




【答案】Recently, I took part in an inquiry learning research, whose topic is whether parents are proud of their children. After doing the research into the students in my school andtheirparents, I found that thereisa big difference between the two sides. 80%oftheparentsthink that they areproudoftheirchildrenwhile 60%ofthe students think thattheirparentsareproudofthem.

As far as I am concerned, the reasons why theparentsandtheirchildrenhave different opinions on the same questionareas follows. Firstly, thereisonly one child in most families. Therefore, theparentspay more attention totheirchildren than themselves. Secondly, thechildrenareaccustomed to the love given bytheirparents. Thirdly, thechildrenare not confident of themselves thinking that they are not excellent to make their parents proud of them


亮点分析所给范文要点齐全条理明确完整的表达了题文要求。长短句交叉使用语言得体。while,firstly,secondly,thirdly的使用使文章条理清楚,衔接自然。适当运用了一些较好的词汇和句式:1. 定语从句whose topic is whether parents are proud of their children;why theparentsandtheirchildrenhave different opinions 2. 宾语从句:that thereisa big difference between the two sides 3. as far as I am concerned 4.

;be accustomed to


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