
Yesterday,I saw the old lady fall down when I was hurrying to school.I was about to help her up while a passer-by stop me,saying that I might be accused of knocking her down.Heard his words,I began to hesitate and slow down my steps.At the moment,another student,that saw everything,went up to help.The old lady said nothing but lots of thank to the good boy.I felt ashamed.
As is known to all,help others is forever a good virtue.Even though some old people behave improper,we can't let it to disappear.I have made my mind that I will reach out my hand without hesitation next time.

分析 文章讲述了作者在匆忙上学的路遇见一个老太太跌倒了,正想帮忙却被过路人劝住了.就在作者犹豫不决时另外一名学生上去帮忙扶起来老太太,老太表示十分感激.作者感到很羞愧,并决心下次一定要伸出援助之手.

解答 Yesterday,I saw the old lady fall down when I was hurrying to school.I was about to help her up while a passer-by stop me,saying that I might be accused of knocking her down.Heard his words,I began to hesitate and slow down my steps.At the moment,another student,that saw everything,went up to help.The old lady said nothing but lots of thank to the good boy.I felt ashamed.
As is known to all,help others is forever a good virtue.Even though some old people behave improper,we can't let it to disappear.I have made∧my mind that I will reach out my hand without hesitation next time.
1.the改成 an;考查冠词,句意为"昨天我在匆忙上学的路上看见一个老太太跌倒",这里用an泛指"一个老太太". 
2.while 改成when;考查时间状语从句,这里使用了"be about to do…when…",意为"刚要做…这时…".   
4.Heard改成 Hearing;考查分词作状语,主语I和动词hear存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词形式作状语.  
5.that 改成who;考查关系代词,这是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词 another student指人,故用冠词代词who. 
7.help改成 helping;考查非谓语动词,这里用动名词形式在句中做主语.   
8.improper改成 improperly;考查副词,此处用副词形式作状语,修饰动词 behave.
9.去掉to;考查动词不定式,Let 后面跟省略to的不定式,故去掉to.     
10.made后面加up;考查固定搭配,make up one's mind是固定搭配,意为"下定决心".

点评 短文改错题首先要整体理解短文意思,抓住中心思想,结合语境和上下文关系,充分运用平时掌握的固定搭配,习惯用法,句型结构等等来发现文章的错误之处,加以修正.

4.Like international travelers anywhere,foreigners visiting the United States from other countries can be confused by some of what they encounter.Fortunately,their fellow travelers have plenty of advice.Here are some specially good travel advice from around the world.
From Italy:
Tipping is filled with misunderstanding.Q.Is it true that I have to"force"to tip at all?A.It is not mandatory to tip,however,it is strongly recommended,because in many cases it is the only entry of workers.Generally in a restaurant,in the cab,and in many places where there is a service tip is 15%.Since the bill that will explain you exactly the city tax of 8.875%,is sufficient to double that sum,without bothering to do the calculations.In the hotel you leave two dollars per day per person cleaning.Obviously you do not leave tips in places like McDonalds or Starbucks.
From China:
Americans love to follow rules,even when no one is looking."Americans are such strict rule followers.I witnessed this once sitting on the sidelines of a high school dodge ball game.To me,it was ridiculous,a little violent,and very American.It struck me that my classmates followed the rules of the game so strictly.Even when no one noticed that a person had been hit and he could have kept playing,he voluntarily gave himself up and left the game.I was deeply impressed by how much people honored the rules even when they are not seen."
From Russia:
Gifts are not a big deal.And did you know bribery (行贿) was illegal?"Gifts:Americans do not expect them.On the contrary,an unexpected gift while conducting business can put an American in an awkward position.Such things for Americans suggest exchange of commercial.
Business gifts in the U.S.are not acceptable.Moreover,they often cause suspicion.Americans fear that they could be interpreted as a bribe,and in the United States that is strictly punishable by law."
From Japan:
Nobody is impressed by how much you can drink."In the U.S.,they do not have a sense of pride if they drink a large amount.Rather,if you drink a lot,there is a sense that you cannot manage yourself,and you can lose respect from those around you.Being drunk doesn't excuse your actions,and to drink alcohol habitually is a sign of alcoholism.Alcoholics are seen as mentally weak,and are avoided by society due to their inability to have self control."

46.What does the passage mainly tell about?B
A.Cultural diversity.
B.Cultural differences.
C.Cultural revolution.
D.Cultural construction.
47.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word"mandatory"in Para.3?A
48.According to the passage,what are Americans most likely to do?D
A.Tipping everywhere.
B.Sending a surprising business present.
C.Drinking a lot.
D.Obeying the game rules.
49.Which word do the international travelers probably use to describe Americans?B
2.Emotional eating is when people use food as a way to deal with feelings(81)instead of satisfying hunger.Believe it or not,we've all been there.Have you ever finished a whole bag of chips out of boredom or downed cookie after cookie while preparing(82)for a big test?But when done a lot-especially (83)without/before realizing it-emotional eating can affect weight,health,and overall well-being.
Understanding what drives emotional eating can help people(84)take steps to change it.One of the biggest myths about emotional eating is that it's caused by (85)negative feelings.Yes,people often turn to food when they're stressed out,lonely,sad,anxious,or bored.But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too,like the romance of sharing dessert on Valentine's Day or the celebration of a holiday feast.Sometimes emotional eating is tied (86)to major life events,like a death or a divorce.More often,though,it's the countless little daily stresses (87)thatcause someone(88)to seek(seek) comfort in food.
We're all emotional eaters to a degree.But for some people emotional eating can be a real problem,(89)causing (cause) serious weight gain or other problems.The trouble with emotional eating is that once the pleasure of eating is gone,the feelings that cause it remain.And you often may feel worse about eating the amount or type of food you like.That's(90)why it helps to know the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger.
Next time you reach for a snack,wait and think about which type of hunger is driving it.
9.A long time ago,on neighboring farms lived two brothers.But disagreement arose between them.It was the first serious one between them in 40years of farming peacefully side by side.In the end,they fell apart.
One morning,a man with a carpenter's toolbox came for some work.The elder brother said,"I just have a job for you.Look at that farm across the creek(河沟).My younger brother lives there.It was he who used his bulldozer(推土机) to dig the creek last week to upset me.So I want you to build me a fence,an 8-foot-high fence so I won't see his place any more."The carpenter smiled and said,"I see.I'll try to do a wonderful job that satisfies you."Then the elder brother left and went downtown.
At sunset when the farmer returned,the carpenter had just finished his job.The farmer's jaw dropped open when he saw what the carpenter had done.To his surprise,there was no fence there at all!Instead,there was a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other!What a piece of work!He saw his younger brother coming up to him with the hands outstretching."You are quite a man to build this bridge after all I have said and done to you!"The brothers stood at each end of the bridge,and then they met in the middle,taking each other's hands.When they turned to see the carpenter,he was lifting his toolbox on his shoulder,ready to leave."No,wait!Stay a few days.I've a lot of other work for you,"said the elder brother."I'd love to stay on,"the carpenter said,"but I have so many more bridges to build."
24.What was the life like for the two brothers before the disagreement?B
A.They lived a poor and miserable life.
B.They were friendly neighbors,helping each other.
C.They never spoke to each other.
D.They lived together on the same farm.
25.It can be learned that the carpenter wasD.
A.clever but untrustworthy
B.hardworking and obedient
C.experienced but cold-hearted
D.skilled and helpful
26.The best title for this passage isA.
A.A Fine Piece of Work
B.A Clever Carpenter
C.Disagreement between Two Brothers
D.Two Brothers
27.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?D
A.The younger brother used his bulldozer to dig a creek.
B.The elder brother was angry with his younger brother at first.
C.The brothers were both satisfied with the carpenter's work at last.
D.At first,the carpenter planned to build an 8-foot-high fence as asked to.
9.Many people rush into the commitment of bringing home a four-legged family member,only to find out that they are not ready for a pet.This often results in the dog being turned over to a shelter where it may not find another home.This can be avoided if potential pet owners take the time to figure out if they are truly ready for the responsibilities of pet ownership.
Being a responsible pet owner involves a financial commitment that goes beyond buying dog food.There are also parasite (寄生虫) prevention,boarding costs while traveling and the cost to care for the pet should it become ill or injured.That is not to say that one must be rich in order to have a dog,but it is important to be prepared for the expenses that come with being a pet owner.
Another consideration is the time commitment.An owner away from home for 14 hours every day is not an ideal situation for a dog.A potential dog owner must also consider the time it takes to care for his or her pet,the time it takes to feed,walk,play with,bathe and clean up.Also,dogs require attention.Be prepared to spend time each day petting and playing with it.
Dogs are dogs,and will act like dogs.This includes barking,digging,having accidents in the house and,possibly,destroying some of the owner's prized possessions,such as furniture,shoes and cell phones.If the above would cause an owner to want to get rid of the dog,then he or she is not yet ready to be a pet owner.Many wonderful pets end up in shelters simply because they acted like dogs!

29.Who might be qualified to be a dog owner,according to the text?A
A.Kari,a teacher who works eight hours a day.
B.Jim,who has a daughter sensitive to dog's smell.
C.Dick,a jobless teenager who can hardly pay his rent.
D.Steven,a business man who travels a lot on business.
30.To be a responsible dog owner you need to do all the following EXCEPTD.
A.buying dog food and feeding it
B.taking it to hospital when necessary
C.spending time each day playing with it
D.finding a shelter for it when you are bored with it
31.What does the underlined part in the first paragraph probably mean?D
A.Rush to adopt a dog formally.
B.Commit to buy a dog and take it home.
C.Run into a pet shelter and take one home so quickly.
D.Decide to be a pet owner without thinking about it carefully.
32.What might be the best title for the text?B
A.Dogs Are Dogs
B.Ready for a Pet?
C.Have Time for a Dog?
D.Pets Are Family Members.

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