

A左右欲相如 刃:杀

B赵王 鼓:击鼓

C相如召赵御史书曰 顾:回头

D相如车避匿 引:调转




【题目】(1)Around 15 million of us will leave a cup of tea to go cold today while a similar amount will forget where they put the keys to their house or car. Meanwhile, 12 million people will go to the shops only to completely forget what they went for according to research carried out by the National-Lottery.co.uk.

(2) Passwords and chores such as taking food out of the freezer the night before and charging the mobile phone also featured highly on the list. And more than one in ten admits forgetting to buy a lottery ticket which may have cost them a win.

(3) The study also found men are more likely to ___________, even though women generally have more to remember. Busy modern lifestyle, increased workloads and pressures as well as modern technology were to blame for the increase in our levels of forgetfulness.

(4) A National Lottery spokesman said, “The British are more hectic than ever in their work and personal lives and it seems we just have too much to remember for our crowded minds.”

(5) The study found that the technology boom has also played a part, leaving us with more devices than ever before to plug in and charge or take care of.

(6) Despite work pressures it is within the home environment where most things are forgotten, such as credit card payments, children’s school events or food related things.

(7) The study found one in four people have missed an important appointment and nearly one in five have fallen out with a friend over a forgotten date or event. The research also found that despite the number of things people forget only one in four people actually admit to being forgetful.

(8) Women performed much better than men in the report, failing to recall an average of 2.5 things every day compared to 3.5 things for men.

【1】How does the author introduce the topic of the text?(no more than 5 words)


【2】 List at least three things that people often forget based on the passage.(within 15 words)

(1) _______________________________________________________________



【3】 Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (within 5 words)


【4】 Which sentence in this passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

The researchers discovered that only a quarter of people acknowledge that they have a bad memory even though they forget to do lots of things.


【5】 What would be the best title for the passage?(within 10 words)







(1)且相如素贱人 贱人:____________

(2)不欲与廉颇争列 争列:____________

(3)臣等不肖,请辞去 不肖:____________

(4)宣言曰:“我见相如,必辱之。” 宣言:____________


A而蔺相如以口舌为劳 见欺

B相如车避匿 赵使者蔺相如

C臣所以亲戚而事君者 左右或欲引相如

D吾念之,强秦之所以不敢加兵于赵者 相如召赵御史书曰


A璧归赵 B不知将军之至此也

C国家之急而后私仇也 D左右欲相如








A①②④③⑤⑥ B①③⑤②④⑥ C①②③④⑤⑥ D①③④②⑤⑥




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