
【题目】—Don't __________ your friends' trust, or you will lose friendship.

—What you said is right.

A. satisfy

B. excite

C. witness

D. betray


【解析】句意:不要辜负朋友对你的信任,否则,你会失去友谊。”“你说得对。betray背叛, 符合句意。satisfy使满意excite使激动,使兴奋witness当场见到;目击


【题目】I wasn’t surprised when I read that actress Helen Hunt recently stated that she would never allow her young daughter to become a child star. Ms. Hunt is the daughter of a Hollywood technical director, and grew up in Hollywood. Now in her late 40s, she started acting and modeling when she was eight and has probably seen a lot over those years in show business.

She has had a successful career. She earned four Golden Globes and four Emmys. She also attained the top honor of her profession when she won the Best Actress Academy Award for her role in the 1992 movie, As Good As It Gets. Given those accolades, Ms. Hunt is successful. There is no doubt that her early experiences as a child star prepared her for what has been an outstanding adult career. Given those achievements, why would this star declare she’ll never allow her daughter, now at the age of six, to follow in her footsteps?

Everyone familiar with the entertainment scene is aware of the reasons for her attitude. Recent tabloid (小报) news headlines featuring the troubles of former child stars, among them Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears and the late Gary Coleman, may answer the question. Although Ms. Hunt managed to become a successful grown-up star, she apparently believes she’s an exception.

What Ms. Hunt may be suggesting is that many very young stars go through unnatural childhoods on movie and TV sets. While they’re earning big incomes, they’re so pampered (纵容) by directors and praised by fans; they may get false impressions that their lives will always be that way. Then, within a few years, when faced with reality, they’re hurt and confused. After all the overwhelming affection, they find they can’t deal with the problems. That’s often when drugs and alcohol take over their lives.

Helen Hunt has some other reasons why she doesn’t want her daughter to be in the entertainment business. Many child stars can never make a successful transition to meaningful adulthood. However, as with many Hollywood movies, I believe there are both good and bad scenes about how it can be played out in real life.

【1】 According to the passage, Ms. Hunt _________.

A. started acting and modeling when she was a little girl

B. has been acting for about 30 years

C. is the daughter of a famous actor

D. started singing when she was eight

【2】 27. The underlined word “accolades” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_________”.

A. difficulties

B. awards

C. salaries

D. opinions

【3】The author thinks Helen Hunt’s success is mainly due to _________.

A. her hard work

B. the help of a technical director

C. her experiences as a child star

D. her talent and good luck

【4】 Helen Hunt wouldn’t allow her daughter to become a child star because she thinks _________.

A. child stars often take drugs and alcohol

B. being a child star may ruin her future

C. child stars aren’t able to solve their problems

D. it is difficult to succeed as a child actor

【5】 From the passage we can conclude that _________.

A. few child stars will succeed in the future

B. there is no way to save the entertainment business

C. the author has a different opinion about child stars

D. meaningful adulthood only belongs to non-child stars

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