




A.彷徨 沉淀 斑斓 B.徘徊 积淀 璀璨

C.彷徨 积淀 斑斓 D.徘徊 沉淀 璀璨


【解析】①“徘徊指无意识地走动,不一定有犹豫。 彷徨:走来走去,犹豫不决,不知往哪个方向去。此句指犹豫不决,故选用彷徨沉淀: 溶液中难溶解的固体物质从溶液中析出。比喻凝聚,积累。积淀:积累沉淀。沉淀多形容情感,而积淀多形容文化、知识、经验、素质等。此句指所积累沉淀下来的文化,故选用积淀璀璨:主要是形容光彩夺目,非常绚丽的人或事物。斑斓:色彩错杂灿烂的样子,又指生活多姿多彩。此句指波光色彩灿烂,故选用斑斓



Soccer is an extremely popular sport through most of the world. However, as with anything thatpeople feel over interested in, strong feelingssometimes get out of hand. English fans have beenknownfor quarrelling endlessly and even fighting inthe stands. Several violent actions in a game between Argentina and Chile in 1964 resulted in the death of 309 people. But up until now at least, there has been onlyone soccer war.

The war took place between EL Salvador andHonduras, two Central American countries. Theyear was 1969, and for many years the Salvador

economy had been in a frightening condition: toomany people with too little land and too few jobscreated a situation of terrible poverty. As a result,many poor Salvador had been secretly crossing intoHonduras looking for work, and later they formed astrong sense that they were mistreated there. Sounfriendly feelings were already very strong at thebeginning of a World Cup match between the twocountries.

The first game of the three-game play-off washeld in Honduras, and the home team got a win by l:O in the last minute of play. Fighting broke outafterward in the streets, and the stadium was set onfire. The second game was played in EL Salvador,and the EL Salvador team won. More violence andfire followed. By the time the third game was playedin Mexico City, an actual war appeared certain by allmeans. And that is exactly what happened.Immediately after EL Salvador's close victory, armiesbegan marching along the border of the twocountries. Then EL Salvador attacked Honduras andbombed its airport. The war was over in less than aweek, but ill feelings "_____" between the twocountries.

【1】 What's the best title for the passage?



【2】 What does the author seem to suggest according to the second paragraph?



【3】 How does the writer develop the first paragraph?



【4】 Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words. )



【5】 Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.



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