


【1】Some steps ____________ (take) to protect wildlife resources now.

【2】Forests ____________ (cut) at such a speed now and they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

【3】His mother is going to ____________ (operate) on by a famous doctor.

【4】For the first time in their lives Lucy and her husband ___________ (invite) to an important ball last Sunday.

【5】Today, Abraham Lincoln __________ (regard) as one of the greatest of all American presidents.

【6】He told me his novels ____________ (finish) in a few months.

【7】Dont make any noise. Her mother ____________ (examine) by a doctor.

【8】The drivers are told that the road ______________ (repair) at the moment.

【9】It is reported that a new airport in Kunming ____________ (build) now.

【10】He noticed that he ___________ (follow) by a strange man when he was walking in the street.


【1】are being taken

【2】are being cut

【3】be operated

【4】were invited

【5】is regarded

【6】would be finished

【7】is being examined

【8】is being repaired

【9】is being built

【10】was being followed




All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.

__【1】__ They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when their player or team wins.

__【2】__ Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy! _【3】__ Think how many lovers to skate or ski in Japan, Norway or Canada.

Some sports or games go back thousands of years like running or jumping. Chinese Wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Both of them are only about a hundred years old yet. _【4】__ Waterskiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. __【5】_ One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace (风度).

A. And think of people in cold countries.

B. Sports help to train a person’s character.

C. People arent inventing new sports or games.

D. Many people like to watch others play games.

E. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.

F. Not a few people take part in different sports competitions themselves.

G. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.



To what degree can a computer achieve intelligence?The answer to this question may lie in a newly-developed US computer program called Smarter Child and the Internet.

If you ran into Smarter Child online, you would be surprised at this kid’s huge memory. It can recite many facts. For example, Smarter Child knows every baseball player in every team this season.

He knows every word in the dictionary and the weather in every major city areas across the US. However, if you ask Smarter Child other questions, you get strange answers. A question about Smarter Child’s age returns, “One year, 11 days, 16 hours, 7 minutes, and 47 seconds!” Asking where he lives, “In a clean room in a high-tech building in California.”

Smarter Child uses the huge information on the World Wide Web as his memory bank. To answer questions about spelling, for instance, Smarter Child goes to American Heritage Dictionary online. For the weather, he visits www.intellicast.com.

Some scientists believe that by joining the many systems of the Internet, an artificial being with the combined knowledge of, say, Albert Einstein, Richard Nixon and Britney Spears could be born. However, if Smarter Child wants to think and learn on his own like the boy-computer David in the movie A. I. Artificial Intelligence, he must solve two problems.

The first is that computers find it difficult to read web pages because the files(文件) are sorted in different ways. That’s why programmers need to tell Smarter Child where to look for the weather. It would be a much more difficult task to let him find it himself.

Another problem is that while Smarter Child can deal with information more exactly and faster than any human, he lacks(缺少) common sense—a basic grounding of knowledge that is obvious(明显的) to any young child.

【1】 From the text we can infer that www.intellicast.com is a website ______.

A. which is specially designed to help Smarter Child

B. which is about artificial intelligence

C. where weather forecasts are made

D. where people can find Smarter Child

2 It is probably most difficult for Smarter Child to ______.

A. tell us how to spell a difficult word

B. tell us how the American government is run

C. provide us with a famous poem by Shakespeare

D. learn the ability to tell right behaviors from wrong ones.

3Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. Smart Child has his own memory bank big enough for all kinds of information.

B. A.I. Artificial Intelligence is probably the name of a film about a boy-computer.

C. Smart Child can recognize different files and find information needed on his own.

D. We have similar product now which has the knowledge of Einstein, Nixon and Spears.

4Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. A New Web Child B. Smarter Child

C. The Future of Internet D. Intelligence Development



【1】The problem to be discussed at the meeting next week is of great ________ (重要性).

【2】In the past three months the northern area has been ________ (影响) by the coldness.

【3】As you know, we should pay special attention to the ________ (保护) of these young trees.

【4】During the camping trip, children learned to _______ (打猎) and fish, which gave them the chance to be close to nature.

【5】The United Nations reports the number of attacks against foreigners has ________ (减少) in the past few days.

【6】The key differences are that their food _______ (含有) much less fat and sugar.

【7】There can be no doubt that you will _______ (成功) in your research about education methods.

【8】Some people believe that computers will become more ___________ (强大的) than the human brain.

【9】Although cultures have many of the same social backgrounds, they may _______ (使用) different rules.

【10】Id a_________ it if you could let me know whether or not you will come tomorrow.

【11】It is c_______ that he will hand over his business to his son when he gets old.

【12】Long time work will do h________ to your brain; it may result in headache and other diseases.

【13】When natural disasters like earthquakes happen, theres always a great need for us to r_______ to it quickly.

【14】I agree that d__________ education is an important way for students to get in touch with foreign culture.

【15】The l________ of farmland is harmful to crops, farmers as span>well as the national interests.

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