对话填空  (满分10分)


--- Excuse me, Madam, but I’m writing a report on what people prefer to do on holiday. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

--- No, not at all. Please go (76) a_______.

--- How often do you go on holiday?

--- I usually have two weeks’ holiday a year.

--- And what do you prefer to do when you are on holiday?

--- Well, I don’t usually visit my family. We live quite (77) c_____ and I can see them any time. But I do like to visit museums, (78) e_____ if there is a special exhibition on. I don’t like to stay at home, though my parents do. (79) I________, I prefer to get away from the city and just (80) e________ the peace of the country. You know, just sit under a tree, listen to the birds in the morning, or maybe go walking over the hills.

--- Have you ever (81) t_________ abroad?

--- No, I haven’t .It’s too (82) e__________ for me. But my husband loves to visit the coast, so if the (83) w_________ is good we often go swimming in the sea, or maybe just lie on the (84) b________ and bathe in the sun.

--- OK. Well, thank you very much for your time.

--- You are (85) w_________.











Chinese President Hu Jintao, on his way to talks with President George W. Bush in Washington, on Tuesday met with Bill Gates. 
After the meeting with Gates, the world's richest man, at Microsoft's headquarters, Hu restated that China would move against software pirates(盗版软件) all the time.
At Microsoft Corp.'s campus, Hu said on Tuesday he admired what Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates had achieved. He also sought to reassure Gates that China is serious about protecting intellectual property rights(知识产权).
"Because you, Mr. Bill Gates, are a friend of China, I'm a friend of Microsoft," Hu said.
"Also, I am dealing with the operating system produced by Microsoft every day," he added, to laughter.
Gates responded: "Thank you, it's a fantastic relationship," and then said: "And if you ever need advice on how to use Windows, I'll be glad to help."
"China is focused on and has already accomplished much in creating and enforcing laws to protect intellectual property." he said. "We take our promises very seriously."
Hu also said he would certainly welcome a further increase in Microsoft's investment in China.
"I'd also like to take this opportunity to assure you, Bill Gates, that we will certainly honor our words in protecting intellectual property rights," Hu said.
In his brief visit to the Microsoft campus, Hu, accompanied by Gates and company CEO Steve Ballmer, saw some business technology demonstrations and toured Microsoft's Home of the Future, which features experimental technology that might someday be used in people's living spaces.
Following the visit at Microsoft, about 100 guests, including former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Gov. Gary Locke, the first Chinese-American governor, were invited to Gates' $100 million lakeside house on Lake Washington for a dinner.
China has recently begun requiring Chinese computer makers to load legal software on their machines.
In Seattle's Chinatown, many stores hung Chinese and U.S. flags to welcome Hu, and many in the crowd outside the stately Fairmont Hotel on Monday night where Hu was staying were there to support the Chinese president.
53.How many issues are mentioned in President Hu’s visit to Microsoft?
A. One.           B. Two.         C. Three.    D. Four.
54.Put the sentences in correct order.
a. Hu had a meeting with President George W. Bush.
b. Hu had dinner with many guests in Gates’ lakeside house.
c. Hu paid a visit to the Microsoft campus.
d. Hu stayed at Fairmont Hotel in Seattle.
A. d-c-b-a      B. d-b-c-a      C. a-d-c-b         D. a-c-b-d
55.What measure is not mentioned to protect intellectual property rights?
A. Moving against software pirates
B. creating and enforcing laws
C. increasing Microsoft's investment in China
D. requiring Chinese computer makers to load legal software on their machines
56.What is the best title for the passage?
A. Hu Visits Microsoft.       
B. Protecting Intellectual Property Rights.
C. Bill Gate’s, A Friend of China.   
D. Americans Welcome President Hu. 





A: Have you ever read some reports about UFOs?

B: Of course. I have a firm b      76       in UFOs. I’m    76.              

   always interested in the stories and aliens.

A: What are they like?

B: According to some w      77       , it is colorless       77.              

   and moves at an a      78       speed with little noise.  78.              

   Aliens are said to be white-skinned, strange-looking

   visitors from o     79        space.                      79.              

A: I don’t quite agree with you d     80        to space    80.              

   exploration, most important planets have been examined,

   p     81        have been taken and samples have          81.              

   collected there, but no e     82        of life has       82.              

   been discovered.

B: So you mean UFOs don’t e     83        ? There are no    83.              

   aliens? How would you explain some people’s sudden

   d      84       ? Many people have reported seeing        84.              


A: It’s hard to say. We will still continue with

   scientific r     85        .                              85.              



Have you ever imagined that you could be cloned(克隆) like Dolly, the sheep, in the not too distant future?

   The news that a human embryo(胚胎) has been  16  cloned for the first time has caused mixed reactions(反应).

  The   17  was carried out by scientists from the Advanced Cell Technology Inc(ACT), in Massachusetts, US. The group  18  the news on November 25.

   This is  19  human being. A clone is alive, it walks, it breathes, said Jamie Grifo, a(n)  20  on the study of cloning at New York University School of Medicine.

   “This is a set of cells in a lab that will be used to  21   someone’s life.”

   Such research could lead to treatment for  22 such as heart disease, AIDS and even cancer,  23   scientists.

   Despite high hopes from other scientists, the news raised concerns immediately from religious and political leaders. Several  24 in the US do not allow human cloning. President George W. Bush also made it clear that he is  25  any type of  human cloning. However, the scientists at ACT said they have no interest at present in  26  an early embryo into  27  .

   Animal have been cloned repeatedly since Dolly, the sheep  28  in 1997. And there were no real technical  29  to stand in the way of scientists making a cloned human embryo.

  This time the research group used traditional cloning technology with a human  30  31 it was given DNA from an adult cell, the egg began to  32  .   33  it was stopped from becoming a baby-at a stage in which it was  34  a ball of cells. The  35 technology has been used to clone sheep , cattle and monkeys.

1. A. in failure        B. never            C. successfully     D. not

2.A. research       B. report           C. works            D. task

3.  A. made known   B. made         C. said                 D. had

4.A. a cloned       B. a man-made   C. a                    D. not a cloned

5.A. worker B. head         C. expert           D. assistant

6.A. save       B. rescue           C. cure         D. treat

7.  A. patients B. health           C. diseases     D. things

8.A. according to   B. including    C. besides      D. argued

9.A. countries  B. nations      C. peoples      D. states

10.A. for       B. against          C. researching for  D. praising

11. A. developing   B. building     C. inventing        D. discovering

12. A. a baby   B. a man    C. a woman      D. a white man

13.A. died      B. appeared C. turned up        D. was no more

14. A. questions    B. affairs      C. business     D. problems

15.A. egg       B. bless        C. meat         D. cell

16.A. Before    B. After        C. While            D. And

17.A. grow     B. die           C. change           D. grow up

18.A. And      B. But       C. However      D. Yet

19.A. yet      B. still     C. not          D. /

20. A. different        B. usual            C. ordinary         D. same


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