
【题目】Recently divorced and unemployed, I was on myway downtown to do the rounds of the employmentoffices. I had no umbrella, for my old one had ____, and I could not ____ another one.

I sat down in the ____ and there against my seat was a(n) ____ silk umbrella with a silver handle. Ihad ____ seen anything so lovely. I examined thehandle and saw a carved ____. The usual procedure would have been to ____ the umbrella to theconductor,but an idea ____ to me. I decided to takeit with me and find the owner myself.

I got off the bus in a downpour and ____ opened the umbrella to protect myself. Then I ____ a telephone book for the name on the umbrella. I called and a lady ____.

Yes, she said ____, that was her umbrella, which her parents, now dead, had given her as a birthday present. But, she ____, it had been stolen ____ her doorstep a month before.

She was so excited that I ____ I was looking fora job and went directly to her house. She took theumbrella,and her eyes were filled with ____. She wanted to give me a ____, but though twenty dollars was all I had in the world her happiness at regaining this ____ possession was beyond words and I believed accepting her money would have ____ something. We talked for a while and I left.

A week later, I got a job as a sales manager ____. It might be my kindness that paid off. But who knows?

【1】A.brokenup B.goneaway C.fallen apart D.fadedaway

【2】A.afford B.borrow C.find D.repair

【3】A.office B.bus C.theatre D.train

【4】A.ugly B.beautiful C.worn D.ancient

【5】A.even B.always C.already D.never

【6】A.design B.number C.name D.brand

【7】A.turnin B.showoff C.openup D.carryaway

【8】A.occurred B.ran C.struck D.happened

【9】A.firmly B.suddenly C.casually D.thankfully

【10】A.read B.searched C.got D.used

【11】A.appeared B.replied C.answered D.screamed

【12】A.insurprise B.inpanic C.insilence D.inanger

【13】A.assumed B.added C.declared D.announced

【14】A.from B.in C.beside D.of

【15】A.mentioned B.forgot C.realized D.remembered

【16】A.memory B.honour C.tears D.cry

【17】A.gift B.position C.hug D.reward

【18】A.expensive B.common C.rare D.special

【19】A.bought B.ruined C.expressed D.enjoyed

【20】A.immediately B.naturally C.hopefully D.unexpectedly





















【解析】【1】没有雨伞,因为的旧伞已经散架了fall apart散开break up解散go away离开fade away褪色

【2】 从上文可知由于离婚和失业,买不起一把伞。afford买得起,常与cancould连用。

【3】 根据下一段开头I got off the bus_可知公共汽车上坐了下来。



【6】从下一段“…for the name on the umbrella.可知伞柄上有一个名字


【8】 sth. occur to sb.某人突然想到……”



【11】 answer表示接电话

【12】这位女士突然有了雨伞的消息,自然感到吃惊in surprise吃惊地in panic"惊慌地in silence沉默地in anger生气地


【14】 从门廊……”,故用介词from

【15】 忘记了自己是来找工作的,直接去了她家。




【19】 相信接受她的现金奖赏一定会破坏的人品。ruin破坏



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