

【1】What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Their jobs.

B.Their apartments.

C.Their driving experiences.

【2】How does the man feel about his present situation?




【3】What will the man do then?

A.Drive the car to work.

B.Visit the woman’s apartment building.

C.Talk with his landlady.






M:I am so tired of my journey to work.Driving all those hours is just killing me.

W:Yeah,I know what you mean.I used to drive two hours to work every day.But now I live within walking distance of my work.It’s great.

M:You’re kidding! I didn’t know that.Did you move?

W:No,I got a new job near my apartment.

M:Well,I don’t think I can change my job,but I am thinking about changing my apartment.The one I have just isn’t working out.

W:What’s wrong with it?

M:Well,besides being too far from work,I’m having some problems with my landlady.She keeps raising the rent,but she never does any repairs.Everything is breaking down.

W:That’s terrible.Listen,I think there is a room available to rent in my apartment building.And my landlady is excellent.And I’m sure it would be closer to your work than you are now.

M:Really?But is it expensive? My budget isn’t that big.

W:No,it’s not that expensive.And it’s provided with furniture.

M:That sounds great.I’d love to see it.When can we go?

W:How about now?

M:Sure.I’ll drive.


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