
Gary got to the manager’s office to report his plan, only _______ the manager went out.

  1. A.
    to be told
  2. B.
    to tell
  3. C.
    being told
  4. D.
从句意分析可知, 后面部分应为结果状语, 可用不定式表示“出乎意料”的结果。又因为tell是及物动词, 后面应带sb.作宾语, 现在没有sb., 就意味着句子的主语是其逻辑上的宾语, 所以不定式要用被动式, 表示是别人告诉Gary的。动词不定式和现在分词都可以用作结果状语, 两者的区别是:不定式常表示“出乎意料”的结果, 前面常有only;现在分词常表示“合乎常理”或“自然而然”的结果。

Richard Gray was a famous explorer.He was also a millionaire.He had visited every country in the world.He had crossed the Antarctic,flown across the Atlantic by balloon,and climbed Mount Everest.Last year he decided to walk across Death Valley,the hottest place on Earth.He walked for days over the hot desert sand.One night he found the camp where he had been the night before.Gray had walked in a circle.He was lost.?

Two days later he had drunk all his water.He couldn’t walk.He crawled to the top of a sand dune,and there he saw a man.The man was wearing smart,clean trousers,a white shirt and a tie.Gray crawled over to him.?

“Water...water...”he said.?

“I’m terribly sorry,old boy,”replied the man,“but I haven’t got any water with me.”?

“Help me!”shouted Gary,“I’m a rich man...a millionaire... I’ll give you anything.”?

“That’s very nice of you,old boy,”said the man.“Look,I can’t give you any water,but would you like to buy my tie?”?

“A tie?Of course not!”screamed Gray,and crawled away.He crawled slowly up the next sand dune.His mouth was full of sand.His lips were cracked and dry.He couldn’t breathe.He reached the top of the dune and there he saw a huge good hotel.Girls were swimming in the large swimming pool.Beautiful fountains were all around the hotel.

“Is it a mirage?”he thought.“Am I dying?”He stood up and staggered down the dune.?

A waiter in a shining white uniform came out of the door.?

“Water...water...a bath! Food!”screamed Gray.?

“I’m sorry,you can’t come into this hotel,”said the waiter.?

“Why not?I’ve got plenty of money.I’m a millionaire.”?

“Ah,”replied the waiter,“but you aren’t wearing a tie,”?

1.The famous explorer ________.?

A.had crossed the Antarctic and the Atlantic by balloon?

B.had traveled all over the world?

C.had walked across Death Valley?

D.had ever been a millionaire?

2.Death Valley is ________.?

A.a valley where people may die from loss of ?

B.a dead place where people dare not go?

C.a terribly hot valley where people may die of heat?

D.a place’s name?

3.The man offered to sell his tie to Gray because ________.?

A.he wished to get some money from Gray?

B.Gray was a rich man?

C.he didn’t have any water with him?

D.he thought a millionaire needed to wear a tie?

4.If Gray ________,he would have got some water to drink in the hotel.?

A.had got a lot of money with him?

B.had put on his tie at once?

C.had said he was a famous millionaire?

D.had bought the tie from the man?


Gary is very popular in his college and nearly everybody knows him. He is a basketball starand has played in quite a few important matches held in his home state. And for this reason, he has become the  (21)  of the college, envy of the boys, and hero of the girls. Among his many  (22)  is a girl called Nola.
Nola is Gary’s classmate, and Professor Johnson’s daughter. Mr. Johnson is a strict father, and in a family where a sports star is not  (23) regarded, Nola never dares to mention Gary’s name. In school, they seldom speak to each other and always keep a certain (24).
Nola’s family lives on the campus and there is a big sports ground near their (25) . Every afternoon, after school, Gary would spend at least one hour practicing basketball before returning (26). Nola lives on the third floor, and from their (27) she can see the sports ground. As a (28) , Nola would sit in a chair on the balcony, reading or doing her homework everyday (29) she comes home. Sometimes she would raise her head to watch Gary shoot or (30) how many times he can hit the basket.
Gary doesn’t seem to pay any attention to Nola on the balcony.
One afternoon, Nola moved her chair into the room (31) the breeze outside. But she could still hear the noise from the sports ground. The (32) suddenly stopped and the sports ground became very quiet. Nola thought it (33) and looked out through the window.
She saw Gary bending down there and (34) something on the ground with a piece of chalk. What was he writing? She (35). Gary finished writing and (36), he picked up his bag and dragged his way home.
After Gary left, Nola went (37) quickly and walked quietly to the sports ground. When she got to the place where Gary had just (38), she found these words, “Nola, why didn’t you watch me play?”
She picked up the (39) end on the ground and added below the line, “(40) yes, I did.”

A.signal B.pride C.successD.expectation
A.houseB.classroomC.tableD.living room
A.turned upB.hurried upC.held upD.stood up

阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。把答案填涂在答题卡上相应的题号的答案标号上,如答案是E把AB同时一起涂黑,如答案是F把 CD同时一起涂黑。


A. Chinook’s at Salmon Bay (Ballard/Crown Hill)

This casual seafood restaurant — practically a city institution — is always dependably family-friendly, and its food is always satisfying. It’s a great place to take visiting friends and families too.

B. Matt’s in the Market (Downtown)

The most romantic feature about this cozy closet of a restaurant in the Pike Place Market is its size. It might also make it tough to get into without a wait.

C. St. Clouds (Madison Park/ Madrona / Leschi)

Youngsters get special attention from kind staff, and sweet-treatment extends to the kids’ weekend brunch menu and their dinner options.

D. RockSport Bar & Grill (West Seattle)

Everything about RockSport is big: the seating area, the menu, and last but not least, the wall-sized projection TV screen.

E. Canlis Restaurant (Queen Anne/Seattle Center)

Canlis is the place to go when you want to plan a really, truly special experience (marriage proposals, big anniversaries, etc.). The food, service and setting are all spectacular.

F. Red-hot bakeries

No matter where you go in this wide, wide world, one thing holds true: People absolutely love fresh-baked bread. Our little corner of the planet boasts more than a few bakeries that make breads and delectable pastries worth falling for.


1.The Carpenters often take their kids out to have dinner in a restaurant on weekends. They haven’t visited a lot of restaurants. But sometimes they are rejected because of the children. The weekend is coming again. Whatever restaurant they visit, it is essential that it should welcome kids, especially their five-year-old daughter. And their elder daughter doesn’t like fish or lobster.

2.Fanny just got to know that Anna, her former classmate, and she worked in the same office block. They haven’t seen each other since graduation. They plan to meet each other at lunch hour. But they have only one hour for lunch. As both of them like cakes and bread, a bakeshop might be a good choice.

3.Leo and his wife have been married for five years. They hope to have a celebration in a fine restaurant. These days a restaurant like this is always packed with lovers. They wouldn’t like to wait for a table.

4.After going shopping with her boyfriend in downtown for the whole afternoon, Charlene is looking for a comfortable place to sit down and just enjoy being together.

5.Gary and his football team are going to have a get-together. They want to find a place where they can drink beers while enjoying some sports program.


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