

Acháng shǎng lüè 疏疏lào

Bchèn ruǐ tuí 混混dùn

Cbì yōu suò zhè

Dzhé qù zhuì 破屋chuán




【题目】My wife died seven and a half years ago, and I felt very sad. It was the ___ time in my life. I once wanted to kill myself, ___ I didn’t.I went on to work as a ___ in Kilauea, Hawaii. My kids had gone to live with my mother, and I was ___

Two months later on a family trip, we___ the TV and saw the second plane crash into the World Trade Center.I said to my ___,Im going to Afghanistan.And I ___.

The International Medical Corps sent me to build 20 small ___ in provinces where people had no health care.In the end,the hospital were ___ 27,000 patients a month.I was so happy that I could ___ others,and I didnt feel ___ any longer.I went to many places to help people there.

When my wife passed away,I thought my ___ was over.But really,it was just getting ___.At the end of her life,my wife couldnt feel ___.I held her head in my hands and told her of all the places we would ___ and the exciting trips we would have.

I ___ that moment many times during my trips.

Everytime I go to a different place,I can ___ my wife is with me.Every time I help a patient,I can feel the encouragement from my wife She ___encouraged me to help people in ___.I know I am not alone now.What I do is not only for the patients,but also for my wife.I ___ my life meaningful now.

【1】 A. busiest B.simplest C.worst D.longest

【2】 A. but B.so C.because D.for

【3】 A.reporter B.fireman C.teacher D.doctor

【4】 A.alone B.happy C.silent D.tired

【5】 A.set up B.turned on C.watcher over D.looked into

【6】 A.boys B.wife C.kids D.friends

【7】 A.refused B.stopped C.kids D.friends

【8】 A.houses B.hospitals C.factories D.schools

【9】 A.serving B.feeding C.moving D.relaxing

【10】 A.repair B.understand C.teach D.help

【11】 A.sad B.free C.angry D.worried

【12】 A.work B.home C.life D.hobody

【13】 A.loved B.started C.lost D.changed

【14】 A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything

【15】 A.live B.visit C.remember D.miss

【16】 A.think of B.take over C.hold up D.put on

【17】 A.hear B.watch C.feel D.know

【18】 A.never B.once C.hardly D.always

【19】 A.need B.danger C.anger D.sorrow

【20】 A.hope B.find C.expect D.dream

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