
14.It is believed that the city was gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200to AD 400.
The city isbelievedtohavebeen gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200to AD 400.

分析 据说这个城市在公元200到400年期间,被风沙渐渐掩埋了.

解答 答案:believed have been
第一个句子使用It is believed that sb…意为据说某人…,可以替换成sb be believed to have done,要注意城市是被风沙掩埋的,需用被动语态,即The city is believed to have been…

点评 考查不同句式表达同一个意思的能力,在平时学习时多积累.

4.From a very early age,some children exhibit better self-control than others.Now,a new study that began with about 1,000children in New Zealand has tracked how a child's low self-control can predict poor health,money troubles and even a criminal record in their adult years.
Researchers have been studying this group of children for decades now.They observed the level of self-control the youngsters displayed.Parents,teachers,even the kids themselves,scored the youngsters on measures like"acting before thinking"and"Persistence in reaching goals."
The study led by Moffitt of Duke University and colleagues followed  1,000children from birth to age 32in Dunedin,New Zealand.
"The children who had the lowest self-control when they were age three to ten,later on had the most health problems in their 30s,"Moffitt said,"and they had the worst financial situation.They were more likely to have a criminal record and to be raising a child as a single parent on a very low income."Moffitt explained that self-control problems were widely observed,and weren't just a feature of a small group of misbehaving kids.
Moffitt said it's still unclear why some children have better self-control than others,though she said other researchers have found that it's mostly a learned behavior,with relatively little genetic influence.But good self-control can be set to run in families because children with good self-control are more likely to grow up to be healthy and prosperous parents.But the good news,Moffitt said,is that self-control can be taught by parents,and through school curricula that have been shown to be effective.

66.From the first two paragraphs we learn thatB.
A.the research has been carried out for five years
B.self-control in kids tends to determine their future
C.self-control was assessed by children's intelligence
D.children's self-control is almost the same at early age
67.Children with low self-control are more likely toD.
A.become wealthy in later life    
B.get good school performance
C.have better financial planning  
D.adopt negative behaviors
68.According to Moffitt,D.
A.only good genetic factors can shape their lives in the future
B.scientists know well why some children have better self-control
C.self-control in childhood has nothing to do with criminal activity
D.willpower as a child really influences people's chances of adulthood
69.What can be inferred from the passage?D
A.Self-control cannot be taught in schools.
B.The study is restricted within few participants.
C.It's never too late to deal with self-control problems.
D.Good parenting can improve self-control and life success.
70.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A
A.Child's self-control predicts future health,success
B.Kids are encouraged to take risks at an early age
C.Children's development cannot be changed by teachers
D.How to teach the kids a bit of self-control in schools.
4.There once was a very wealthy man who had made great achievement.He had more money than he could ever spend,and he was admired and looked up to by his neighbors.Still,he knew that something was missing in his life.He wasn't happy.All his life he had been striving for happiness,but he had never been able to find it.
Then one day,he heard about a hidden temple in Nepal that had a special room that contained the secret of happiness.He immediately sold all that he owned and set out to find this hidden temple.After many years of searching and countless hardships he arrived there.He was tired and penniless,but he knew that none of that was important now because he had found the temple.He asked a wise,smiling monk(僧侣)if he could enter the special room.The monk agreed and showed him the stairs leading to the room.He climbed them with legs shaking with expectation and slowly opened the door.He stared into the room with sunlight streaming through the window and saw what he had come so far to find.There hanging on the wall was the secret of happiness.The man gazed at himself in the mirror and laughed.
It is time that we all realized that we were the secret of our own happiness.Happiness is a choice that we can make.Don't spend t he rest of your life searching the world for happiness then.Just look in the mirror and laugh.Just let the happiness flow from your heart,mind,and soul until it fills your life and the lives of all those around you.
6.According to the text,the manD.
A.was not happy because of his wealth and success
B.found the secret of happiness at last
C.would regret for what he had done
D.wasn't popular with people of his neighbors
7.The underlined word"striving"in Paragraph 1 means.A
A.struggling B.applying C.longing D.hoping
8.What can we infer from the text?C
A.Getting wealth means losing happiness.
B.There should be a wise monk in the temple.
C.It was difficult to find the temple in Nepal.
D.People can learn what happiness is from the mirror.
9.Which of the following statements is true?B
A.On the way to seeking happiness,the man spent all his money.
B.Happiness is a choice that depends on ourselves.
C.With a lot of money,the man lived a happy life.
D.The man was very happy when he found the secret of happiness.
10.The purpose of the author's writing the text is to.B
A.show the relationship between wealth and happiness
B.introduce the process of a man's finding his happiness
C.tell the story about a wealthy man
D.tell us what is the real secret of happiness.

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