
【题目】Every day he passes the hill beside the road, he always sees many workers ________ there.


to work


D.to be working


【解析】句意:每天他经过路边的小山时,他总是看见许多工人在那儿工作。see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事。


【题目】Movie Music

Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1927 as “silent”, the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent. From the very beginning, music was regarded as an indispensable accompaniment; when the Lumiere films were shown at the first public film exhibition in the United States in February 1896, they were accompanied by piano improvisations on popular tunes. At first, the music played bore no special relationship to the films; an accompaniment of any kind was sufficient. Within a very short time, however, the incongruity of playing lively music to a solemn film became apparent, and film pianists began to take some care in matching their pieces to the mood of the film.

As movie theaters grew in number and importance, a violinist, and perhaps a cellist, would be added to the pianist in certain cases, and in the larger movie theaters small orchestras were formed. For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra, and very often the principal qualification for holding such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces. Since the conductor seldom saw the films until the night before they were to be shown(if indeed, the conductor was lucky enough to see them then), the musical arrangement was normally improvised in the greatest hurry.

To help meet this difficulty, film distributing companies started the practice of publishing suggestions for musical accompaniments. In 1909, for example, the Edison Company began issuing with their films such indications of mood as ”pleasant”, “sad”, “lively”. The suggestions became more explicit, and so emerged the musical cue sheet containing indications of mood, the titles of suitable pieces of music, and precise directions to show where on piece led into the next.

Certain films had music especially composed for them. The famous of these early special scores was that composed and arranged for D.W Griffith’s film Birth of a Nation, which was released in 1915.

【1】When the Lumiere films were shown in the United States ___ .

A. a band was playing there

B. a cellist was playing there

C. a pianist was playing there

D. a violinist was playing there

【2】From the context of the passage we can know that with the development of films ___ and became more important.

A. the cinemas increased in number

B. the number of musicians grew

C. the time of concerts reduced

D. the conductor of a band was needed

【3】The musical cue sheet was used for ___ .

A. directing music accompaniments of silent movies

B. composing special music of a special movie

C. composing music for all kinds of concerts

D. showing directions how to get to a place

【4】What can be inferred from the passage about the majority of films made after 1927?

A. They were truly “silent”.

B. They were accompanied by symphonic orchestras.

C. They incorporated the sound of the actors’ voices.

D. They corresponded to specific musical compositions.

【题目】Strange stones of Costa Rica

One of the strangest mysteries in archacology was discovered in the Diquis River Delta, in southern Costa Rica. Since the 1930s, hundreds of stone balls have been found. They range in size from a few centimeters to over two metres in diameter.

Who made these perfect spheres(球体) and how they made them remains a mystery. Some researchers believe the stones were made by extreme heating followed by cooling. People could have polished the spheres with sand or leather. The ancient Costa Ricans had no written language so there is no written record of just how they made the spheres.

Almost all are made of granite (花岗岩), a hard stone created by volcanoes. The granite quarries(采石场) were 25 to 30 miles away from the largest stones, which weigh more than 10 tons each. Nobody knows how people moved them..

Many of the stones have been found near the remains of houses or graves. Some believed that the stones contained hidden treasures and a few have been smashed but nothing has been found inside. Despite these losses, the National Museum of Costa Rica has recorded 130 spheres. However, many stones are not included because they have been removed from their original sites and used as ornaments(装饰) in homes, gardens and churches. Clearly, there are also many stones that lie undiscovered.

【1】The stones were discovered ___ .

A. near the volcanoes

B. in southern Costa Rica

C. in a grave

D. in churches

【2】The writer ___ in the passage.

A. admires the spheres very much

B. doesn’ t believe the spheres were once made by humans

C. tells us a discovery

D. thinks highly of the spheres

【3】The underlined word ”polished” refers to “___”.

A. buried

B. wrapped

C. made shining

D. made big

【4】According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. The stone balls found in the Diquis River Delta are all very huge.

B. The stone balls were unearthed from the graves.

C. The local people show great interest in the stone balls.

D. There are a lot of treasures in the stone balls.

【5】The passage mainly tells us ___ .

A. the stones are of great value.

B. the stones proved to be made by non-humans.

C. the stones are mystery.

D. the stone are ornaments.





博士不是在我们大学说,现今大学的责任就在给东西文明做媒人吗?又不是说博士也很愿分负此媒人的责任吗?博士的生日,刚是第六十次;孔子的生日,已经过二千四百七十次,就是四十一个六十次又加十次。新旧的距离很远了。博士的哲学,用十九世纪的科学做根据。 由孔德的实证哲学、达尔文的进化论、詹美士的实用主义递演而成的,我们敢认为西洋新文明的代表。孔子的哲学,虽不能包括中国文明的全部,却可以代表一大部分。我们现在暂认为中国旧文明的代表。孔子说尊王,博士说平民主义;孔子说女子难养,博士说男女平权;孔子说述而不作,博士说创造。这都是根本不同的。 因为孔子所处的地位时期,与博士所处的地位时期,截然不同,我们不能怪他。

但我们既然认为旧的亦是文明,要在他里面寻出与现代科学精神不相冲突的,非不可能。 即以教育而论,孔子是中国第一个平民教育家。他有三千个弟子,有狂的,有狷的,有愚的,有鲁的,有辟的,有谚的,有富的如子贡,有贫的如原宪,所以东郭子思说他太杂。这是他破除阶级的教育主义。他的教育用礼、乐、射、御、书、数的六艺作普通学;用德行、政治、言语、文学的四科作专门学。照《论语》所记的,问仁的有若干,他的答语不一样;问政的有若干,他的答语也不是一样。这叫做是因材施教。可见他的教育,定重在发展个性,适应社会,绝不是拘泥形式,专讲划一的。孔子说:学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。这就是经验与思想并重的意义。他说:多闻阙疑,慎言其余;多见阙殆,慎行其余。这就是试验的意义。我觉得孔子的理想与杜威博士的学说很有相同之点。这就是东西文明要媒合的证据了。

但媒合的方法,必先要领得西洋科学的精神,然后用它来整理中国的旧学说,才能发生一种新意。如墨子的名学,不是曾经研究西洋名学的胡适君,不能看得十分透彻,就是证据。孔子的人生哲学与教育学,不是曾经研究西洋人生哲学与教育学的,也决不能十分透彻,可以适用于今日的中国。所以我们觉得返忆旧文明的兴会,不及欢迎新文明的浓至。 因而对于杜威博士的生日,觉得比较那尚友古人尤为亲切。




1下列对文章的理解,不正确的两项是( )










北大这所学校出过许多学者,也出过许多革命者。这些学者中的出色的人物,往往是人的品行高洁,而学问也是前瞻和开创的。如李大钊,他最早把马克思主义引到中国来,他呼唤并参与了中国青春的创造;又如鲁迅——北大校徽的设计者,他在这里的身份只是讲师,但却是中国文化的伟人。不论是李大钊,还是鲁迅,他们都是伟大的爱国者。所以,在这里,我想强调的是, _____________________________________________________________

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