
13.-It's too late.I must leave now.
-I can't        allow you to go home in this weather.(  )

分析 ---太晚了.我现在必须离开了.

解答 答案为D.
根据后句I can't        allow you to go home in this weather可以知道该句应该表示"我不可能让你在这种天气回家的",而选项中只有possibly"可能地,也许,或许",在否定、疑问句中与can,could连用,表示"无论如何也不",肯定句中与can,could连用,以加强语气,表示"设法,竭力地".其他选项中Alikely是形容词,Bprobably一般用于肯定句,表示很大的可能,C surely是"确定地"的意思,与句义不符,所以选择D.

点评 考查副词辨析.要做好这种题型,需要了解各个选项的含义,但更重要的是理解句子的意思.只有符合句子意思的选项才是正确的.

4.Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast.He advertised for hired hands.Most people were(16)unwilling to work on farms along the Atlantic.They feared the awful(17)storms that spread across the Atlantic,damaging the buildings and crops.(18)As the farmer interviewed applicants for the job,he received many(19)refusals.
Finally,a short,thin man,well past middle age,(20)approached the farmer."Are you a good farmhand?"the farmer asked him.
"Well,I can(21)sleep when the wind blows,"answered the little man.
Although(22)puzzled by this answer,the farmer,(23)desperate for help,hired him.The little man worked well around the(24)farm,busy from dawn to dusk,and the farmer felt(25)satisfiedwith the man's work.then one night the wind howled(怒号)loudly in from offshore.Jumping out of bed,the farmer took a lantern and(26)rushed next door the hired hand's sleeping room.He shook the little man and (27)cried,"Get up!A storm is coming!Tie things down (28)before they are blown away!The little man rolled over in bed and said(29)firmly,"No sir.I told you,I can sleep when the wind blows"(30)angered by the answer,the farmer was tempted to fire him on the spot.(31)instead,he hurried outside to prepared for the storm.To his (32)surprise,he discovered that all of the haystacks(干草堆)had been covered with tarpaulins(帆布).The cows and the chickens were all in the(33)proper places,and the doors were fastened.The windows were tightly(34)secured.Everything was(35)tied down.Nothing could be blown away.The farmer then understood what his hired hand meant,so he returned to his bed to also sleep while the wind blew.

31.A.thereforeB.as a resultC as usuallyD.instead
35.A.flied awayB.died downC.blown awayD.tied down.
1.Without any hesitation,he said,"I'd be better off dead."Hearing those words come out of my best friend's mouth tore my heart apart.He has repeated that phrase more than once,and my mind continually plays it over like a voice recording.
    I met him about three years ago.After knowing me for six months,he told me about his struggles with depression.Sadness was not the only emotion that came over me;I was shocked.He seemed so outgoing and happy all the time.I soon learned that he was physically and emotionally abused as a young child,causing him to have suicidal(自杀的)thoughts.
    He refuses to talk to others about his depression because he now distrusts adults,especially those in his family.Nevertheless,he feels as if I understand him and that I know the right words to speak.Therefore,when it comes to helping him,convenience is not in my vocabulary.It does not matter where I am or what I am doing,for he always comes first.
    Many students at his school laugh at him when they notice scars on his arms from cutting.As he sees it,other kids have every right to make fun of him.But no one holds such a right,so I encourage him to ignore the heartless kids who treat him badly.When he feels the weight of judging eyes or hateful voices,I always remind him that I care about him unconditionally.Just hearing me say I will always be his best friend seems to give him the security he needs to keep on going.
    My best friend once told me that if he had not had me,he would not be alive.He said that my encouraging words convinced him not to take his life.Our friendship has taught me that a single kind word can influence someone's life.With the fragility(脆弱)of life as it is,I believe in the necessity of encouragement.

56.According to the first paragraph,what the author's friend said made the author feelB.
A.puzzled      B.heart broken.C.frightened   D.hopeless
57.By saying"convenience is not in my vocabulary",the author meansA.
  A.he is always ready to help his friend
  B.he hardly spares time to help his friend
  C.he has no good excuse for refusing his friend
  D.he is not good at communicating with his friend
58.From the passage we learn that the author's friendC.
  A.had a happy childhood but everything changed later
  B.wanted to share his story but no one listened
  C.took it for granted that he was made fun of
  D.was always of sad appearance
59.What does the author learn from his experiences?B
  A.How to make a big difference to others.    B.The importance of encouragement.
  C.How to get rid of depression.              D.The necessity of security.

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