own. Two thirds of the people tested agreed to do this.

_3.__ But there is also opposite evidence. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recently reported that the UK is now the world's fourth largest economy. That is not bad for people who are supposed to hate success. People in the UK also work longer hours than anyone else in Europe. So the British people are not lazy, either.

“It is not really success that the British dislike,” says Carey Cooper, a professor of management at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. “It’s people using their success in a way that seems proud or unfair or which separates them from their roots.”

_4.__ They set out to do things in their way. They work long hours. By their own efforts they become millionaires.__ 5.__ It hardly seems worth following their example. If they were more friendly, people would like them more. And more people want to be like them.

A. This seems to prove that the entrepreneurs were right to complain.

B. The one who owns most money in the end is the winner.

C. As a result, the survey said, entrepreneurs were “unloved, unwanted and misunderstood.”

D. It is not true that British people are born jealous of others` success.

E. Some were given a little, others a great deal.

F. But instead of being happy they complain that nobody loves them.

G. Perhaps it is the entrepreneurs who are the problem.


One fine afternoon I was walking along the Fifth Avenue, when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks. I ________ the first sock shop that caught my eye, and ________, not more than 17, came forward. "What can I do for you, sir?" "I wish to ________ a pair of socks." ________ glowed. "Did you know that you had come into ________ in the world to buy socks?" I had not been ________ that, as my entrance had been accidental."Come with me, "said the boy happily.He began to ________ down from the shelves box after box.

"________, boy, I'm going to buy only one pair!" "I know that, but I want you to see how beautiful these are. Aren't they wonderful?" There was ________ an expression of joy, ________ he were revealing(透露) to me the ________ of his religion.I became far more interested in him than in the socks."My friend, "said I, "if this is ________ the enthusiasm from freshness, and you can keep it up ________, in ten years you’ll own every sock in the United States."

My amazement at his pride in ________ will be understood by all who read this article.In many shops the customer has to wait for someone to ________ him.When ________ some clerk does notice you, you are made to feel as if you were interrupting him. ________ possibly that very clerk who is now so ________ began his career with enthusiasm.The freshness ________; He became a mechanical salesman.

I’ve observed such change in the lives of so many men in so many occupations that I've come to the ________ that the fastest road to failure is to do things mechanically.

1.A.turned intoB.broke intoC.came acrossD.met with

2.A.a female clerkB.a boy clerkC.a girl clerkD.an old man


4.A.His faceB.The roomC.His eyesD.The fire

5.A.the worstB.the right placeC.the wrongD.the best place

6.A.curious aboutB.aware ofC.sensitive toD.attached to


8.A.Hold upB.Just you waitC.Hold onD.Hang up

9.A.on his faceB.to my surprise

C.for some reasonD.to some degree

10.A.whenB.as ifC.even ifD.while


12.A.hardlyB.onlyC.no more thanD.not merely

13.A.day after dayB.day by day

C.the other dayD.to this day


15.A.serve onB.care forC.wait uponD.deal with





19.A.wore ofB.wore onC.wore overD.wore off


One rainy afternoon I was sitting at home feeling so bored. ________ feeling sorry for myself, I wanted to meet people and have new ________ so I decided to start volunteering. I found a website where I could volunteer on a farm in France.

Volunteering ________ so many opportunities to have fun and share ________ stories.It was the first time for me to work on a farm.It was almost a(n) ________ holiday as food and accommodation were provided.It was not one ________ holiday, however, as I had to ________ fifteen horses and sheep!I soon discovered that I was a(n) ________ farmer but it did not matter because I made some great friends and also improved my ________.

However, you do not ________ go abroad to volunteer.I have had plenty of adventuers at home as volunteering can become a ________. For example, I love ________ so I had a good laugh waving my arms in order to ________ my local choir(合唱团). At university, I organized a concert for charity with my friends. It was really ________ to find bands and raise money for a cause.

It is true that you feel good volunteering but there are also other ________.I once volunteered as a steward (干事) at a charity sports event where the organizers ________ gave me cupcakes from an expensive London bakery to thank me for my ________. I also volunteered in a charity shop so I found loads of nice cheap clothes to ________ my wardrobe(衣橱).

While this is all fun, my favourite aspect of volunteering is ________ and sharing stories. My terrible ________ at farming has given me funny stories to tell!

1.A. Apart fromB. Due toC. Instead ofD. But for

2.A. experiencesB. discoveriesC. opportunitiesD. changes

3.A. recommendsB. missesC. offersD. affects

4.A. popularB. fantasticC. familiarD. important

5.A. impressiveB. freeC. cheapD. special

6.A. uniqueB. regularC. typicalD. convenient

7.A. attend toB. research into

C. hunt forD. communicate with

8.A. skillfulB. suitableC. hard-workingD. awful

9.A. EnglishB. FrenchC. RussianD. Chinese

10.A. normallyB. basicallyC. naturallyD. necessarily

11.A. hobbyB. trendC. jobD. reality

12.A. dancingB. writingC. singingD. performing

13.A. greetB. controlC. organizeD. conduct

14.A. powerfulB. hopefulC. meaningfulD. successful

15.A. adventuresB. advantagesC. factorsD. achievements

16.A. generouslyB. cautiouslyC. equallyD. proudly

17.A. servicesB. patienceC. determinationD. choices

18.A. decorateB. replaceC. beautifyD. update

19.A. creatingB. imaginingC. choosingD. completing

20.A. dreamB. shameC. attemptD. annoyance

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