
【题目】It is politely requested the hotel management that radios after 11 oclock at night.

were not played

B. not to play

C. not be played

D. did not play


【解析】request后跟从句,用虚拟语气谓语动词用(should )do,should可以省略。




The professor’s house,big and untidy,stood alone at one end of a huge garden. The place was totally uncared for, quite and overgrown with all sorts of useless things. I my way through bushes and tall weeds to the front door and rang the bell.

I was glad that I had found him. In twenty minutes, he me right on all the

that had puzzled me. I was on the of leaving when I looked out of his study window and said, “You’re very fond of gardening, I see.”

“No, I’m not,” he said. , I love this garden, though. It’s I always wanted it to be. I never touch it at all.”

“It could be made lovely. It a pity to let all this ground go to waste. But perhaps you don’t that way?” said I.

“I don’t. I lived here when I was a child, and I had of gardening then. It was my father’s hobby,you see. Unfortunately, he wasn’t enough to do it himself. My brother and I did all of it between us year after year. There was one right way and many wrong ways. Each blade (叶片) of grass was an enemy to be by hand, not just cut off. I’ve spent a good part of life at work here.”

“I see. You took a dislike to it, and now you’re getting even!”

“I dislike it. Then, of course, I didn’t understand the it had. It used to

me. It appeared in my dreams—a mistake here, something not quite straight here, the enemy showing its head in a place I was to have cleaned. The work was too much. It seemed endless. The size of the place was itself a fight to a boy.”

“And now it’s yours,you’re just letting it go to...”

?” he said. “No,I don’t agree with that. This garden and I are now the best friends. I like it grow its own way. I make no demands on it. I never disturb it, and it never disturbs me. It has at last, and so have I.”

“But the path is over grown. It’s inconvenient for you,isn’t it?”

“That’s part of my , he laughed. “You can go out the back way. The weeds are shorter there because they don’t get the sun.”

【1】A. wild B. crazy C. large D. nice

【2】A. lost B. felt C. took D. made

【3】A. let B. put C. taught D. explained

【4】A. gardening B. plants C. problems D. solution

【5】A. time B. point C. permission D. request

【6】A. Even if B. So C. As though D. Even so

【7】A. as B. where C. why D. whether

【8】A. seems B. is C. proves D. sounds

【9】A. recognize B. sense C. see D. know

【10】 A. fond B. short C. free D. enough

【11】A. interested B. fit C. content D. demanding

【12】 A. fought against B. cleared up C. rooted out D. cut down

【13】A. effect B. reason C. cause D. result

【14】A. astonish B. shock C. worry D. disappoint

【15】A. hought B. supposed C. ordered D. expected

【16】 A. Sell B. Develop C. Ruin D. Grow

【17】A. noticing B. attending C. watering D. watching

【18】A. on B. in C. with D. of

【19】A. freedom B. time C. sunlight D. space

【20】A. life B. pleasure C. job D. research

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