The penguins from the movie Happy Feet (《快乐的大脚》) are tap dancing back to the screen for Happy Feet Two, which landed in China on February 21.
Mumble, the dance master of the first film, has a problem. His son, Erik, is afraid of dancing. Erik runs away to escape all the dancing. He meets The Mighty Sven – a penguin who can fly. Sven soon becomes Erik’s new idol (偶像) and Mumble has no hope of competing with him.
But losing the role model battle turns out to be the least of Mumble’s worries. Suddenly the community is faced with an ecological (生态的) disaster. However, this proves to be Mumble’s chance to shine. Erik learns of his father’s determination and courage as Mumble brings together all of penguin-dom, along with hundreds of other creatures, from the tiny krill (磷虾) to the giant elephant seals, to put things right.
Two Hollywood stars, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt, play what are probably the smallest parts in their careers. They lend their voices to a pair of krill, small creatures at the bottom of the Antarctic food chain.
Penguins, seals and whales depend on krill to survive. Reuters reports that krill fishing has gone beyond sustainable (可持续的) levels. Animals such as penguins and seals are now competing for survival against industrial fishing ships. These two stars could help make people notice the tiny animals’ cause.
Happy Feet Two is directed by George Miller, who won an Oscar for the first Happy Feet. According to the Wall Street Journal, environmental concerns were not a large part of the original story. However, Miller “(felt) forced to emphasize the green theme” as his native Australia has been so strongly affected by global warming and overfishing.
68. What is the problem with Erik according to the article?
A. He just shows no respect for his father.
B. He wants to fly like a mighty penguin.
C. He doesn’t want to be a dancer like his father.
D. He’s no longer the dancer master of the community.
69. The appearance of Matt Damon and Brad Pitt in the movie is expected to ___________.
A. draw attention to the overfishing of krill
B. prevent people from polluting the ocean
C. encourage sustainable fishing in Australia
D. make the movie a huge box office hit
70. From the article we can learn the following statements EXCEPT that ___________.
A. the movie attaches great importance to protecting Antarctic
B. the krill are dying out because too many penguins and seals eat them
C. Mumble with other creatures tries to take action against the disaster
D. Matt Damon and Brad Pitt give background voices for a pair of krill
71. Which of the following can be the theme of the movie Happy Feet Two?
A. The magnificent scenery and species in Antarctic.
B. How love and respect can bring the family together.
C. Concerns about ecology and sustainable development.
D. Human beings’ increasing desires for natural recourses.