

New band rocks

  Imagine what you will be doing in seven years.Are you getting your first job or just studying in another country?

  When the Taiwan band Relax One(轻松玩)was formed in 1998, they wanted to release their own albums.And now they have.

  When the four group members came to the mainland to promote their first album “I Want Relax One”, they told Teens how they made their dream come true.

  Guitarist Xiaomao set up his own music studio when he was only 17 after he graduated from Danjiang High School.This is the same high school from which other stars graduated, including Jay Chou and Monster from Mayday.

  “It doesn’t mean you are a loser simply because you don’t like school,” Xiaomao believed.He had a good time hanging around with music lovers.Then he met drummer A-kui, who was rather rebellious at that time.

  Both A-kui’s parents are high school teachers.Born in such a family meant few choices for him-going to a good university and finding a decent(体面的)job seemed to be his future.A-kui was already on that road, being a top student in one of the top high schools in Taiwan.

  “But I didn’t want to be planned, ” said A-kui.He took up drumming.The reason that he didn’t choose guitar or bass was simply that they were too costly.

  “To learn to play drums, all you need is a pair of drumsticks, ” A-kui said with a smile.“My family didn’t want me to do music so I didn’t have the money to buy a guitar.”

  Xiaorenguo was A-kui’s fellow student in Alethia University, majoring in information management.Being infected by A-kui’s enthusiasm for music, he began playing bass(贝司).

  They formed a band.Parents’ objections, financial pressure and changing of band members-nothing stopped their dream.

  And then lead vocalist(主唱)Summer, who now writes all the songs, joined in 1998.

  Summer loved singing when she was a kid.After graduating from Fu Jen University, she began her exploration of music.

  Her voice and talent for writing songs were acknowledged(得到承认)before she joined the band.She had written songs for other singers, such as China Dolls(中国娃娃).Some producers even tried to persuade her to develop a career on her own.

  But Summer insisted on staying with the band.“We are like a family, ” Summer explained.


Guitarist Xiaomao thinks that ________.

[  ]


teenagers must be good at study at school


one can succeed in other areas even though he doesn’t like studying


one will be able to play music only after graduation from high school


music lovers are all at the age of about 17


When A-Kui said “But I didn’t want to be planned”, he meant that ________.

[  ]


he didn’t like to do things as planned


he didn’t like to take up what his parents wished him to


he liked to hang about in the street


he hadn’t planned what he would be


Band Relax One met a lot of problems in its development except ________.

[  ]


their parents’ objection


financial pressure


lack of musical knowledge


changing of the band members


The attitude of the writer toward Band Relax One is ________.

[  ]











根据“It doesn’t mean you are a loser simply because you don’t like school,”可知,小毛认为,你不喜欢上学并不意味着你是失败者。也就是说,你在其他方面也许会成功。




根据“Parents’ objections,financial pressure and changing of band members-nothing stopped their dream”可知,当时他们的父母反对,资金紧张,乐队队员频繁变动。


根据作者在文章中的语气可知他对于Band Relax One持赞成态度。


New ways of building are being tried out everywhere. There are many new shows to watch!

In England, I saw a 17-story building made right on the ground. First, the workers dug a deep hole. They build the basement. This word was the same as on any building. From then on, the work was not the same.

On the ground, the men set 40 big jacks(千斤顶)You know what a car jack does. It lifts a car. These big jacks were to lift each floor of the building. On top of the 40 jacks, the men first built a roof. Yes, the roof of the building!

What next? The jacks lifted the floor one story high. The builders worked on this floor. It was not the bottom floor. It was on the ground then. But it was going to be floor 17. The jacks lifted floor 17.Under it, the workers built floor 16.They built it right on the ground, too.

When floor 16 was done, the jacks lifted it. Under floor 16, the men built floor 15.And so it went. The bottom floor of the building was made last.

The work went quickly. Under the roof, the man worked even in rain or snow. They didn’t need to climb to high places. And trucks brought things right to them.

It took only one man to work the jacks, He just pushed a button. right away, the jacks began to lift.

In the United States, also, some builders use big jacks. But the jacks are above the floors, not under them. The floors are made of concrete(混凝土)They are made on the ground, one on top of another. Strong posts run through them.

At first, the floors look like a big pile of pancakes, as the picture shows. Then jacks at the top of the posts lift each floor into place. The top floor makes the roof.

In Texas, I saw a roof made in a new way. A helicopter flew over the building, again and again. Each time, it stopped to put a piece of the roof into place. The helicopter was like a bird building a nest.

What a funny way to make a roof! But the helicopter built in one morning. To make a roof like this, it take weeks.

1What might people feel is the most special and interesting thing in the new ways of building?

A. The floor are made of concrete.

B. The roof is built first and on the ground.

C. Jacks are used for building.

D. The building is completed in a short time.

2Which picture shows what the floors described in the 8th and 9th paragraphs look like at first?

3What can we infer about the new way of building the writer saw in England?

A. The workers never needed to get to high places during the whole course of the building.

B. The jacks were controlled by machines.

C. The jacks were controlled by man.

D. Each floor was really one big piece.

4What is the purpose of the writer in writing this passage?

A. To suggest a new way of building.

B. To show the advantages of modern machines.

C. Just to introduce some new ways of building.

D. To show the power of imagination.



New security camera can“see”through clothes

  New technology that can“see”through clothing and detect what's underneath can now be used to scan crowds, making it a potentially effective tool to prevent terrorist attacks in public places.

  The Thru Vision T5000 camera picks up Terahertz rays, or T-rays, which are naturally sent out by all objects and can pass through clothes or even walls.The camera can then detect metallic and nonmetallic objects hidden under clothing on still or moving subjects without showing any body detail.

  While similar technology is seen at airports around the world, the T5000 is designed to be used in large, open areas.With a range of 25 meters, the T5000 can screen people in public places, thus avoiding bottle-necks at border crossing or security checkpoints.It also means people can be screened without knowing it.

  The technology develops from British astronomers' work in studying dying stars.Astronomers use T-ray cameras to see through dust and clouds in space.The company sees uses for its camera at other sites where political or business activities take place.

  For privacy concerns, Thru Vision Chief Executive Clive Beattie said the image produced by the camera did not show detailed parts of the body.“It's almost a shining light bulb(灯泡).”Beattie said.“You don't see the detail that people might be concerned about.”In London's busy Piccadilly Circus-which is already filled with closed-circuit surveillance(监视)cameras-reaction to the new technology was mixed.Some said the camera was going too far and violating privacy, but others said they are willing to put safety before privacy concerns.“There's surveillance everywhere anyway,”said one commuter.“I don't think it's much of a difference.I don't care that they can see through me because they can see me anyway.”

  Some experts said the privacy violation of the camera was not worth the benefit.“What we should consider is how much we want to lose our privacy in order to obtain a sort of national security,”said David Murakami Wood, director of the Surveillance Studies network, which deals with surveillance and privacy problems.“In most cases this isn't real security-it's a sense of safety that has very little real effect.”


What can we learn about T5000?

[  ]


It can detect metallic and nonmetallic objects underneath.


It can see through clothing or walls by sending out T-rays.


It was first used to observe stars by astronomers.


It is widely used at airports around the world.


What is the most probable purpose of the new invention?

[  ]


To improve people's life standard.


For scientific research.


For commercial benefits.


For safety reasons.


Which is most probably the opinion of people on using the new camera?

[  ]


Some agree to its use as it is new technology to protect privacy.


Some agree to its use because safety is the most important.


Some don't agree to its use because it makes no difference.


Some people don't care because they know little about it.


What's the main idea of the last paragraph?

[  ]


Safety is more important than privacy.


T5000 is more beneficial than harmful.


T5000 does not really provide security.


It's not worth giving up privacy for safety.


        New York was very proud of its electric trolleys(无轨电车) at the turn of the century. They were the latest way to get around. But Mary Anderson, who visited New York from her native Birmingham, Alabama, 1902, did not like them at all. She thought they were not safe.

It was not that the drivers were bad. It was the windshields (挡风玻璃). In those days, drivers rubbed their windshields with damp tobacco. This was supposed to help off rain and snow. But it did not work too well. Anderson watched as the trolley drivers struggled to see out of their windshields, and came up with an idea.

Back in Alabama, Anderson made the first windshield wiper by fixing handle (把手)to a rubber blade (片). This, in turn, was fixed to the windshield. The drivers had to turn the handle back and forth by hand to make the blade wipe off the rain. But it worked. And travel in bad weather was made a little safer for everyone.

36.Which of the following best gives the main idea of this passage?

A.How Mary Anderson visited New York?

B.How drivers cleaned their windshields?

C.How the first windshield wiper came into being?

D.How windshield wiper was made?

37.Though New Yorkers had great pride in electric trolleys, Mary disliked them because she thought ______________.

A. they were dangerous            B.they kept off rain and snow

C.their windshields were not good    D.their drivers were inexperienced

38.To stop rain and snow coming on the windshields, a trolley driver had to _______.

A. work hard              B.see out of them clearly 

C.struggle in the trolleys     D.use damp tobacco to clean them

39.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

The windshield wiper helped keep off the rain.

The windshield wiper was turned by the driver.

The rubber blade was fixed to the windshield.

The windshield wiper was made in Alabama.

     New archaeological discoveries suggest that trade between Europe and Asia along the Silk Road
probably began in some form many centuries earlier than once thought. The findings, coupled with a
widening range of scientific and historical research, could add a fascinating new page to the epic of the
Silk Road.
     The latest and most surprising discovery is pieces of silk found in the hair of an Egyptian mummy from
about 1,000 BC, long before regular traffic on the Silk Road and at least one thousand years before silk
was previously thought to be used in Egypt. Other research may extend human activity along this route
back even further, perhaps a million years to the migration of human ancestors into eastern Asia.
     The official origin of EastWest commerce along the road is usually placed in the late 2nd century BC
when an agent of the Chinese Emperor Wudi returned from a dangerous secret mission (使命) across
the western desert into the remote high country of Central Asia. The agent, Zhang Qian, travelled as far
as Afghanistan and brought back knowledge of even more distant lands such as Persia, Syria and a place
known as Lijien, perhaps Rome. Historians have called this one of the most important journeys in ancient
times. His journey opened the way for what have been thought to be the first indirect contacts between
the ancient world's two superpowers, China and Rome. Chinese silk, first traded to central Asian tribes
for war horses and to the Parthians of old Persia in exchange for acrobats and ostrich eggs, was soon
finding its way through a network of merchants to the luxury markets of Rome.
     But the new discoveries show that Chinese silk was apparently present in the West long before the
Han emperor started organized trade over the Silk Road. The research could change thinking about the
early history of world trade and provide insights into the mystery of just how and when Europe and the
Mediterranean lands first became aware of the glorious culture at the other end of Eurasia.
1. The word "coupled" in the first paragraph could best be replaced by ________.
A. produced  
B. continued
C. doubled  
D. combined
2. The silk thread found in the hair of an Egyptian mummy suggests that ________.
A. Egyptians had probably travelled to China to buy silk
B. trade along the Silk Road began earlier than once thought
C. historical research often achieves fascinating results
D. new light can now be thrown on ancient trading practices
3. Until recently most historians believed that trade along the Silk Road ________.
A. originated in the 2nd century BC
B. extended human migration into eastern Asia
C. began a million years ago
D. primarily benefited the Egyptians
4. Historians have always considered Zhang Qian's mission important because they believe ________.
A. he brought back knowledge of Rome to the emperor
B. he discovered the Silk Road
C. he helped establish EastWest trade
D. he travelled as far as Afghanistan
     New coins are coming out all the time. And did you know that the United States Mint makes some
coins to collect rather than spend? One collecting kind is called "commemorative"-coins that honor
famous people, places, and events. If you have coins to spend, those are called "circulating" coins.
     2008 American Bald Eagle Coins celebrated an American success story: the bald eagle (秃头鹰).
Congress passed an act to recognize the eagle, its importance as a national symbol,and its return from
near extinction (灭绝) in the lower 48 states. The series celebrated the eagle's recovery as well as the
35th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, which had helped in the recovery.
     The Founding Fathers chose the bald eagle as the Great Seal of the United States at the Second
Continental Congress in 1782. Ever since, this bird has represented the spirit of freedom and democracy.  The eagle also appears on the seals of many branches and departments of the United States
     The bald eagle is a major symbol of democracy, standing for American values like freedom, courage,
and strength. It has appeared in American art, music, history, literature, and culture. So, the bald eagle is
very important to the United States.
     This once?endangered species, unique to North America, is now making a gradual comeback. 
 Classified as "endangered" in 1973 under the Endangered Species Act, this eagle was later moved to
the less endangered "threatened" list, thanks to the law, caring people and organizations.
     The bald eagle will probably be removed from the "threatened species" list, but the eagle won't be
"out of the woods" just yet. Wildlife agencies will need to keep an eye on the eagle for at least 5 years
after it's taken off the list. Part of the surcharge (额外费用) on the bald eagle coins can be used to help
this work.

1. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. The United States Mint.
B. American commemorative coins.
C. The bald eagle coins and the bald eagle.
D. The living habits of the bald eagle.

2. According to the text, commemorative coins are_______.

A. mainly made to spend
B. used to remember the bald eagle
C. often in honor of famous people, places, and events
D. not popular with collectors

3. Which of the following is one of the reasons why 2008 American Bald Eagle Coins were made?

A. The Endangered Species Act being passed.
B. The request of many coin collectors.
C. The decision of the Founding Fathers.
D. The recovery of the bald eagle.

4. What can be inferred from the text?

A. The bald eagle has a great effect on Americans.
B. The bald eagle is unique to the United States.
C. The bald eagle is still near extinction.
D. The bald eagle will soon be out of people's sight.

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