

A. normal, ordinary, regular

【1】 It's perfectly _____ for us to get depressed from time to time.

【2】Do you want the _____ size or this big one?

【3】 I feel asleep every night with the _____tick of the clock.

【4】 He is a _____ child in every way.

【5】I've chosen an _____one; I dont like strange-looking things.

B. out,over,up

6 As soon as he opened the door,a gust of wind suddenly blew the candle_____.

7 Since your relation with her is_____,it is no good thinking about it any longer.

8 In the last few centuries, hundreds of animals have died_____.

9Time is_____. Everyone is required to go out of the classroom and leave your papers on your desks.

10 Due to thirst, he quickly drank_____the milk in the glass.

C. as a whole, on the whole

【11I think his first play is successful_____.

12 We must examine these problems_____.

13】 This is my final judgment on your research work_____.

14】 _____I am quite satisfied with what you have achieved.


【解析】A. 【1】normal 【2】regular 【3】regular

【4】normal 【5】ordinary

B. 6out 7over 8out 9up 10up

C. 【11on the whole 12】 as a whole 13】 as a whole

14】On the whole


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