
Living among trees, plants and flowers can fill your life with beauty. And if you are a woman, it can also help you live longer. Researchers found that women who live in homes surrounded by plants appear to have lower death rates than women who live in areas with fewer plants.

Researchers at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health reported the finding. They looked at the information from one of the largest and oldest investigations of the women’s health: the Nurse’s Health Study. It began 40 years ago. It now has information on nearly 200,000 women.

For the new study, the team looked at the death rates of more than 100,000 women between the years 2000 and 2008. Then the researchers compared the death rates of these women to the plants around their homes. The researchers also considered other things, such as the age of the women, money they earn and race. They also looked at whether or not the women smoked.

The study found that the death rate among women who lived in the greenest spaces was 12% lower than those from the least green areas. The researchers were surprised to find such a strong connection between high vegetation levels and low death rates.

The study suggested that living among trees, flowers and other plants lowered levels of depression. Researchers said women in greener areas spent more time with other people and exercised more. It is common knowledge that plants can help the environment in many ways. The new finding also suggested ways to the government and the city planners to grow even healthier living areas.

1.How did the researchers divide the women in the study?

A. By their money. B. By their different ages.

C. By their habit of smoking. D. By the number of plants around them.

2.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________.

A. more and more women will plant trees

B. it will be a must to build houses with trees around

C. the new finding may influence future living conditions

D. the government will take action to make women healthier

3.What is the best title of this passage?

A. Women should grow flowers at home

B. Plants may help women live longer

C. Women must exercise more to keep healthy

D. The bad environment causes high death rates


Cancer is a leading cause of death around the world.

When it comes to cancer, the sooner you know you have it, the better your chances of surviving are.

A new blood test could change the way doctors and researchers find cancer in patients. Researchers say the test could provide some hints of the early forms of the disease.

Gareth Jenkins is a professor at the University of Swansea. He says he and his team did not look for cancer. They instead looked for a by-product of cancer, mutated (突变的) red blood cells. They looked for, what Jenkins calls, the collateral (附带的) damage of cancer—the damage left by the disease.

“In this blood test we don’t measure the presence of cancer,we measure the presence of mutated red blood cells which are the collateral damage that occurs—a by-product of the cancer developing.’’

The researchers used normal laboratory equipment to perform the tests. This equipment looks for changes in the structure of millions of red blood cells. Those mutated cells lack a surface protein (蛋白质) that healthy cells normally have.

“The goal of the test is looking for very rare cells which have picked up a mutation. The number of mutated red blood cells in a healthy person is around 5 or so mutated cells per million; so, you have to look at millions of red blood cells to discover those rare events. The number increases in cancer patients—it goes up to 40 or 50 on average.”

The researchers tested blood from about 300 people, all of whom have cancer of the esophagus (食管). Patients with esophageal cancer have high levels of mutated red blood cells. Jenkins says that at this point he is not sure if other cancers would produce similar results.

The hope is that the new test could one day become part of commonly used medical methods to find out if a person has cancer. These new technologies could save millions of lives.

1.What does the underlined word “hints” probably mean in Paragraph 3?

A. Deaths. B. Experiences.

C. Signs. D. Kinds.

2.Healthy people and patients with esophageal cancer are different in of mutated red blood cells.

A. the size

B. the color

C. the shape

D. the number

3.What’s the author’s attitude to the new test?

A. Negative. B. Indifferent.

C. Positive. D. Doubtful.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Cancer Can Be Prevented

B. New Test Could Find Cancer Earlier

C. Scientists Have Discovered How Cancer Spreads

D. New Cancer Treatment Is Showing Extraordinary Results

Although Paris is often considered the city of romance, close to a million adults who call it home are single. Many single people say that France’s capital is one of the most difficult places to meet people. The complaints of this lonely group have inspired a new phenomenon known as “supermarket dating”. At Galerie Lafayette Gourmet, singles can shop for more than just the items on their grocery list. They can look for someone who has blue eyes,brown hair, and is 1.8 meters tall, or whatever may be on their romantic shopping list.

At this Paris location, single people of all ages can schedule their shopping for Thursday nights between 6:30 and 9:00 p.m. When they walk through the door, they pick up a purple basket to advise that they are looking for love. They try to arrive early because the baskets disappear quickly, and then they have to wait in line for their turn to wander the store aisles. With purple baskets in hand, shoppers can consider their romantic options while they pick out their groceries. When they are ready to pay, they can go to the checkout line for singles who want to chat.

Most of the people who look for love in the supermarket are skeptical of Internet dating. They know that it is easy to embellish (美化) one’s appearance or to lie about one’s age over the Internet. The supermarket, on the other hand, is considered a safe and casual environment in which to meet a potential match. In addition, what one finds in another’s grocery basket can say a thing or two about that person’s character or intentions. Buying pet food can be a man’s way of showing a potential match that he has a sensitive side. Women who fill their baskets with low-fat food show their healthy style of living. These days it’s possible to find much more than food at a grocery store.

1.What do many single people in Pairs complain about?

A. The difficulty in finding a match.

B. The idea of supermarket dating.

C. The items on their grocery list.

D. The inconvenience in shopping.

2.Which of the following can be inferred but is not clearly stated in the second paragraph?

A. The dating supermarket is located in Paris.

B. The dating supermarket is open only on Thursday evenings.

C. Only single people can shop in the supermarket.

D. The dating supermarket has very good business.

3.How do love shoppers meet one another?

A. They schedule their meeting in advance.

B. They go through a special checkout.

C. They pick out their groceries with great care.

D. They dial the phone numbers on their shopping items.

4.Why do the people prefer the supermarket dating to Internet dating?

A. The supermarket dating is more convenient.

B. The supermarket dating is more fun.

C. The supermarket dating is more trustworthy.

D. The supermarket dating is more economical.

The human athlete has a special trick that no other animal has. It is called self-talk. Athletes talk to themselves to warm up, to focus and to help themselves believe they will win. A few simple words like “I can do it!” and “It is now or never!” can make the difference between winning gold or not.

Self-talk is also used by speakers, actors and other performers. Before a speech, politicians believe that their words will win votes. And, self-talk helps students stay calm even when stumped by hard exam questions. Self-talk is a life skill you can use wherever you are, whenever you need it.

The whole idea of talking to themselves seems strange to many people. Imagine your teacher saying, “For homework, talk to yourself for half an hour tonight.” You might think he is playing a joke on your class. Instead, adults teach kids all about talking to other people. There are many books on why, when, what and how to communicate with the rest of the world. Thus, you can grow up knowing a lot more about people around you than about yourself.

It is good to speak and listen to others. But there is great value in making time to listen to yourself. When you do, you get to know yourself better. Along the way, you may discover the power you have for using words well.

Such ideas are so exciting to psychologists that they have been trying to learn more about self-talk. In the study, people found certain lost items at home more easily when they talked to themselves while searching for the things.

1.By saying “It is now or never!”, the athlete means that “________”.

A. the time is valuable B. it is possible to win gold

C. I must try my best to win D. it is never too late to learn

2.What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Self-talk makes a speech wonderful.

B. Self-talk is helpful for different people.

C. Self-talk helps the students pass the exam.

D. Self-talk is especially important for performers.

3.Why do many of us learn less about ourselves?

A. We don’t like doing the homework.

B. We don’t know how to talk to ourselves.

C. There are no books about ourselves.

D. We spend too much time in learning other people.


A fish may not be the first creature that comes to mind when co-operation in the animal world is mentioned, but a new study has shown the caring behavior of one sea species. Scientists have found that pairs of rabbitfishes will help and support each other while feeding. While such behavior has been recorded for birds and mammals, it had formerly been thought to be impossible for fishes to exhibit the same features.

"We found that rabbitfish pairs manage their caring activity quite firmly, thus providing safety for their partner that is looking for food," says Dr. Simon Brandl. "In other words, one partner stays ‘on guard’ while the other feeds – these fishes just watch each others’ back," Dr. Brandl says. "This behavior is so far unique among fishes and appears to be based on reciprocal cooperation between pair members."

Reciprocal cooperation, which requires an investment in a partner that is later reciprocated(报答), is supposed to require complex cognitive and social skills — something that fishes had been considered not to have until now.

Dr. Brandl says the research shows clear support and presents interesting evidence for reciprocal support between the rabbitfish pairs.

"There has been a long debate about whether reciprocal cooperation can exist in animals that lack the highly developed cognitive and social skills found in humans and a few species of birds and primates," he said. "By showing that fishes — which are commonly considered to be cold, unsocial, and unintelligent — are able to have reciprocal cooperative systems, we provide evidence that cooperation may not be as special as earlier expected."

Professor Bellwood says that our opinion of fishes as cold creatures is slowly changing. "Our findings should further cause efforts to understand fishes as highly developed organisms with complex social behaviors. This may also require a change in how we study and treat fishes."

【题文1】 What does the first paragraph imply?

A. Rabbitfishes almost act like birds and mammals.

B. Fishes don’t belong to the animal world at all.

C. Fishes have the ability to feed each other.

D. The caring behavior is impossible for fishes.

【题文2】While one rabbitfish feeds, the other one _________.

A. is protecting its partner from any danger B. is carrying some food for its partner

C. is looking for more food for its partner D. is hiding behind the back of its partner

【题文3】 What did people use to think about fishes?

A. They have the same behaviors. B. They show no feelings for others.

C. They have high social skills. D. They support each other all the time.

【题文4】What can we infer from what Bellwood said?

A. We should change our way of eating fish.

B. The behaviors of fishes are difficult to learn.

C. More efforts are needed to understand fish.

D. Our study of social behaviors should be careful.

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