
Skipping breakfast can also cause you to overeat. To make matters worse,  ________your body is
in a slow state,   it won't be able to burn the extra calories very efficiently.
[     ]
A. unless  
B. though
C. since  
D. before

What kind of sports impressed you most during your childhood? Maybe racing around the playground or skipping rope for hours would bring you pleasure. At that time you weren’t thinking of fitness, you were just thinking of entertainment. But in this age of high-tech home equipment and underused gym memberships, the simple joy of jumping rope has been forgotten. I think rediscovering it probably will give you a total-body exercise.
Although considered an excellent form of exercise, jumping rope has never received widespread acceptance because of two reasons. First,most people recognize jumping rope as an excellent form of cardiovascular (心血管的) exercise, but they also believe that it is simply too difficult. In other words, they don’t think they’ll be able to continue jumping for the near 20 minutes in order to achieve a beneficial physical effect. Second, many regard it as somewhat boring and overly repetitive —not as something fun or enjoyable.
As a matter of fact, jumping rope can be great fun as long as you find a proper way to practise it. Instead of doing the usual two-foot bounce(跳) over and over again, players good at rope-jumping often change their pattern every 10 or 20 jumps. A single bounce, a double –bounce , a skip, a knee-up, side swings , as well as a variety of other easy-to-learn free-style rope-jumping .
Nowadays researchers are discovering that jumping rope also prepares the brain for learning . It is an exercise allowing both brain hemispheres(半球)to perform equallyto each other . In short, jumping rope can be a life-long activity requiring little equipment, time and space , yet leading to a much healthier life.
【小题1】The main purpose of the first paragraph is to tell us that         .

A.people would rather have exercise in a gym than do sports outside
B.there seems to be too much advanced equipment for people to use
C.racing around the playground was regarded as children’s favorite sport
D.jumping rope has escaped from people’s memories in modern society
【小题2】One reason that can explain why rope jumping has not spread widely is that_____.
A.it benefits the cardiovascular system
B.it is too difficult for people to learn to jump
C.it is believed to be boring and repetitive
D.it requires little equipment, time and space
【小题3】The first sentence in Paragraph 3 implies that       in rope jumping .
A.there is only one proper way to follow
B.the usual way should not be used again
C.the easiest way is always the best one
D.there are different kinds of ways to follow
【小题4】According to the researchers , jumping rope          .
A.only prepares the brain for learning
B.is suitable for students only
C.helps both brain hemispheres work together
D.can be dangerous for old people
【小题5】What is the author’s attitude towards rope jumping ?
A.He strongly argues against it.
B.He is in favour of it.
C.He is sitting on the fence of it .
D.He knows little about it .

In New Britain, Connecticut, a new official in charge of schools named Kelt Cooper wants to end high truancy (逃学) rates among public school students, and he’s suggesting financial punishments to get job done. A plan to fine students up to $75 for each day they skip school is now being considered by New Britain authorities.

The concept of fining kids for skipping school may come as a shock, but it’s not new. In Ohio, the parents responsible for a student guilty of habitual truancy can be fined up to $500 and/or be required to perform up to 70 hours of community service. Until recently, students in Los Angeles could be hit with a $250 punishment for each count of truancy; in early 2012 the law was changed and the heavy fines were removed, though a $20 punishment may still be handed out if a student truants for the third time.

Fines for truancy are also in effect overseas. In the UK, The Guardian reports, parents can be fined £50 (about $80) per skipped school day. The punishment doubles if it’s not paid within 28 days.

The question is: Do fines like this work? The vast majority of authorities in the UK said that, indeed, they do. The fines were believed either “very successful” or “fairly successful” by 79% in reducing truancy, according to a survey.

If the plan is passed in Connecticut, it’s unclear how effective the law might be, how to make parents and students obey the law and what might happen if they refuse to pay. However, local officials seem to be willing to give it a shot. According to the Hartford Courant:

“The mayor agrees that truancy is a real issue in New Britain schools, and what’s been done in the past hasn’t been working to reduce truancy.” said Phil Sherwood, assistant to Mayor Timothy O’ Brien.

And what do the students think? In the New Britain Herald, one 17-year-old entering her senior year called the plan “ridiculous” and predicted that the punishments will bring about negative effects on the court system. Besides, “I don’t see the point,” she said. “Kids will just try harder not to get caught.”

1. The passage mainly discusses whether __________.

A.schools have the right to punish students

B.authorities should consider protecting kids

C.students should be fined for skipping school

D.parents are responsible for children’s truancy

2. If a British kid skips two school days and fails to pay fines in a month, the punishment will be __________.

A.two hundred pounds                    B.fifty pounds

C.eighty pounds                          D.a hundred pounds

3. We can learn from the passage that ___________.

A.truancy is a serious problem in New Britain

B.Cooper’s plan has been passed in Connecticut

C.fining kids for truancy is a new idea in America

D.little has been done to reduce truancy in New Britain

4. The underlined part “give it a shot” most probably means _____________.

A.get used to it                           B.help improve it

C.try to carry it out                        D.fight against it


Ⅱ 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节完形填空 (共10小题; 每小题2分, 满分20分)


The Squirrel and the Lion

A squirrel, merrily leaping on the branches of an oak tree, accidentally missed its hold and fell upon a lion who lay sound asleep at the trunk. His Majesty awoke in ___21___, and displayed his terrific teeth to the ___22___ squirrel, who, in the most humble manner, begged __23___ for the intrusion. “I grant you your life,” said the lion, “but on condition that you tell me the reason why you are always so lively and __24___, while my time passes so boringly.”

“Yes, sire,” replied the squirrel, “I will, in return for your mercy, tell you the secret. But he who speaks the truth ought to stand higher than he who ___25___ it; permit me, therefore, to jump up the tree.”

The lion agreed to this and when the squirrel was out of his ___26___ he thus addressed him: “You seek to know how I am always merry. ___27___ gives me a joyous mind, but sire, you are just lacking in it. Think of the many crimes and cruelties you have___28___. How many animals have you killed, while I have been ___29___ in carrying nuts to help my folks! You hate, and I love! Believe me, there is great meaning and truth in these words, and often have I heard my father observe when young: “Son, let your happiness be founded in virtue, and pleasure will be the constant ___30___ of your heart.”.

21.  A. anger         B. silence          C. surprise      D. hunger

22.  A. thrilling       B. skipping        C. trembling   D. frightening

23.  A. explanation      B. understanding    C. forgiveness D. consideration

24.  A. lovely        B. interesting     C. athletic       D. happy

25.  A. witnesses      B. answers         C. analyzes     D. hears

26.  A. sight         B. reach         C. mind      D. catch

27.  A. Nature         B. Wealth              C.Conscience  D. Knowledge

28.  A. made         B. committed     C. performed  D. accomplished

29.  A. employed      B. required        C. interested   D. devoted

30.  A. tendency      B. desire         C. companion D. assistant


III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.  Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

The first attempt of even the most talented artists, musicians, and writers is seldom a masterpiece, If you consider your drafts as dress rehearsals (彩排), or tryouts, revising will seem a natural part of the writing ___50___.

What is the purpose of the dress rehearsals and the out-of-town previews that many Broadway shows go through? The answer is adding, deleting, replacing, reordering, ___51___ revising. Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Phantom of the Opera underwent such a process.

When Lloyd Webber began writing in 1984, he had in mind a funny, exciting production. However, when Phantom opened in London in 1986, the audience saw a moving psychological love story set to music. The musical had. ___52___ several revisions due, in part, to problems with costuming and makeup (戏服和化妆). For instance, Lloyd Webber ___53___ some of the music because the Phantom's makeup prevented the actor from singing certain sounds.

When you revise, you change aspects of your work in ___54___ to your evolving purpose, or to include ___55___ ideas or newly discovered information.

Revision is not just an afterthought that gets only as much time as you have at the end of an assignment. ___56___, it is a major stage of the writing process, and writers revise every step of the way. Even your decision to ___57___. topics while prewriting is a type of revising. However. don't make the mistake of skipping the revision stage that follows ___58___. Always make time to become your own ___59___and view your dress rehearsal, so to speak. Reviewing your work in this way can give you ___60___ new ideas.

Revising involves ___61___ the effectiveness and appropriateness of all aspects of your writing, making your purpose more clearly, and refocusing or developing the facts and ideas you present. When you revise, ask yourself the following questions, keeping in mind the audience for whom you are writing: Is my main idea or purpose ___62___ throughout my draft? Do I ever lose sight of my purpose? Have I given my readers all of the ___63___ that is, facts, opinions, inferences --- that they need in order to understand my main idea? Finally, have I included too many ___64___ details that may confuse readers?

50. A. technique       B. style           C. process         D. career

51. A. in particular     B. as a result       C. for example     D. in other words

52. A. undergone       B. skipped        C. rejected         D. replaced

53. A. rewrote         B. released        C. recorded         D. reserved

54. A. addition         B. response       C. opposition        D. contrast

55. A. fixed           B. ambitious      C. familiar           D. fresh

56. A. However        B. Moreover      C. Instead           D. Therefore

57. A. discuss          B. switch         C. exhaust          D. cover

58. A. drafting         B. rearranging      C. performing      D. training

59. A. director         B. master          C. audience        D. visitor

60. A. personal         B. valuable        C. basic           D. delicate

61. A. mixing          B. weakening       C. maintaining     D. assessing

62. A. amazing         B. bright           C. unique         D. clear

63. A. angles          B. evidence         C. information     D. hints

64. A. unnecessary     B. uninteresting      C. concrete        D. final


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