

假定你是李华,诺丁汉大学(The University of Nottingham)2016年计划在中国招收一批优秀高中毕业生,你准备报名。请你向该校招生负责人Dr Dan发一封电子邮件,包括以下内容:

1. 简要说明你的意向及个人情况;

2. 适当咨询申请入学的准备工作(如:笔试、面试的时间以及考查重点、学费等);

3. 具体询问学校的课程安排以及学生的在校学习、课外活动、业余生活、住宿等情况。


1. 词数100左右。 2. 文中不能出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息。



Mike’s New Bike

Mike looked at the midday sky. He had been working since sunrise and was taking a___. Mike had been working all summer to earn enough money for a new ____. His ancient, beaten-up bike was total embarrassment. But his mom said they couldn’t ___ a new one. Even though Mike knew she was ____ ,he shouted back at her in great disappointment,“You never ___ me anything!”

He only needed fifty more dollars. Mr. Painter had ___ him forty dollars to dig a new drainage ditch(排水沟),and he wanted to stop the ___in his rose garden. Mr. Painter wanted the new ditch to run parallel to the old one, but Mike didn’t think that would be ___in heavy rains. So he suggested another plan to ___the rainwater away from the house.

Mike noticed Mr. Painter ___him from behind a curtain. He knew Mr. Painter was an old grouch(爱抱怨的人); he would take away that little break from his pay. ___he returned to his work, Mike waved. Mr. Painter acknowledge the wave and disappeared.

Mike worked ___until mid-afternoon without a rest. Then Mr. Painter came out ___an inspection. “Why don’t you stop for today and get a fresh ___ tomorrow?”“I‘d rather finish up,” replied Mike. “It’s supposed to ___ tonight, and I’d like to have it work before the next storm.”

About six-thirty, Mike ___ the last pipe in place. As he was returning the tools to the garage, Mr. Painter came out of the house and ___up,“Mike, you’re an enthusiastic young man. You don’t see many young people these days who ___ about their work.” He handed Mike an envelope and left.

When Mike opened the envelope, he found three twenty-dollar bills. He ran to ___ Mr. Painter and started to hand one back to him. Mr. Painter declined the offer,“Take it as ___for keeping an old man from trouble.” And then he went to inspect his roses.

1.A. break B. holiday C. chance D. job

2.A. football B. computer C. skateboard D. bike

3.A. rid B. borrow C. afford D. make

4.A. rude B. right C. wise D. cruel

5.A. pass B. teach C. show D. give

6.A. handed B. offered C. lent D. saved

7.A. flooding B. growing C. sunlight D. dirt

8.A. necessary B. basic C. effective D. natural

9.A. collect B. direct C. pour D. receive

10.A. stopping B. ordering C. meeting D. watching

11.A. Once B. As C. While D. Though

12.A. nervously B. confidently C. steadily D. angrily

13.A. for B. about C. with D. during

14.A. supply B. start C. idea D. look

15.A. snow B. blow C. thunder D. rain

16.A. laid B. hung C. dropped D. cut

17.A. cleaned B. called C. stood D. walked

18.A. ask B. set C. care D. learn

19.A. catch B. beg C. serve D. blame

20.A. spirits B. excuses C. thanks D. requests


Seeing with Sound

According to a British news report,some blind people may finally get a chance to “see”. 1.Dr. Peter Meijer,a scientist at Philips Research Laboratories in the Netherlands,has developed a new system called the vOICe.The three middle letters in vOICe stand for “Oh,I see.” Meijer’s groundbreaking technology may change the lives of visually impaired people all over the world.

A wearable setup of vOICe system consists of a head-mounted camera,stereo headphones and a notebook PC. The system translates visual images from a camera into complex sounds.2.

The program is based on the theory that people can hear certain sounds and learn to translate them into meaningful mental images. Everything has its own unique sound.3.The height of an object or person could be determined by pitch(音调).And a built-in color identifier speaks out color names when it is turned on. What the vOICe users have to learn is which sound goes with which object. Meijer says that he is counting on the brain’s ability to adapt.

4.Within two weeks,most people who experiment with the vOICe system are able to identify objects such as walls and doors. They are also able to identify certain situations,including whether the lights in a room are on or off. 5.Meijer thinks that translating will eventually become automatic for many users of the vOICe,bringing a form of vision to them for the very first time.

A. Brighter areas sound louder than darker areas.

B. It then sends these sounds to a person through headphones.

C. However, they are not learning to see with their eyes;they are learning to see with their ears.

D. The vOICe system is aiming to treat blindness by translating images from a camera into audio signals.

E. Meijer supposes that the brain is interested in the information “content”,but not the information “carrier”.

F. To evaluate the new system’s effectiveness, a number of visually impaired people were chosen to test the v0ICe.

G. Over time, some users have even learned to “watch” television or “recognize” the outlines of buildings as they walk.


Use phones respectfully

You probably spend more time with your smart phone than any other possession. You take it everywhere — to school, to meals, and even to the bathroom, 1. But we have to learn to use our phones respectfully or at least without offending others around us. Here are some tips for smart phone usage. Take a look.

Use “do not disturb” instead of “vibrate(振动)”

Loud vibrations in your pants are disturbing. People can hear your phone vibrate, depending on how severely it vibrates. 2.

Tell others what you’re doing

Sometimes, you will be in a situation in which you need to use your smart phone. 3. If you don’t, people will think that you’re either interacting with someone else or just getting bored.


Respect others’ privacy as text and e-mail senders by not letting what they type appear on the home screen of your phone when you receive a new message. While you’re at it, use a password to make sure the information you share with others stays between you.

Ask permission to swipe(滑动)

When someone hands you their phone to look at a photo, this doesn’t mean you can swipe through all of their photo albums. 5.

A. Don’t use the text preview feature on your home screen.

B. It is difficult to ignore and distracts people from whatever they are doing.

C. You should use your smart phone secretly.

D. They probably want you to see the one photo they hand to you, not every photo they have taken.

E. Of course, a smart phone is a great way to keep in touch and share life events.

F. So it’s thrilling to look through all their photos.

G. Just tell people what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.

I am an English dictionary. I can still remember the day my ex-owner bought me. He had stood in front of the shelf for around half an hour before finally picking me. Originally, he chose my neighbor. But because she had some ink on the cover, he put her down and chose me instead.

I may sound arrogant (傲慢的) . But please forgive me. I am so proud of my vocabulary. With 100,000 entries and 300,000 examples, I think no scholar can be more knowledgeable than me. My only weakness is that I can’t speak. But that is not my fault. I was not designed to speak in the first place. My ex-owner was supposed to read the phonetic symbols (音标) clearly printed beside each word, which were also my selling point. I should have been respected but have ended up lying next to a piece of used toilet paper inside the rubbish bin.

It is all because of the electronic dictionary. He is the bad guy because he takes advantage of my one weakness. And I just don’t understand why he can be so slim. He also has about 100,000entries but 450,000 examples! But I know this was not the reason why my ex-owner was attracted, for he was not a very diligent (勤奋的) student and seldom read the examples listed. The main reason was that the bad guy had so many games in him. My ex-owner always pretended to be working hard while actually he was playing games.

My ex-owner put me on his bookshelf because of my awesome English name “Advanced English Dictionary”. He wanted people to think that he was an advanced learner. I wanted to tell him that it would be better if he hid the comic books standing next to me. But, you know, I can’t speak. I stood there for years. I was so bored. So I talked to the comic book next to me. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have talked to him because I was educated and he was not. But who else could I choose? He told me that my ex-owner had read him once only and then put him there. I was upset because he had never read me from page one to page 1,000. Was I not a better book than the comic book? I wanted to challenge his honesty but before I did so, he was thrown away.

I give up. My pages are absorbing waste water. There is no way people will use me again. Suddenly, I want to talk to the comic book. Would he talk to me if we met?

1.Why does the dictionary think that the electronic dictionary is the “bad guy”?

A. I t contains more words and examples.

B. It can actually pronounce the words.

C. It has a smaller size.

D. It has many games.

2.The dictionary thinks that its ex-owner put it on the bookshelf because he ______.

A. thought that it could match the comic books

B. wanted his friends to study English

C. just wanted to show off

D. had to use it sometimes

3.What was the dictionary’s attitude toward the comic book standing next to it?

A. It wanted to make friends with him.

B. It respected him.

C. It envied him.

D. It hated him.

4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. A Dictionary Is Replaced with an Electronic One

B. Students Seldom Use Dictionaries

C. A Dictionary and a Comic Book

D. The Experience of a Dictionary


_____1._____ One of the best things you can possibly do is to start your own club. It’s great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there’s never anything to do during the school holidays.

The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. ____2._____ Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless.

Next you need some friends to be in your club with you. ____3.____. All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you.

_____4.______. You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That’ll keep you busy for ages.

At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or sisters! The best clubs are always secret!

Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can spend a lot of time making them. __5.____ Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it.

So there you are, get united! Once you get started you’ll think of loads of more interesting things to do!

A. That’s easy.

B. Enjoy your own club!

C. Invite a designer to join you.

D. What are you interest in?

E. Some vacation is just around the corner.

F. Then you need to pick a name for your club.

G. Use a bright thick pen to make a special design.



The last thing Jack wanted to do was wake up early and go to work on Monday morning. Getting out of the bus, Jack found there was still 30 minutes before his ________ began, so he________ to take a walk around the block to adjust(调整) himself to another busy working day.

________ walking, he ran into a young couple talking to each other in a foreign language. “Excuse me! Could help us please?” the woman called to him in strange English. “We are tourist, lost. Need ‘Dolphin’ hotel. You know where is?” She was courageous as she spoke a ________ language.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know. I’m in a hurry,” Jack said, and moved off. He was so upset about his problems that he ________ without thinking. Having walked about 100 feet, he felt he was wrong and ________ back. Luckily, the couple were ________ there. He walked up to them. “I remembered where the ‘Dolphin’ hotel is. I’m sorry, I just got ________ : there are hundreds of hotels in New York. It’s not far from here. you may ________ there. Just go straight to that crossroad, then turn to the left, and you will see a white-blue building. That will be the ________ you’re looking for.”

The couple thanked him, and Jack ________ lightly this time. But when he turned his back, he saw that the couple didn’t move, and the look on their faces was the ________ Maybe I was talking too ________ , and they couldn’t understand me well enough, he thought. All of a sudden, he felt that he could do something more important than sit in his office all day long. He knew that he couldn’t ________ these young people behind: they couldn’t possibly get to the hotel by themselves. He walked up to them once again. They looked at him in surprise. “I could ________ you to the hotel, if you still need my help,” Jack said. For the first time since the beginning of this month, he felt relaxed.

1.A. plan B. talk C. trip D. work

2.A. decided B. agreed C. remembered D. offered

3.A. If B. Though C. While D. Once

4.A. similar B. special C. modern D. foreign

5.A. calmed B. lied C. shocked D. begged

6.A. turned B. gave C. sent D. put

7.A. already B. almost C. still D. even

8.A. amazed B. confused C. bored D. tired

9.A. cycle B. walk C. point D. look

10.A. hotel B. couple C. tourist D. bus

11.A. answered B. escaped C. left D. passed

12.A. new B. good C. true D. same

13.A. strangely B. loudly C. quickly D. nervously

14.A. get B. fall C. stay D. leave

15.A. move B. guide C. follow D. introduce


Imagine spending 1,182 hours working hard and receiving no encouraging words. This was the situation I found myself in as I _________a new swim team with a Russian coach. As a long-time swimmer, I was used to receiving plentiful praises and _________speeches from my coaches. _________ , after practicing for a few weeks, I noticed I did not hear any _________ like “you’re almost there”, “congratulations”, or “you’re doing great” that _________ me through the hard practice. I received scoffs(嘲笑) when I was expecting _________ and praises. To me, Vladimir seemed like a _________man.

As I was trying to understand him through his heavy accent, I realized that Vladimir had been trained and _________by the culture in Russia and that led to his different coaching style and unusually high _________ . He spent over 1,182 hours _________, receiving no praises and was simply expected to _________ . This method of coaching that seemed so foreign to me was from what he _________ , leaving home at the age of twelve, and eventually winning an Olympic medal.

I began to appreciate his _________to give out praises. He had a much different idea on how best to coach and motivate swimmers. He did not feel the _________ to say compliments(称赞), since he believed one should be _________ without these praises.

It was the fact that he was so different from my previous coaches that made him _________ .He forced me to really think about why I was swimming. I learned to swim not for 57but to find the motivation. It became clear to me that the _________of experiencing different coaching styles is that each one can bring out the best in me if I learn from these _________ . Various training styles may be _________ to me at the start but can help me grow in many ways.

1.A.founded B.joined C.interviewed D.trained

2.A.typical B.practical C.polite D.positive

3.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.However D.Moreover

4.A.words B.voices C.jokes D.news

5.A.followed B.helped C.forced D.checked

6.A.promises B.smiles C.behaviors D.surprises

7.A.funny B.poor C.cold D.familiar

8.A.awarded B.judged C.influenced D.frightened

9.A.qualities B.limits C.temperatures D.expectations

10.A.swimming B.dreaming C.seeking D.thinking

11.A.inspire B.fail C.chat D.perform

12.A.went through B.gave up C.carried out D.turned down

13.A.gift B.removal C.refusal D.argument

14.A.possibility B.need C.duty D.right

15.A.advised B.ignored C.accepted D.encouraged

16.A.valuable B.modest C.humorous D.ordinary

17.A.fame B.prize C.praise D.power

18.A.pleasure B.risk C.chance D.benefit

19.A.differences B.measures C.mistakes D.stories

20.A.similar B.uncomfortable C.important D.impossible

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