

The village had been hurriedly d_________【1】____ because of flood.

He worked t_________【2】 in the company at that time and left later after the project was completed.

He told me c_____________ 【3】that he would win the first prize.

P_____________【4】 ,I think he is dishonest,but many people trust him.

He i_____________【5】 the teachers advice and did quite badly in the exam.

The managers are discussing the matter right now._____________ 【6】(希望地) they will work out a plan this afternoon.

_____________【7】( ……相比) to other deadly dangers, there is a less chance of being bitten by a shark.

Heavy_____________【8】(压力) from both life and work is often the cause of mental problems.

Giving up smoking _____________【9】(减少) the risk of heart disease.

The peasants were _____________【10】(坚定地) convinced that they were the rightful owners of the lands.



【2】 temporarily

【3】 confidently

【4】 Personally

【5】 ignored

【6】 Hopefully

【7】 Compared

【8】 pressure

【9】 reduces

【10】65. firmly


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