

A久负盛名 没精打采 各行其是 察言观色

B苹水相逢 叶嫩花初 迷迷糊糊 春华秋实

C荡舟心许 无福消受 哀声叹气 世外桃园

D蓊蓊郁郁 行迹可疑 隐隐约约 轻描淡写




【题目】Among growing concerns about rising food prices and global warming, many Americans are taking a closer look at what they do and dont eat.

Research in the US estimates that at least 14 percent of purchased food ends up in the garbage.Some way view this as a call to return to theclean your plate atiitude, which was popularized in the mid-twentieth century, but this would be unwise.With a rising overweight population and a growing national health crisis, it’s time for a new approach.Instead,we should view these figures as motivation to reduce waste,cut grocery costs and maintain our health by shopping and eating smarter.

Food waste reportedly makes up about 12 percent of waste material.Aside from the costly operation budgets of the equipment,the environment is paying the real price.As organic material(like vegetables,fruits and grains)decompose in the garbage,they release the greenhouse gas methane(甲烷)into the environment.

In fact,garbage is the largest source of methane emissions(散发)in the US.While composting plant food, which does not produce methane,is one solution,strategies for wasting less food shoule also be explored.

According to a survey in the UK,one major source of food waste is over shopping.Buying more food than we need is easy to do when we shop without a list or when buy one,get one freeoffers tempt us to put food that will often go to waste into our shopping baskets.

The solution: shop smarter.Check your refrigerator to see what needs to be used or frozen before it becomes bad.Check your calendar to see if there are meals that you know you will be eating away from home.

Before you go to the store,decide how many days worth of food you need.Then ,take a few minutes to prepare a shopping list.Don’t make things different—no need to decide what will be served each dayjust plan enough breakfast,lunch and dinner meals to last until your next grocery run.

【1】 How does food waste influence the environment?

A.It makes up about 12 percent of waste materials

B.It costs a great deal to operate the equipment

C.It contains organic materials

D.It release the greenhouse gas

【2】 How many solutions are mentioned to solve the food garbage problem?





【3】 What can we know according to Paragraph 5?

A.We usually buy some unnecessary food.

B.We tend to buy a lot of food that we cant afford.

C.We usually buy one thing and are given one more for free.

D.We get the free food and soon throw it into the garbage

【4】 The purpose of writing this passage is to ___.

A.tell us what healthy foods should be bought

B.remind us to eat smarter to provide energy for our body

C.advise us to check our refrigerator before eating out

D.expect us to make efforts to avoid food waste

【题目】Gregory Anderson, a specialist on endangered languages, once said, "Language is in many ways a window to the mind. What these languages contain are all kinds of ways that we organize the world. Languages reflect a different historical contact with other groups. And, for people who have no written history, language can be one of the ways to get the history just by looking carefully at the different parts in the language."

However, over half of the world's seven thousand languages are in danger of disappearing, and every two weeks one language disappears. One of the most endangered languages is called Siletz Dee-ni, a language from the northwestern part of the United States.

It was spoken on the Siletz reservation (居留地), where the tribe lives on a protected area within the state of Oregon. The reservation was created in the 19th century to hold people from 27 different native groups. The groups spoke different languages, so they developed Chinook Jargon. With its increased use as well as the use of English, the number of people speaking their native languages became smaller. Today, only one person on the reservation speaks Siletz Dee-ni.

Bringing back endangered languages is not easy, but it is very important. One example of this is taking place in the American state of Hawaii. Hawaii became a part of the United States in 1898. English became the official language of Hawaii. Slowly, fewer and fewer young natives learned to speak Hawaiian fluently. The language began to disappear.

In 1986, fewer than fifty children in Hawaii could speak their native language. That same year, the language ban (禁令) was removed because of strong disagreements from native groups. The Hawaiian language began to be taught again in schools. Today, about 2,000 children speak Hawaiian. Also, families now speak Hawaiian with their children at home. Anyway, it is up to the children to keep the language alive.

【1】 The author wrote the first paragraph to ________.

A. tell us that many languages are disappearing

B. tell us the importance of language

C. encourage us to be interested in studying language

D. tell us the characteristics of language

【2】 The underlined part "Chinook Jargon" in the third paragraph must be ________.

A. a hand sign B. a language

C. a language school D. a language textbook

【3】 After Hawaii became an American state, ________.

A. its culture was completely mixed with the American culture

B. all Hawaiian people got interested in learning English

C. Hawaiian was forbidden to be taught in the local schools

D. Hawaiian people created another language of their own

【4】 From the last paragraph we can infer that _________.

A. Hawaiian will become the official language in Hawaii soon

B. protecting the Hawaiian language is the biggest concern of the local people

C. parents play the most important role in protecting the Hawaiian language

D. more Hawaiian people have realized the value of their own language

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