
I've lived in three Asian cities,and they all surprised1.(I) on the upside.In the case of China,here's2.I like it.

It's modern and continues to develop all the time.They have modern3.(city),and excellent transport facilities, including their unmatched high-speed train network.They have excellent hotels,restaurants,and beautiful parks etc.

There's a feeling of safety and4.(free) in Chinese cities.There's no need to tell you what to do and you can see from the behavior of the diverse crowd.People just do5.they want.In most places no policemen6.(see).Do you know that police in China don't have firearms? They usually do their job silently and behave reasonably,7. (add) to the security and order.

The Chinese people are friendly.You will always get help even if you can't speak a Chinese word besides nihao, or they can't speak English.They'll spend time and go out of their way8.(explain) to you how to get somewhere,or how to buy9.train ticket.They'll10.(patient) and enthusiastically explain how to get what you need.They'll be positive and practical all the time while helping you.


Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock. In fact, the key to easy morning wake-up lies in resting your body clock 1. Here is how to make one.

2. In order to make a change, you need to decide why it's important. Do you want to get up in time to have breakfast with your family, get in some exercise, or just be better prepared for your day? Once you are clear about your reason, tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make.

? Rethink mornings. Now that you know why you want to wake up, consider re-arranging your morning activities. If you want time to have breakfast with your family, save some time the night before by setting out clothes, shoes, and bags. 3. That’s a quarter-hour more you could be sleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timer.

? Keep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends. If you’re tired out by Friday night, sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful. But compensating on the weekends actually feeds into your sleepiness the following week, a recent study found. 4.

? Keep a record and evaluate it weekly. Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel. After you’ve tried a new method for a week, take a look at your record. 5. If not, take another look at other methods you could try.

A. Get a sleep specialist.

B. Find the right motivation.

C. A better plan for sleep can help.

D. And consider setting a second alarm.

E. If the steps you take are working, keep it up.

F. Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time, no matter the day.

G. Reconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the café to get coffee.


Visit the limited-time “Interactive! The Exhibition” at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum and save more than 30% on museum admission tickets with an audio tour.


Through June. 28, 2017


$19 (reg. $28)… Admission for one person to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, including “Interactive! The Exhibition” with an audio tour. Please note: the virtual reality(虚拟现实)experience will be an additional cost and participants must be 10 years old or above.


●The exhibition is a hands-on experience focusing on movies, TV, music and the arts.

●Experience virtual reality, 1980s video games, robots, 3D printing.

●Climb aboard Air Force One, view the expensive comfortable presidential car and a Marine One helicopter.

●Explore Reagan’s legacy(遗产): Step into an Oval Office copy and see a piece of the Berlin wall.

●The audio tour has more than 50 stops and original material not copied in the exhibits


This is a season-specific event. All sales are final. No refunds(退款)or exchanges. Not valid after the expiration date. Valid any regular museum operating day through June. 28, 2017. Museum hours are 10 a.m.—5 p.m., seven days a week. Valid for one person. Cannot combine with other offers. Must use in one visit. Tickets include admission to “Interactive! The Exhibition” and the entire museum’s galleries and grounds.

1.What can visitors do while visiting the library and museum?

A. Fly on Air Force One.

B. Experience virtual reality for free.

C. Approach technology of different times.

D. Learn about the president’s daily routine.

2.What does the author say about the admission ticket?

A. It can be enjoyed with other offers.

B. It allows limitless visits to the museum.

C. It isn’t accessible to children.

D. It cannot be changed once sold.

3.What type of writing is this passage?

A. A notice.

B. An official report.

C. An advertisement.

D. A tour review.

If Confucius (孔子) were still alive today and could celebrate his September 28 birthday with a big cake, there would be a lot of candles. He’d need a fan or a strong wind to help him put them out.

While many people in China will remember Confucius on his special day, few people in the United States will give him a passing thought. It’s nothing personal. Most Americans don’t even remember the birthdays of their national heroes.

But this doesn't mean that Americans don't care about Confucius. In many ways he has become a bridge that foreigners must cross if they want to reach a deeper understanding of China.

In the past two decades, the Chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in Western universities. More recently, the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80 countries. These schools teach both Chinese language and culture. The main courses of Chinese culture usually included Chinese art, history and philosophy (哲学). Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Western philosophy. Students in the United States, at the same time, are racing to learn Chinese. So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States. Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.

So the old thinker’s ideas are still alive and well.

Today China attracts the West more than ever, and it will need more teachers to introduce Confucius and Chinese culture to the West.

As for the old thinker, he will not soon be forgotten by people in the West, even if his birthday is.

1.The opening paragraph is mainly intended to .

A. provide some key facts about Confucius

B. attract the readers' interest in the subject

C. show great respect for the ancient thinker

D. prove the popularity of modem birthday celebrations

2.We can learn from Paragraph 4 that American students .

A. have a great interest in studying Chinese

B. take an active part in Chinese competitions

C. try to get high scores in Chinese exams

D. fight for a chance to learn Chinese

3.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Forgotten Wisdom in America

B. Huge Fans of the Chinese Language

C. Chinese Culture for Westerners

D. Old Thinker with a Big Future

4.The passage is likely to appear in .

A. a biography B. a history paper

C. a newspaper D. a philosophy textbook

A report by the US' Open Syllabus Project found that the most read books among US college students in the past year were books like The Republic by ancient Greek philosopher Plato and The Clash of Civilizations by US political scientist Samuel Huntington.And according to reports by Chinese college libraries,the most popular books among Chinese students are novels like Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils by Chinese author Jin Yong.

This is considered by many to be one of the reasons why Chinese students are sometimes not as good at critical thinking or observing global perspectives (视野) as US students—they read too many bestseller novels.

"By reading texts in history/social studies,science,and other subjects,students build a foundation of knowledge in these fields that will also give them the background to be better readers in all areas,"Robert Pondiscio,vice president of the Core Knowledge Foundation in the US told Th.e Washington Post.

According to China Youth.Daily,there are usually five stages when it comes to reading,with popular novels at the bottom.More advanced readers normally go on to read classic fictional literature,history and philosophy,or books with critical ideas.

We spend hours,days or even weeks on a book,so it's only natural that we want to learn something useful in return for our efforts.Many see reading as an investment (投资) in themselves.But this practical view of literature and the thought that history and philosophy books are superior to novels are not agreed by everyone.After all,what they offer are two different kinds of satisfaction.While the former provides knowledge,the latter brings emotional experiences."Fiction and poetry are medicines,"UK writer Jeanette Winterson once wrote."What they heal is the rupture (裂痕) reality makes on the imagination."

1.What are the most popular books among Chinese students?

A. Philosophy books. B. Bestseller novels.

C. History books. D. Books with critical ideas.

2.What do Chinese students lack compared with US students?

A. Careful observation. B. Vast stores of knowledge.

C. Practical use of knowledge. D. Critical thinking.

3.Which of the following does Jeanette Winterson probably agree with?

A. People read books to learn something useful.

B. Imagination is not so important as knowledge.

C. History and philosophy books are superior to novels.

D. Novels can bring necessary emotional experiences.

A museum in the Netherlands is trying to show visitors more of the objects it has and bring them more excitement.It is using an augmented reality(增强现实)device made by Microsoft to reach its goal.However,the use of this high-technology device started with a basic problem.

The Dutch National Museum of Antiquities does not have enough space to put all of its artifacts(人工制品)on display.So,the museum asked experts at Delft University of Science and Technology to find a way to let more visitors—especially young people—experience what the museum has to offer.

The experts used the Hololens(全息透镜).It is a computer that shows visitors holograms,or virtual pictures that appear to have three dimensions.

Annelies Maltha,a researcher at the University,says that almost 80 percent of the artifacts at the museum are not shown to the public."So by using the Hololens,"she adds,"people can virtually visit the exhibit and see so much more."

The Dutch National Museum has artifacts like the Egyptian Temple of Teffeh.The structure was reconstructed inside the museum in 1971.It is not currently available to the public.

"The Hololens enables you to have augmented reality,instead of virtual reality,which means you can still see the temple,you can still feel the ancient vibe(氛围)around you,so to speak."The augmented reality technology gives visitors the ability to interact with their surroundings.

The researchers are using the Hololens to make three dimensional images of every room in the temple.Erik Hoglund,another researcher,explains that his team can create 3D models and add different images,movies,or animations.The effect is to make visitors feel like they are interacting with the temple.

The Hololens program is still being developed.But museum officials hope that,in the future,the Hololens will serve as a tour guide for exhibits that have been hidden from public view.

1.What does the underlined part "its goal" in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. The experience of excitement.

B. The solving of the basic problem.

C. The showing of more museum objects.

D. The use of the augmented reality device.

2.What can be learnt about the augmented reality device?

A. It has been widely applied to museums.

B. It is what we call virtual reality.

C. It is developed by Microsoft.

D. It has many hidden dangers.

3.Which of the following statements about the Hololens is TRUE?

A. It makes interactions possible.

B. It gives the museum much more space.

C. It enables visitors to have virtual reality.

D. It is a must-have item for the common people.

4.What would happen if the technology were to be applied in the museums?

a.More young people would be attracted to the museums.

b.More items of the museums would be on display.

c.People would travel back to ancient times.

d.Fewer guides would be needed.

A. abd B. abc

C. acd D. bcd

“Image is everything.” If there is no fact behind the image, the product, service or person will fail at last.

First of all, one should consider how important image is in the selling of products and services. But if the product or service does not live up to the image that was created, the customer will be very dissatisfied and possibly ask for their money back. For example, the Arthur Andersen accounting firm had spent decades building up an image of trustworthiness. But the recent scandal (丑闻) showed that behind that image, it had dishonest business practices. Despite the previous positive image, the firm is being accused of criminal actions and it will probably not survive as a business unit. Although the image had been nearly perfect, the reality behind the image has led to the downfall of the world famous accounting firm.

Similarly, people especially politicians and movie stars try to ensure they are seen in all the right places which can build up a very positive image in the view of the general commons. But once again, history is filled with examples of both politicians and movie stars that fell from grace like the story of the Hollywood actor giving in to the pressures of fame and fortune. With people, just as with products and services, image is certainly important, but without positive substance(本质) behind the image, failure is close.

To summarize, it is clear that an appealing image is extremely important to success, whether that image is related to selling a product or service or to the "selling" of a person. But image is only half of the equation. What lies behind that image is every bit as important as the image itself—the person or product must deliver on that image or there is little chance for long-term success.

1.The downfall of the Arthur Andersen accounting firm is due to ________.

A. its dishonesty in business B. its previous images

C. its bad management D. its poor service

2.Why did some famous people fall from grace?

A. Their images were not well built up.

B. They failed to live up to their images.

C. They felt much pressure from the public.

D. They paid little attention to fame and fortune.

3.The structure of the passage is ________.

A. B.

C. D.

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