

【1】 More than l,000 students will compete in the oralcontest.

More than l,000 students will____________the oral contest.

【2】He worked as a volunteer to support the poor in the remote village.

He________support the poor in the remote village.

【3】 What do different flowers represent in your country?

What do different flowers________ in your country?

【4】 I like folk music. I write my own songs and I play the guitar, too.

I like folk music. I write my own songs and I play the guitar________.

【5】Who will act as the host of the party has not yetbeen clear.

Who will____________has not yet been clear.


【解析】【1】take part in

【2】volunteered to

【3】stand for

【4】as well

【5】host the party


【题目】For my daughter's 19th birthday, we bought hertickets to go and see Linkin Park, as they wereplaying in our city. We didn't really have the ____ but we knew how much this band meant to her.

The night before she was like a ____ atChristmas. Every so often she got up and came to ____ with us, because she couldn't ____. On the night of the ____ it was good to see her so ____ and excited,as

she and her boyfriend set off.

Needless to say when they ____ after midnight, with T-shirts and lots of pictures of the band, ____ her telling about how fantastic they had been, we knew the money had been well ____.This will be amemory she would ____ forget, and nor would we.

____ full of excitement from the night before, the following day they ____ to go shopping on the other side of the city. My husband and I ____,loving the fact that she had not ____ that quality as she grew up.

Later that day they returned, with faces full of happiness and warmth. They presented my husband and me with a ____ each. On each present were the words "Because you are the ____ mum/dad in the world". When we said our thank-yous and told her she didn't have to, we asked her ____ she had bought us gifts. Her ____ was simply "Just because Ilove you".

This wasn't something ____ from ourdaughter;she had always given us a gift when shewanted to express her ____, and each gift wasalways a welcome surprise. It could have beenanything,it wouldn't have mattered, and it was theact itself and the feelings behind it.

【1】A.money B.time C.interest D.news

【2】A.worker B.student C.kid D.parent

【3】A.dance B.learn C.walk D.sit

【4】A.speak B.sleep C.stand D.leave

【5】A.concert B.holiday C.party D.travel

【6】A.healthy B.happy C.pretty D.surprised

【7】A.stayed B.left C.returned D.turned

【8】A.worrying about B.caring for

C.looking at D.listening to

【9】A.lent B.earned C.saved D.spent

【10】A.ever B.never C.often D.neither

【11】A.Still B.Only C.Just D.Also

【12】A.continued B.tried C.decided D.struggled

【13】A.refused B.cried C.shouted D.laughed

【14】A.kept B.lost C.realized D.discovered

【15】A.gift B.prize C.ticket D.picture

【16】A.richest B.oldest C.best D.cleverest

【17】A.where B.how C.when D.why

【18】A.way B.answer C.suggestion D.idea

【19】A.important B.ordinary C.new D.valuable

【20】A.feelings B.concerns C.understandings D.opinions


许将字冲元,福州闽人。举进士第一。神宗召对,除集贤校理、同知礼院,编修中书条例。初选人调拟先南曹次考功综核无法吏得缘文为奸选者又不得诉长吏将奏罢南曹辟公舍以待来诉者士无留难。契丹以兵二十万压代州境,遣使请代地,岁聘之使不敢行,以命将。将入对曰:臣备位侍从,朝廷大议不容不知。万一北人言及代州事,不有以折之,则伤国体。遂命将诣枢密院阅文书。及至北境,居人跨屋栋聚观,曰:看南朝状元及肄射,将先破的。契丹使萧禧馆客,禧果以代州为问,将随问随答。禧又曰:界渠未定,顾和好体重吾且往大国分画矣。 将曰:此事,申饬边臣岂不可,何以使为? ”禧惭不能对。归报,神宗善之,明年,知秦州,又改郓州。上元张灯,吏籍为盗者系狱,将曰:是绝其自新之路也。悉纵遣之,自是民无一人犯法,三圄皆空。父老叹曰:自王沂公后五十六年,始再见狱空耳。郓俗士子喜聚肆以谤官政,将虽弗禁,其俗自息。召为兵部侍郎。上疏言:治兵有制,名虽不同,从而横之,方而圆之,使万众尤一人。及西方用兵,神宗遣近侍问兵马之数,将立具上之;明日,访枢臣,不能对也,绍圣初,入为吏部尚书,章惇为相,与蔡卞同肆罗织,贬谪元祐诸臣,奏发司马光墓。哲宗以问将,对曰:发人之墓,非盛德事。知颖昌府,移大名,在大名六年,数告老,召为佑神观使。政和初,卒,年七十五。赠开府仪同三司,谥曰文定。(节选自《宋史·许将传》)



















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