
【题目】[地理选修3:旅游地理] 读下列材料,回答问题。

南京的工业区历史悠久,留下了一批烙着时代印记的工业建筑。晨光1865科技创意产业园原址为李鸿章于1865年兴建的金陵制造局,园区有9幢清代建筑、19 幢民国建筑,如同一座近代中国工业博物馆,记录着中国民族工业发展的历史轨迹。这里经过了从金陵兵工厂到华东军械总厂,到南京晨光机械厂,到晨光集团的演变,是中国军事工业和兵器工业的摇篮。郁郁葱葱的大树充斥着整个园区,这里就像一个天然氧吧,能为人们在闷热的天气里带来丝经凉意。南京市政府在保护具有特色的工业遗产的基础上,又对其加以利用,通过老厂区、老厂房、老设施来发展工业旅游,不断做大工业遗产文章。










Environment Awareness Week

Regal Convention Center, Halls 1-4

24-30 March 2011 10:00 am- 9:00 pm

Free admission for all!

Save the environment, save our future

Our environment needs help. With the participation of more than 50 organization, Environment Awareness Week is the biggest public education event dedicated to environmental protection and conversation. Don't miss it! Come and know more about:

The Threats to Earth(Hall 1)

What is global warming? How serious is pollution? Learn about different environmental problems from our university students. Protect our environment!

The Search for Renewable Energy(Hall 2)

Can we get electricity from mind, solar energy, waves, rivers and underground heat? Get the answers from Solar Ace, Teflou, TouchWind Resources and other participants.

The Quest for Freshwater (Hall 3)

Is the shortage of freshwater worsening? What are Singapore's solutions for treating wastewater? Hear from Flow Technologies, HydroMax Solutions and other participants.

The 3 Rs to Save Earth(Hall 4)

How can we REDUCE,REUSE and RECYCLE to cut down household wastes? Find out from the Global Gaia work, Green Earth Foundation and other participants.

For more information, please call Mr. Philip Koh at 6553 1188, send an email to Mrs Daisy Soh at daisy-soh@ief.org or visit the event's web site at http://www.ief.org/eaw.

【1】 The main aim of Environment Awareness Week is to _____.

A. educate the public on protecting the environment

B. discuss global warming and other envronmental problems

C. explain ways for producing freshwater to save the environment

D. learn about renewable energy sources that protect the environment

【2】 The organizer of the event is _____.

A. Global Gaia Network

B. Clean Energy Agency

C. Green Earth Foundation

D. International Environment Fund

【3】 If you are interested in renewable energy sources, you should go to _____.

A. Hall 1

B. Hall 2

C. Hall 3

D. Hall 4

【4】 The 3 Rsstand for_____.

A. Read, Realize and Remember

B. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

C. Green Earth Foundation

D. Global Gaia Network

【5】 Which of the following statements is NOT true of the event?

A. It will last a week and the halls will be open 11 hours a day.

B. You can send an email to Mrs. Daisy Soh for more information.

C. Each hall charges the same amount of money as the other.

D. Lectures in Hall 1 will be given by university students.

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