
Just recently I was invited to attend a ceremony to celebrate the 25th anniversary of a business owned by a very good friend of mine.

The day of the  1 arrived. However, because of a business appointment  2 time, I knew that I was going to be late,  3  I phoned to let my friend know. I arrived 20 minutes  4  and my friend came out to welcome and  5  me. He said he was  6  to see me and had put off the  7  part of the celebration, knowing that I was on my  8 .

As I joined the other guests, I could  9  a wonderful sense of friendship, warmth and happiness in the room.  10 , I had very little time to speak to more than a couple of people  11  the official part of the celebration  12.

In his  13 , my friend welcomed all the guests on behalf of his family and team members, and then  14  the majority of the people who were gathered in the room for their support and friendship over the  15  25 years. In his thank-you speech, he used a quote: Always  16  with the person you took to the dance.

He then went on to talk about the importance of  17  loyal to those people who had supported him. He also  18  that during that time many people had offered their services and even sometimes provided a  19  arrangement for his business.

What a great  20  it was for me to continue to go to the dance with such a good friend!

1.                A.meeting        B.discussion       C.celebration    D.activity


2.                A.running over    B.taking on        C.making up D.standing for


3.                A.but            B.so             C.and  D.or


4.                A.behind         B.ahead          C.late  D.afterwards


5.                A.help           B.praise          C.respect   D.greet


6.                A.surprised       B.pleased         C.interested D.disappointed


7.                A.official         B.normal         C.usual     D.ordinary


8.                A.holiday         B.mind           C.way  D.duty


9.                A.learn          B.find            C.feel  D.touch


10.               A.Luckily         B.Happily         C.Angrily    D.Sadly


11.               A.before         B.after           C.when D.why


12.               A.ended         B.started         C.continued D.paused


13.               A.self introduction  B.explanation     C.speech    D.comment


14.               A.thanked        B.blamed         C.encouraged    D.criticized


15.               A.first           B.next           C.other D.last


16.               A.work          B.live            C.dance     D.sing


17.               A.remaining       B.falling          C.growing   D.turning


18.               A.guessed        B.mentioned      C.thought   D.supposed


19.               A.bigger         B.harder         C.worse     D.better


20.               A.pride          B.idea           C.honor     D.comfort


























1.A. meeting  会议       B. discussion讨论  C. celebration庆典      D. activity活动  根据前文:庆典的日子到了。故选C

2.A. running over超过  B. taking on承担   C. making up      装配       D. standing for代表 根据句意:一个商业会议超过了时间。故选A

3.前后句子表因果,所以填so 故选B

4.A. behind落后于              B. ahead提前    C. late迟的    D. afterwards后来 根据句意:作者迟到了20分钟。故选C

5.A. help帮助         B. praise赞美   C. respect尊敬     D. greet欢迎 根据句意:作者的朋友出来欢迎他。故选D

6.A. surprised感到惊讶的    B. pleased高兴的     C. interested感兴趣的          D. disappointed失望的  根据句意:他说看到我很高兴。故选B

7.A. official正式的    B. normal      正常的   C. usual 通常的     D. ordinary普通的 根据句意:他已经推迟了庆典的正式的部分。故选A

8.根据句意:当他知道作者正在来的路上的时候。On one’s way在路上 故选C

9.A. learn      学习    B. find找到     C. feel感到       D. touch触摸 根据句意:当作者融入了其他客人的时候,他在房间里感到了一种奇妙的友谊,温暖和幸福。故选C

10.A. Luckily幸运地是  B. Happily幸福滴       C. Angrily 生气地  D. Sadly悲伤地 根据句意:不过,悲伤地是,作者几乎没有时间和几个人讲话。故选D

11.A. before在之前      B. after在之后       C. when当…的时候    D. why为什么  根据句意:在庆典开始之前。故选A

12.A. ended结束    B. started开始   C. continued继续 D. paused停顿 根据句意:正式的庆典开始之前。故选B

13.A. self introduction自我介绍 B. explanation说明C. speech演讲     D. comment评论 根据句意:在他的演讲中,作者的朋友代表他的家人和团队感谢所有的来宾。故选C

14.A. thanked 感谢         B. blamed谴责 C. encouraged鼓励  D. criticized批评 根据句意:然后感谢在座的大多数人们对他们的支持。故选A

15.A. first第一      B. next 下一个    C. other其他的  D. last持续 根据句意:对他们持续了25多年的支持和友谊。故选D

16.A. work工作      B. live生活      C. dance跳舞       D. sing唱歌 根据句意:总是与你的舞伴跳舞。故选C

17.A. remaining剩下的  B. falling 下降的       C. growing 成长的   D. turning转向 根据句意:他接下来谈论了剩下的忠诚于他的人的重要性。故选A

18.A. guessed 猜想       B. mentioned      提及   C. thought 思想       D. supposed假定  根据句意:他也提到了在那段时间许多人对他提供的服务。故选B

19.A. bigger 更大  B. harder更难的    C. worse更坏的 D. better更好的 根据句意:甚至有时候对他的商业提供更好的安排。故选D

20.A. pride自豪       B. idea想法       C. honor荣幸    D. comfort安慰 根据句意:对他来说继续和这样一个好朋友跳舞是多么的荣幸啊!故选C





Christmas is over. And I got my wanted radio-controlled truck. But you would not believe the ___1___ and work that went into getting this holy toy.

For over a month I stared at ___2___ magazines I received from my friend until I had made up my ___3___: I wanted a Pumpkin truck. I ___4___ to work immediately, dropping hints to my father about it.

My first job was to tell him about how the steering(操纵杆) on my old car didn’t ___5___, but he just blamed the problems on my bad ___6___.

My next plan would have to be more ___7___. “Look at this, Dad, the truck with controller and battery pack—all for only US$250!” You can’t ___8___ to miss out on this bargain!”

His ___9___ was that he certainly could afford to miss this ___10___ and for US$250 you could buy ___11___ educational like a telescope. “A telescope? To look at the moon? I’ll look at it when I’m 97 years old and living in a ___12___ home! This is my youth! I am supposed to run about.”

I went to my room, ___13___ at how mean(吝啬的) my father was. It was obvious that he didn’t ___14___ that I would die if I did not get the Pumpkin radio-controlled truck.

When I ___15___ on Christmas morning I wasn’t excited. I had been ___16___. I opened all my presents until there was just one big package ___17___. “The telescope,” I thought. I ___18___ the packaging and looked at the top of the box—it was a Pumpkin truck. I had ___19___! I loved my parents! I felt like I could do anything! I could ___20___ get an A+ in English class.

1. A. pain           B. attempt           C. joy              D. shyness

2. A. housing        B. fishing            C. car             D. fashion

3. A. mind            B. idea             C. opinion           D. head

4. A. get            B. set               C. searched        D. went

5. A. operate         B. run              C. start            D. work

6. A. riding           B. driving            C. thinking          D. keeping

7. A. strong          B. practical          C. ideal            D. obvious

8. A. afford           B. pay              C. allow          D. stand

9. A. talk           B. expression          C. face            D. response

10. A. truck          B. telescope         C. chance               D. bargain

11. A. one             B. something          C. everything      D. nothing

12. A. heating        B. loving             C. nursing          D. finding

13. A. pleased       B. good               C. expert         D. angry

14. A. say             B. believe            C. care            D. learn

15. A. went off        B. woke up         C. rang up          D. found out

16. A. worried       B. instructed           C. warned          D. defeated

17. A. opened        B. wrapped         C. left             D. faded

18. A. recovered       B. refused           C. reopened        D. removed

19. A. won           B. done               C. beaten         D. failed

20. A. ever            B. already            C. still             D. even

Below is a housing guide for students going to London.

University accommodation(住所) office

Many university accommodation offices have their own list of registered landlords (房东). Others also provide information on accommodation agencies and other housing organizations. The advantage of using your university accommodation office is that you can get some support if you have 'a problem. The disadvantage is that they are unlikely to have enough registered landlords to house all their students.

Property papers: Loot and Renting

Loot is an important source (来源) of information about private housing for co-renters. The offers are from private landlords, agencies and individuals looking for other co-renters. They also have a website: www. loot. com. The advantage of using Loot is that there are some excellent bargains. The disadvantage is that there is no quality control over the offers.

Renting is another useful paper. The offers in this paper are mainly from accommodation agencies. Their website is at www. Renting.co. uk.

Accommodation agencies

The majority of rented accommodation in London is probably advertised through accommodation agencies. The advantage of using accommodation agencies is that you will have access to a large number of accommodations. A good agent will listen to your requirements and can save you time in looking for the right accommodation. The disadvantage is that they will make a range of charges to potential renters.


Around the universities you will find a number of noticeboards where offers of accommodation will be posted. These will either be from landlords or from students. Some universities will also have online noticeboards where students can advertise to other students.  Advertisements from students can be an excellent way to find                                                             accommodation. However, advertisements from landlords can be problematic.

Word of mouth

Some of the best housing in London is never advertised but is passed on from one group of students to another by word of mouth. It might be that you can find out about good offers from final year students. However, don't suppose that just because you have found out about housing from a friend it is necessarily, going to be better than that found through any other source.


Faced with the very high rents charged in London, some students and their parents will consider buying as an alternative. In some cases this might be a good choice.

1. What is the advantage of using Loot?

A. It has more offers from accommodation agencies than Renting.    

B. It gives you personal information about other co-renters.

C. Their website is designed mainly for students.    

D. There are some good bargains.

2. A good agent can help you      .

A. know more people                         

B. find cheap accommodation

C. get the right accommodation quickly

D. get free information about most accommodations

3. The information passed on by word of mouth is important because      .

A. it is better than that found through any other source

B. it helps you find some of the best housing never advertised    

C. the final year students always offer better information

D. the landlords have little valuable information

4. For students going to London for the first time, which of the following provides the most reliable information?

A. University accommodation offices.              

B. Loot and Renting.    

C. Noticeboards.                                 

D. Family.

The   16   picked up the thermos and poured some hot water into the tea-cup and placed it on the small table in front of his  17   , who were a father and daughter, and put the lid on the cup with a clink.Apparently  18  of something, he hurried into the inner room, leaving the  19  on the table.His two guests heard a chest of drawers opening and a rustling (飒飒响声).

       They  20  sitting in the living-room, the 10-year-old daughter, looking at the flowers outside the window.The father was just about to take his cup when the  21  came, right there in the living-room.Something was hopelessly broken.

       It was the thermos, which had fallen to the floor.The girl looked  22  her shoulder at once, startled (吓一跳),  23  .It was  24   neither of them had touched it, not even a little bit.

       The sound caused the host to rush back from the inner room.He looked at the  25  floor and blurted out, “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter!”

       The father started to say something.Then he muttered, “Sorry, I  26  it and it fell.”

       “ It doesn’t matter,” the host said.

       Later, when they left the house, the daughter said, “ Daddy, I saw your  27  in the windowpane (窗玻璃).You were sitting perfectly  28  .Why did you say….”

The father  29  , “What then would you  30  as the cause of its fall?”

       “ It fell by itself.The floor is uneven (不平).It wasn’t steady when Mr.Li put it there.”

       “It won’t  31  , girl.It sounds more  32   when I say I knocked it down.There are things people accept less the more you  33   them.The truer your story is, the less true it sounds.”

The daughter was  34  in silence for a while.Then she said, “ Can you  35   it only this way?”

       “Only this way,” the father said.

16.A.owner         B.host             C.guest            D.master

17.A.friends         B.neighbours         C.children           D.guests

18.A.knowing       B.remembering             C.hearing           D.thinking

19.A.thermos       B.cup               C.lid              D.tea

20.A.enjoyed       B.remained         C.imagined         D.hated

21.A.stranger        B.host             C.crash            D.noise

22.A.around         B.at               C.behind           D.over

23.A.staring        B.watching         C.shouting           D.crying

24.A.helpless       B.exciting          C.strange           D.terrible

25.A.broken        B.steaming         C.dirty             D.flooded

26.A.touched       B.used              C.hit              D.moved

27.A.face           B.shadow          C.reflection                D.action

28.A.calm          B.still             C.silent            D.straight

29.A.shouted        B.whispered        C.laughed           D.repeated

30.A.tell                 B.make            C.accept           D.give

31.A.do             B.suit               C.go              D.fit

32.A.comfortable    B.friendly          C.acceptable        D.agreeable

33.A.defend        B.support          C.discuss            D.argue

34.A.kept          B.shut             C.worried            D.lost

35.A.do             B.explain            C.make              D.manage

Long bus rides are like television shows. They have a beginning,a middle,and an endwith commercials (商业广告) thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable. They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window. "Buy Super Clean Toothpaste.""Drink Good Wet Root Beer.""Fill up with Pacific Gas."Only if you sleep,which is equal to turning the television set off,are you spared the unending cry of "You Need It! Buy It Now!"

The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting,even if you’ve traveled that way before. Usually some things have changednew houses,new buildings,sometimes even a new road. The bus driver has a style of driving and it’s fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. If the driver is particularly reckless (鲁莽的) or daring,the ride can be as thrilling (惊心动魄的) as a suspense story. Will the driver pass the truck in time? Will the driver move into the right?or the left?hand lane? After a while,of course,the excitement dies down. Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride. Food always makes bus rides more interesting. But you’ve got to be careful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.

The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning. You know it will soon be over and there’s a kind of expectation and excitement in that. The seat of course,has become harder as the hours have passed. By now you’ve sat with your legs crossed,with your hands in your lap,with your hands on the armrestseven with your hands crossed behind your head. The end comes just at no more ways to sit.

According to the passage,what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bus trip?

A.Buses on the road.                B.Films on television.

C.Advertisements on the billboards.    D.Gas stations.

What is the purpose of this passage?

A.To give the writer’s opinion about long bus trips.

B.To persuade you to take a long bus trip.

C.To explain how bus trips and television shows differ.

D.To describe the billboards along the road.

The writer of this passage would probably favor .

A.bus drivers who aren’t reckless      B.driving alone

C.a television set on the bus          D.no billboards along the road

The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows because .

A.the commercials both on TV shows and on billboards along the road are fun

B.they both have a beginning,a middle,and an end,with commercials in between

C.the drivers are always reckless on TV shows just as they are on buses

D.both traveling and watching TV are not exciting.

The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are .

A.exciting    B.comfortable    C.tiring    D.boring

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