

Good morning,Doctor White's office.

Hello,this is John Woods.Could you please tell Doctor White I________?My car won't start.

A.was delayed

B.will be delayed

C.am delaying

D.would delay




【题目】 The images were shocking: Allison Samowitz and her twin sister, Jillian were watching the 2010 BP oil spill (溢出)on TV with their sinking. " We live right the beach, and we heard many stories of how sea birds and sea creatures because of sea pollution and how the spill the ocean's ecosystem," says Allison. "It was just devastating (毁灭性),and we were it would happen here." The (6) towns along the Gulf of Mexico didn't feel that far away from their little Golden Beach anymore. They decided to do for the nature conservation.

The sisters studied the habits of their friends and neighbors. "We're a(n) 9 town of 260 homes, and we found out only 20 percent of them !” Allison says.

Moved to act, they first organized a town fair with demonstrations about how 11 people could make lasting changes to the environment. They local companies to join them and the fair a crowd of about 200 people. On the scene were trucks and booths (货摊)where volunteers and company workers accepted 14) electronic equipment, eyeglasses, clothes and books—all for recycling.

The girls are planning another this year. "It's an education campaign," says Allison. "People don't know, but there are so many simple things they can do every day that can the nature."

Allison now reports on the environment for her school's television station. Both girls devote their spare to various recycling projects around the town,such as giving old toys to children's charities and collecting clothes for the people in need.

And should anyone think that they're awfully single-minded, they are . The sisters have many other interests: ballet, volleyball,singing and deep-sea diving with their dad. "They're basically optimistic," said their dad.

【1】 A. boats B. ships C. habits D. hearts

【2】 A. for B. on C. above D. with

【3】 A. lived B. died C. appeared D. survived

【4】 A. promoted B. maintained C. controlled D. affected

【5】 A. sure B. sorry C. afraid D. certain

【6】 A. historical B. industrial C. official D. coastal

【7】 A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

【8】 A. conservation B. contribution

C. pronunciation D. nutrition

【9】 A. famous B. ancient C. large D. small

【10】 A. recycled B. fished C. worked D. waited

【11】 A. clever B. normal C. ordinary D. cautious

【12】 A. ordered B. reminded C. warned D. persuaded

【13】 A. collected B. informed C. attracted D. moved

【14】 A. used B. repaired C. polluted D. broken

【15】 A. game B. concert C. competition D. fair

【16】 A. damage B. benefit C. ruin D. endanger

【17】 A. time B. part C. money D. effort

【18】 A. new B. fashionable C. worn D. expensive

【19】 A. mistaken B. right C. silly D. friendly

【20】 A. wealthy B. strange C. popular D. healthy

【题目】 The teacher sat cross-legged in front of the gathering of fourth grade students. She asked them what kinds of things would ____ world peace. Immediately they began offering such ____ as “Get rid of all the bombs.” “There ought to be a ____ against war.” The teacher rose to note each offering on the board. Once the list was ____,she sat again with the children and asked them if there was anything ____ war in their lives.

They were ____ at first but eventually they seemed to begin to ____ that the teacher meant “waras a metaphor(暗喻). One student said, “My brother declares a war on me when I ____ his things.” My Dad blows up at bad drivers,” offered one girl.____ said she did war with one of her dishonest friends.

____ the thought appeared that all violence was in conflict with the idea of ____. Through the discussion the teacher ____ the concept that they could decrease violence and increase peace in their own lives by giving up the ideas of ____ with others. She asked them to spend the rest of the week ____ track of the times when they would choose to carry out peace ____ violence.

By the end of the week the students had experienced dozens of examples ____ violence and conflict had been avoided in their ____ lives.

Eventually the class created a peace movement in the school. They helped rewrite school ____ that decreased conflict. Homework became more inventive and ____. Parent-teacher meetings always ____ activities of the students (a dance, or an art or science exhibit). Cooperation became the primary path to peace.

【1】A. break B. ignore C. increase D. witness

【2】A. cases B. events C. chances D. suggestions

【3】A. law B. will C. deal D. duty

【4】A. missing B. necessary C. simple D. complete

【5】A. but B. like C. against D. after

【6】A. puzzled B. frightened C. excited D. encouraged

【7】A. state B. prove C. realize D. guess

【8】A. receive B. bother C. collect D. reserve

【9】A. Each B. Another C. The one D. The other

【10】A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Hopefully D. Finally

【11】A. peace B. power C. culture D. wealth

【12】A. returned B. passed C. introduced D. moved

【13】A. joking B. fighting C. discussing D. working

【14】A. wasting B. appointing C. keeping D. finishing

【15】A. aside from B. away from C. regardless of D. instead of

【16】A. that B. where C. whether D. whose

【17】A. political B. traditional C. personal D. natural

【18】A. rules B. decisions C. records D. introductions

【19】A. similar B. familiar C. confusing D. interesting

【20】A. started with B. belonged to C. put up with D. come up to

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