
8.Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his________one.(  )

分析 说到他写的所有歌曲,我想这可能是他最著名的一首歌.

解答 答案:C    
A.better-known 是比较级形式; B.well-known"出名的,众所周知的",原级; C.best-known 是最高级形式; D.well-known 的最高级形式是best-known,而不是most-known;句中"all the songs he has written他写的所有歌曲",表示比较的范围(即三者以上);句意:说到他写的所有歌曲,我想这可能是他最著名的一首歌.结合以上分析可知,此处要用形容词的最高级形式.故选C

点评 本题考查的是形容词的最高级的用法.首先,要知道它表示的是三者或三者以上的比较,意为:最…;另外,需要记住形容词最高级的规则变化规律以及它(如:good,many/much,few/little,bad等)的不规则变化形式.


My dad is my hero because he is brave, skilled,and respectful. I know many people say their dads are their heroes, but my dad __ me about becoming a man, which is __ important for a young boy.

Respect goes a long way with my dad, as does patience. As a(n) __,my dad must __ people every day,some of whom are nice and some are not. Either way,he __ his well-mannered attitude.

Dad is not afraid of many things, or if he is, he doesn’t tell me __ he wants to seem tough. He may not be a big guy but since he works with his __ all day, he is very strong. Dad works outdoors in all kinds of __ but the worst thing he has to do is __ up and work in an attic (顶楼) in the middle of the summer. Trust me, this is the __ place you will experience as an electrician and when you come back __,what is in your lungs will make you __ for hours.

My dad and I have a very good __. We talk about almost everything. We go hunting, fishing,and everything a dad and son would do. My dad and I enjoy hiking __ because it gives us time outdoors together and there is nothing like that. He has __ and taught me everything I need to know about ___

I am __ to be the son of Mike C., and would not have it any other way. People come up to me all the time to __ me I have a good dad. It makes me feel __ that a lot of people think so __ of him. He is a good teacher of my life and would do anything for me. This is why my father is my hero.

1.A. arranges B. teaches C. worries D. reminds

2.A. specially B. extremely C. nearly D. hardly

3.A. worker B. officer C. electrician D. engineer

4.A. look after B. deal with C. wait for D. search for

5.A. offers B. makes C. hides D. keeps

6.A. though B. unless C. until D. because

7.A. brain B. mouth C. hands D. legs

8.A. positions B. situations C. conditions D. destinations

9.A. climb B. put C. send D. set

10.A. coldest B. highest C. best D. hottest

11.A. down B. over C. inside D. up

12.A. rest B. cough C. ache D. sleep

13.A. relationship B. friendship C. agreement D. companion

14.A. widest B. least C. most D. latest

15.A. learned B. referred C. shown D. collected

16.A. animals B. nature C. study D. skills

17.A. excited B. eager C. surprised D. proud

18.A. ask B. warn C. tell D. promise

19.A. well B. good C. nervous D. nicely

20.A. easily B. seriously C. highly D. lightly

An Israeli law banning too skinny models went into effect with the start of 2013. The law, approved last March in Israel, requires models to prove they have maintained a Body Mass Index (BMI) of at least 18.5 for three months before a fashion show. That means a woman who is 68 inches tall can weigh no less than 119 pounds.

“This law is another step in the war against eating disorders,” said physician Adatto. “Underweight models,” he explained, “can no longer serve as role models for innocent young people who copy their false image of being skinny.”

But some critics in this country say it is misguided, focusing on weight instead of health. They also say the Israeli ban is bound to fail because of the strong power of the fashion industry. “I think it’s an approach that isn’t going to work.” said eating disorder expert Susan Ice, who worked with an organization which creates a healthy working environment for models.

But Adatto told the reporter that he began to concern the issue after meeting an ambitious model who looked like she needed to be hospitalized. He said. “I realized that only legislation(立法) can change the situation. There was no time to waste; so many girls were dieting to death.”

However, the efforts to regulate models’ weight in Spain and Italy have not resulted in significant changes in part because of difficulties in determining reliable methods of measuring weight and health.

Still, folks including Ice say there’s no denying that images from Hollywood and the fashion industry can be difficult for young women to deal with. “Certainly I don't believe the modeling industry has caused the rise in eating disorders, but it makes it harder,” she says. “It’s a difficult recovery environment, worshiping thinness as the beauty ideal.”

1. One benefit the new Israeli law may bring is ________.

A. to change the working conditions of models

B. to prevent models from suffering from eating disorders

C. to provide guidance for women worshiping thinness

D. to lower the chance of skinny models’ death

2.In the opinion of the critics, the law won’t succeed because .

A. it misleads young women to form a bad eating habit.

B. the fashion industry is much too influential.

C. it doesn’t create a healthy working environment for models.

D. it doesn’t provide a proper approach that can work well.

3. What caused Adatto to think that a law was needed to change the situation?

A. Being interviewed by a reporter.

B. Establishing his fashion model agent.

C. Meeting an ambitious but too skinny model.

D. Seeing a model die from eating disorders.

4.According to the passage, the new Israeli law banning skinny models is .

A. practical B. reasonable

C. acceptable D. argumentative

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