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Dear Lily,
Thanks very much on inviting me to your birthday 76_____
party on Sunday. I¡¯d like very much go but 77_____
I¡¯ll have an examination in Monday morning. 78_____
It is very important but I can¡¯t afford to fail 79_____
it. I¡¯ll spend all the whole weekend reading 80_____
and prepare for it. So I¡¯m really sorry that 81_____
I won¡¯t be able to come this time. I hope you 82_____
can understand me. I¡¯ll take this chance to wish 83_____
you wonderful time on your birthday. Happy 84_____
birthday, Lily, and many return of the day. 85_____
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80allºÍwholeÈÎÈ¥Ò»¸ö 81prepare¸ÄΪpreparing 82come¸ÄΪgo 83ÕýÈ·
84youºóÃæ¼Óa 85 return¸ÄΪreturns »òÕßreturnÇ°Ãæ¼Óa