
【题目】The Chinese Antarctica(南极洲)expedition(探险队)returned to Shanghai on March 20 following a month living on the ice. It was the first time Chinese scientists had visited the Amery Ice Shelfthe longest ice shelf in the world.

The team collected ice samples and data on temperatures, which are necessary for research on global warming.

So far, about 27 countries have visited Antarctica for scientific research. Although the living conditions are very hard, many scientists have to stay there for long periods of time. So, how do they manage their lives on the ice?

Well, during the summer, the temperature in Antarctica reaches about-20. It falls to about-60 in winter. So, even if there are 24 hours of sunshine, scientists must keep wearing all the correct clothes to protect them from the cold. These clothes include jeans, running shoes, jackets, long underwears, boots and woolen socks.

Although highly technical clothing provides much protection against the extreme cold, scientists often need to go outside when there is an icy wind blowing and the temperature is-30. Natural protection such as facial hair can also help.

Thats why many researchers wear a beard. It really does keep you warm,says German explorer Arved Fuchs.

Usually, the polar researchers have good meals. Some even have feasts(盛宴)on holidays like Christmas and New Years Day. Vegetables are always welcome and usually finished the quickest.

Life on the ice means living with other researchers in tight living space. Most people sleep in dorm(宿舍)style rooms. More remote field camps use separate tents. So, at least some researchers dont have to put up with annoying snorers(打鼾者).

But what do they do for fun in their spare time? There are actually a lot of things they can do. They watch movies, read tons of books, listen to music, have saunas(桑拿浴),paint and ski. Some female researchers might even do some knitting.

It is important for a polar researcher to be in good physical condition. They can be required to climb to heights of more than 3, 000 meters. And the Antarctic atmosphere has less oxygen than that of any other continent.

【1】 In which month of this year did the Chinese Antarctica expedition mentioned in the passage reach the Amery Ice Shelf?

A. February.

B. March.

C. January.

D. December.

【2】 Why do some polar researchers wear beards? Because _______.

A.they have no time to shave(刮脸)their beards

B.beards are helpful to keep warm

C.beards will come out soon when they are shaved

D.they think beards will make them look handsome

【3】The underlined phrase put up with probably means _______.


B.turn down

C.let out

D.suffer from

【4】Which of the following do you think is the most important one to a polar researcher?





【5】 The best title of the passage is _______.

A. The Antarctica

B. The Chinese Antarctica Expedition Explored the Antarctica

C. Life in Antarctica

D. The Exploration of Antarctica






【解析】【1】细节理解题。从本文第一段第一句话中的“…returned to Shanghai on March 20 following a month living on the ice.可知中国南极探险队是二月份到达南极洲的,并在南极生活了一个月,于3月20日返回。

【2】推理判断题。一些极地科研人员为何留胡须呢?,从原文中Natural protection such as facial hair can also help. Thats why many researchers wear a beard. It really does keep you warm,可知这有助于保暖

【3】词义猜测题。根据第一句More remote field camps use separate tentsput up with所在的句子,我们可知:因为较偏远的营地使用各自的帐篷,所以一些研究人员至少可以没有必要忍受讨厌的鼾声。

【4】细节理解题。题目意为:你认为下面哪一项对极地研究人员来说最为重要?是衣服、饭菜、帐篷,还是健康呢?从本文最后一段中的It is important for a polar researcher to be in good physical condition.可知。如果没有健康的身体,只有好的衣服、饭菜和帐篷,一个人是不能生活在南极的。



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